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Foreign language teaching. Business Academy Ruzomberok Slovakia. Slovakia – a country in the heart of Europe. Ružomberok a small town in the north of Slovakia. Ruzomberok. Education system in Slovakia and foreign language teaching
Foreign language teaching BusinessAcademyRuzomberok Slovakia
Slovakia –a countryin theheartofEurope Ružomberok a smalltown in thenorthof Slovakia Ruzomberok
Educationsystem in Slovakia and foreignlanguageteaching Schoolingstarts in elementaryschoolsconsistingoftwostages: 1st1 - 4 grade 2nd5 – 9 grade - compulsorylearninga foreignlanguagefrom 5th gradeof elementaryschool - in 2007- New concept of teaching foreign languages in primary and secondaryschoolswasapproved by the goverment and introduced to schools in September 2008 - since2008teachingtwoforeignlanguages has beencompulsory 1thforeignlanguagefrom3thgradeand2ndforeignlanguage from6thgrade - 1stforeignlanguage – most ofallEnglish or German - 2ndforeignlanguage – English, German, Russian or French Afterfinishing9thgradepupils transfer toa secondaryschooloftheirchoicewhichcanlastfrom3 to 5 years
BusinessAcademy and foreignlanguages - a four-year secondary school which providesa completesecondary specialized education in the field of economic subjects, specialising in accounting (bookkeeping), economics and enterpreneurship - school was established in 1992 and the Russian language has been taught since 2004 - teaching foreign languages starts in 1st grade and finishes in the 4th grade by passing a school leaving exam calledMATURITA - pupils learn1st foreign language – Eng or Ger and2nd foreign language - Eng, Ger or Rus
Foreignlanguageteachers • 21teachersworkatschool, amongthem7teachersofforeignlanguages 5Englishteachers 3Germanteachers 1Russianteacher • twoteachersteach 2 foreignlanguages (Eng-Rus, Eng-Ger)
Englishtextbooks Textbook+ workbook + CD
Germantextbooks Textbook+ workbook + CD
Russiantextbooks Textbook+ workbook + CD
The Common European Framework of Reference • teaching 1st foreignlanguageisfinished in the 4th gradewith a schoolleavingexamcalled Maturita atthelevelB1/B2according to TheCommonEuropeanFrameworkofReferanceforTeachingLanguages • teaching2ndforeignlangugeisfinished in the4thgradeаt thelevelА2/B1, a schoolleavingexamisvoluntary
Eachpupil has a possibility to • choosethelevelofexaminationeither • B1 or a higherlevel B2 Schoolleavingexamfromforeinglanguages Maturita examconsistsoftwoparts: In 2004a RehearsalExaminationof a New Concept of School Leaving Examination was implemented
When teaching foreign languages we can use other computer classrooms Foreignlanguageclassrooms Four classrooms for teaching foreign languages: two classroom with a video- player, CD-player and maps two classrooms with an interactive board
Ourpupilstake part in languageolympiads Theschoolorganisesschoolrounds, thebestpupilsgo on to regionalrounds. Languagecompetitions - Olympiads Our achievements • 1st place in a regional • round of the German • language Olympiad • (2009) • 2nd place in a regional • round of the English • language Olympiad • (2007, 2010)
Schoolparticipation in projects • in 2006 four our pupils together with a teacher participated in a project in Ancara, Turkey which was called„Sports against xenofobia„ • in 2007 onepupil escorted by a teacher participated in a project called „Diversity is our strength" in Armenia Pupilsofourschooltake part in differentinternational projects
Participation in differentcompetitions Studentsofourschool are interested in eventstakingplaceintheEuropeanUnion and thereforetheyparticipate in differentcompetitionswithconcernofthelife in theEuropeanUnion. A rewardforthemisoftenastay in variouscountriesofEuropewheretheyhave a possibility to usetheirlanguageskills in practise. Тhat kind of the reward was a stay of two our students inStrassburg in 2008 or in German Weimar where a student of ours spent a week.