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Challenges of a Zika virus vaccine development. Kaoutar AKOUH , Séverine BERARD, Chaïma MRIZAK M2 AREIPS - 27/ 02/2017. Introduction. Many rare but potentially very dangerous diseases or emerging infections regularly breaking out
Challenges of a Zika virus vaccine development Kaoutar AKOUH, Séverine BERARD, Chaïma MRIZAKM2 AREIPS - 27/02/2017
Introduction • Many rare but potentially very dangerous diseases or emerging infections regularly breaking out • Endemic disease, from the Greek “endêmon nosêma”: disease rooted in a particular ecosystem • Endemic diseases are still a public health problem: Malaria, HIV / AIDS, Yellow fever, Dengue and Zika • Obstacle = Absence of effective antiviral drugs and vaccines against emerging viral diseases
Zika virus > Description and pathology Zikavirus vaccine> Preclinicaldevelopment> Clinicaldevelopment> Regulatoryevaluation and strategy
Zika virus - Structure ZIKV: member of the Flavivirusgenus in the familyFlaviviridae➔ RNA virus, icosahedral and enveloped Campos GS, Bandeira AC, Sardi SI. (2015) Zika virus outbreak, Bahia, Brazil. CDC Emerging Infectious Diseases
Zika virus - Genomestructure • non-segmented, single-stranded, positive sense RNA genome • ZIKV genome encodes for a polyproteinwith :> 3 structural proteins> 7 nonstructuralproteins Faye et al. 2014 : ZIKV: recombination in nature ⇒ loss of the N-linked glycosylation site (protein E) ⇒ adaptationresponse to the Aedesdalzielivector ⇒ enzootic ⇒ Many hosts Blazquez et al.,2016; Faye et al. 2014)
Zika virus - Transmission cycle Aedes aegypti et albopictus Arbovirus (Blazquez et al.,2016)
ZIKV : 1st discovered in a monkey in the Zika Forest of Uganda HistoricalbackgroundofZika 1947 • At least 14 human cases (Southeast Asia and Africa) • Other cases : likely to have occurred but not reported? Before 2007 • ZIKV: 1st detected outside of Asia and Africa ==> causing the 1st large outbreak ever reported (Yap) 2007 • Emerged as a new public health threat that caused a large outbreak in French Polynesia 2013 2014 • Explosive outbreak in Brazil 2015 2015 Calvet, Santos et al. 2016; http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/zika/fr/
Where has Zika been found? • Before 2015, Zikaoutbreaksoccurred in Africa, SoutheastAsia, and the Pacific Islands. • Currentlyoutbreaks are occurring in many countries and territories.
Clinical features If there are clinical manifestation : mild and self-limiting
Zikaand pregnancy • Brazil has confirmed far more malformations of the brain in babies born to mothers who were infected with Zika than any other country. ⇒ ZIKV can pass from a pregnant woman to her fetus during pregnancy or around the time of birth • Brazil: > 50% are avoiding getting pregnant because of ZIKV Now: no trimesterknown to be absent of risk for congenital ZIKV syndrome Eppes et al. Fev 2017; https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/22/half-adult-women-brazil-pregnancy-zika-virus-survey
Neurologicaland Congenital Zika Syndrome • Increased incidence of microcephaly> in neonatesfrominfectedmothers > Detection ofspecific IgG AB in maternalserumsamples:important approach for diagnosis • 2 cases offoetalmicrocephaly> in womenreporting ZIKV-likesymptomsduringpregnancy> Further ZIKV detection by RT-PCR in amnioticfluid ⇒ Growingevidenceslinking ZIKV infection innewborns to> Guillain-Barré syndrome(Impairment of peripheral nerves characterized by a weakness or even a progressive paralysis)> Microcephaly Sumita, Rodrigues et al. 2016; Calvet, Santos et al. 2016, Oliveira Melo, Malinger et al. 2016
ZIKV infection : Diagnostic Screening for microcephaly is insufficient: >> Multiple malformations: may not entail microcephaly>> Neuronal death may occur over time and microcephaly will be observed with age ⇒ we should test and not just screen for microcephaly with ultrasound • Necessity of developing and implementingrapid, sensitive, and specific screening and diagnostic testing for bothviral detection and estimation of timing of exposure Eppes et al. Fev 2017
ZIKV infection : Diagnostic Surge in attempts to rapidlyadvanceperinatalclinicaltesting⇒ butongoinghindrances to molecular and sonographic-based screening and diagnosis of congenital ZIKV infection
ZIKV: a public threat Collaboration for the rapiddevelopmentof a safe and effective vaccine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4973112/
Target Product Profile - TPP • Preferred and minimal product characteristics for a vaccine targeted to the proposed priority population during outbreaks situations. • Specifically intended for ZIKV vaccines in the context of an ongoing epidemic or an imminent outbreak of ZIKV.
Context of an Ongoing Outbreak • Preclinical & Clinicalstudiesconductedin parallel ⇨Accelerate the development • Numerousearlydevelopmentactivitiesin parallelwith the clinicalevaluation ⇨ Accelerate the production process Many vaccine candidates fail to transition frompreclinical to clinicaltestingbecause of a lack of soundmanufacturingcapabilities. Source : « Meeting Report : WHO consultation on considerations for regulatory expectations of ZVV for use during an emergency »
Vaccinal Agent • Effective vaccines developedagainstotherFlaviviruses ⇨ probability of technical & regulatorysuccess • 2 geneticlineages (african & asian) but only1 serotype ⇨ monovalent vaccine wouldbesufficient
Vaccine platforms Source : Zika Virus: Immunity and Vaccine Development- Cell 167, October 20, 2016 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Animal Studies • Preclinical development investigates vaccine safety, immunogenicity and potential efficacyin animal models. • Mouse and nonhuman primate ZIKV disease models • Mechanisms of immune enhancement and the potential association with severe Zika outcomes are being explored • in vitro and in animal models Source :Fast Track ZV development – Is it possible? NEJM 375;13 September 29,2016
Zika animal models Balb/c mice • robust ZIKV replication : viremia observed ⇒ measurable infection • magnitude and duration of the viremia similar to that observed in human infection ⇒ promisingmodels for vaccine testing ⇒ assessment of immunogenicity Zika virus animal models, Suitability for vaccine testing, National institute of health
Zika animal models Rhesus macaques • Susceptible to infection by an Asian-lineage ZIKV. >> detectable virus in the blood, saliva, urine and CSF • Infection in non-pregnant macaques >> mild/asymptomatic (plasma viremialasts ⋍10 days) • infection of pregnantmacaques : >> mothersremainhealthythroughout the pregnancy >> fetusesfrom 1st trimester infections are smallerthan the average ⇒promisingmodels for vaccine testing ⇒ assessment of immunogenicity ⇒ severeoutcomes Zika virus animal models, Suitability for vaccine testing, National institute of health
Plasmid DNA vaccine : construction • prM-Envalreadyused for YF, dengue • DNA vaccine expressing ZIKV pre-membrane and envelope (prM-Env) https://france.promega.com/resources/pubhub/inspiration/zika-perspectives-responses/
Plasmid DNA vaccine : preclinical development in mice
Plasmid DNA vaccine : immunogenicity in Balb/c mice • ZIKV prM-Env immunogens • Deletion mutants : lacking prM and/or lacking the transmembrane region or the full system of Env • To assess the immunogenicity : • Groups of Balb/c mice (n=5-10/group) : single dose of 50 µg of each DNA vaccine by the IM route at week 0. • Env-specific antibody responses evaluated at week 3 by ELISA. a, Schema of ZIKV prM-Env immunogens and deletion mutants. RA Larocca et al. Vaccine Protection against Zika Virus from Brazil. Nature DOI: 10.1038/nature18952 (2016).
Plasmid DNA vaccine :immunogenicity in Balb/c mice • prM-Env vaccine induces ZIKV-specificneutralizingantibodies ⇒ cells infection inhibited RA Larocca et al. Vaccine Protection against Zika Virus from Brazil. Nature DOI: 10.1038/nature18952 (2016).
Plasmid DNA vaccine :protective efficacy in Balb/c mice Infection of vaccinated and sham control Balb/c mice, week 4, IV route, 10^5 viral particles Shamcontrolmice : 6 days of detectableviremia , meanpeak viral load on day 3 DNA prM-Envvaccinatedmice : no detectableviraemiaatany time point http://www.medicalbiochemist.com/2016/08/zikavaccine.html
Plasmid DNA vaccine : CD4 and CD8 depletion in prM-Env vaccinated mice Depletion of CD4 and CD8 T Lymphocytes in vaccinatedmice : protection maintained ⇒ humoral immune response RA Larocca et al. Vaccine Protection against Zika Virus from Brazil. Nature DOI: 10.1038/nature18952 (2016).
Plasmid DNA vaccine : preclinical development in rhesus macaque
Plasmid DNA vaccine : immunogenicity in rhesus macaques Immunization of 12 monkeyswith 5 mg of DNA vaccine (expressingprM-E) atweeks 0 and 4. DNA prM-ENv vaccine inducedZIKV-specificneutralizingantibodiestiters in all animalsafter the week 4 boostimmunization (only minimal MN50 titersdetectedafter the initial priming immunization).
Plasmid DNA vaccine : protective efficacy in rhesus macaques Rhesusmonkeysvaccinatedwith the DNA prM-Env vaccine or sham vaccinechallenged by SC route with10^6 viral particles. Complete protection (no viral load) for rhesusmonkeysvaccinated DNA vaccine.
Purified inactivated virus vaccine : immunogenicity in mice Balb/c mice : single immunizationof 1µg of the PIV vaccine, withalum or alumalone (IM and SC routes). => Antibodytitershigher in the group PIV vaccine by IM route PIV vaccine by both routes alsoinduce ZIKV-specificneutralizingantibodies RA Larocca et al. Vaccine Protection against Zika Virus from Brazil. Nature DOI: 10.1038/nature18952 (2016).
Purified inactivated virus vaccine : protective efficacy in mice Atweek 4 : all micewere IV challengedwith ZIKV-BR. ⇒Complete protection in the PIV vaccine group by IM route. RA Larocca et al. Vaccine Protection against Zika Virus from Brazil. Nature DOI: 10.1038/nature18952 (2016).
Inactivated virus vaccine : preclinical development in rhesus monkeys
Purified inactivated vaccine : immunogenicity in rhesus monkeys Development of ZIKV Env-specificbindingantibodies and ZIKV neutralizingantibodies Immunization by SC route atweeks 0 and 4 ZIKV PIV vaccine + alum (n=8) Alumonly (sham vaccine; n=8) Sham control monkeys no specificantibody response
Purified inactivated vaccine :protective efficacy in rhesus monkeys Infection of PIV vaccinatedmonkeys and sham control monkeys SC route, 10^6 particles of ZIKV-BR or ZIKV-PR Viral loadsmeasured : PIV-vaccinatedmonkeys : no detectable virus in the samplescomparingwithshamcontrolsmonkeys.
Preclinical development : to conclude • Immunogenicity and protectedefficacyof the PIV vaccine and the DNA prM-Env vaccine in mice and monkeys. • Transfer of purified IgG fromvaccinatedmice or monkeys : passive protection. • No specificclinicalsafety adverse eventsrelated to the vaccine. • Robust protectionagainst ZIKV challenge using doses, routes, schedulesthat are typicallyevaluated in clinical trials.
Clinical Development Source : Vaccine Development for Zika Virus – Timelines and Strategies – Anna P.Durbin, MD
Primary Goal of vaccination • Prevention of Infection • Prevention of CongenitalZika Syndrome • Microcephaly+ seriousbrain anomalies in infants ⇨ Public Health Objective
Target Population Outbreaksetting ⇨ thoseathigherrisk in priority • Women of childbearingage • Perhapspregnantwomen in endemicareas. But : > Killedor subunitprotein vaccine only > Vaccination veryearly in pregnancy > Quick protective response > Minimum of doses (one) Source : Vaccine Development for Zika Virus – Timelines and Strategies – Anna P.Durbin, MD