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Today’s Agenda

Today’s Agenda. Today’s Agenda. Polar Constellation Special Session Spacecraft Prioritization. Presented by: Renee SmithDearring NESDIS/OSPO Acting Engineering Branch Chief. Spacecraft Priorities.

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Today’s Agenda

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Today’s Agenda

  2. Today’s Agenda

  3. Polar Constellation Special SessionSpacecraft Prioritization Presented by: Renee SmithDearring NESDIS/OSPO Acting Engineering Branch Chief

  4. Spacecraft Priorities * This will be removed once the Decommissioning RF checking activity is completed - Tentatively 9 July 2014

  5. Priorities for Data and Transfers * Once the Decommissioning activities and confirmation is completed (~9 July 2014) NOAA-16 will no longer be support.

  6. Levels of Support per Spacecraft * Equates to 1/week for proficiency

  7. Back-up Slides

  8. Polar Operational Environmental Satellite (POES)Operational StatusJune 24, 2014

  9. Definition of Color Status

  10. Polar Payload Instrument Acronyms • AVHRR Advanced High Resolution Radiometer • HIRS High Resolution Infrared Radiometer • AMSU-A1 Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit • AMSU-A2 Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit • AMSU-B Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit • MHS Microwave Humidity Sounder • SEM Space Environment Monitor • SBUV Solar Back Scatter UV Spectral Radiometer • DCS Data Collection System • ADCS Advanced Data Collection System • SAR Search And Rescue: SARR and SARP 10

  11. Definition of Status Colors

  12. POES Spacecraft Status as of 6/24/2014

  13. POES Spacecraft Status as of 6/24/2014

  14. POES Spacecraft Status as of 6/24/2014

  15. POES Spacecraft Status as of 6/24/2014

  16. Cautionary Watch Items on Green Subsystemsas of 26 June 2014 Anything for SNPP?

  17. Wallops Reduced Staffing • Wallops CDA is reducing the staffing supporting POES • This is being done through attrition • Previous Staffing Level was 3 ppl/shift totaling 12 • Current level is 2 ppl/shift – only 6 full-time ppl remaining • Plan • 1 person per shift will be POES qualified but stationed in the GOES room who can address issues as time permits • LEO-T to be placed in the GOES room to monitor POES antennae

  18. Fairbanks As A Backup Site For NPP Compared NPP Contact Times Against 14 Days of Actual Fairbanks Scheduled Passes In The Period There were 7 Passes That Would Have Been Deleted To Accommodate NPP Had The Use Been Un-planned Most Cases It Was METOP-B, NOAA-19 and LDCM In Conflict Another Scenario was JASON-02, NOAA-15 and NOAA-18 When Barrow Comes On Line JASON will not interfere with NPP or Any Other Spacecraft If the Usage Is Planned the Secondary Spacecraft Contacts Can be Shifted to Avoid Conflicts

  19. Fairbanks Continued Depending on When Support is Needed Will Determine Conflicts Longest Conflict Period is METOP-B and NPP Which is 25.1 days NPP/NOAA-15 is 8.5 Days NPP/NOAA-18 and 19 is 6.5 days NPP/JASON02 is 4.3 Revs

  20. Check Primary Instrument Comparison SNPP & NOAA-19

  21. Orphaned Instrument SNPP & NOAA-19 Check

  22. POES Shunt Degradation (1 of 2) • Shunt degradation is reflected by the slow response time, an anomaly primarily due to aging • Shunts are unable to nominally dissipate excess solar array current • Results in an increase in the frequency and size of spikes on the bus voltage • Management of the spacecraft load and solar array current is vital to maintaining operations • Offset the array to reduce the amount of current produced from the array • Adjust the battery charging concept to help the batteries provide a larger current draw from the spacecraft

  23. NOAA-19 Shunt Degradation (2 of 2)

  24. POES Transmitters Configuration * Once the Decommissioning activities and confirmation is completed (~9 July 2014) NOAA-16 will no longer be support.

  25. NOAA Beacon Selection BTX-1 137.35 MHz BTX-2 137.77 MHz * Once the Decommissioning activities and confirmation is completed (~9 July 2014) NOAA-16 will no longer be support.

  26. Priorities for Data and Transfers * Once the Decommissioning activities and confirmation is completed (~9 July 2014) NOAA-16 will no longer be support.

  27. NOAA POLAR Constellation MeetingNSOF Room 200526 June 20141 – 4 pm ESTDial In Number:1-877-939-9523 Code:7017055# On the day of the meeting and at about 10 AM, briefing materials will be posted online at: ftp://ftp.osd.noaa.gov/public/Presentations/POES/Constellation/June 2014

  28. Constellation Meeting Agenda To be inserted

  29. SNPP Major Anomalies Block 2.0 Status

  30. POES Constellation System Level Events and Statuses March 2013 to present

  31. System Level Events / Statuses (1of 2) • NOAA-19

  32. System Level Events / Statuses(2 of 2) • NOAA-16

  33. Constellation Overview Agenda • Status of NOAA-19 • Summary of NOAA-16 Decommissioning Efforts • Ground Segment Significant Events • Other Significant Events in OSPO

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