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Inter American University of Puerto Rico Guayama Campus. Title V Cooperative Project Module: Articles A / An / The Prof. Marisol Piazza Aguirre. Instructions. Use the following buttons to navigate through this module: Use this button to move to the next slide.
Inter American University of Puerto RicoGuayama Campus Title V Cooperative Project Module: Articles A / An / The Prof. Marisol Piazza Aguirre
Instructions Use the following buttons to navigate through this module: Use this button to move to the next slide. Use this button to move to the previous slide. Use this button to move to the last viewed slide. Use this button to view the answer to the exercise.
Purpose This module proposes to expand the basic teaching-learning activities of English included in the Title V Cooperative Project: “Improving Academic Outcomes Through a Teaching-Based Consortium Program for the Core Curriculum”. The project is integrated by the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico in Ponce from where it is directed, the Arecibo, Mayagüez and Guayama Campuses, the School of Plastic Arts of Puerto Rico and Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Guayama Campus.
Introduction An important skill an ESL (English as a Second Language) student should master to communicate effectively in English orally as well as in written form is the use of the Indefinite Articles “A” and “An” and the Definite Article “The”. This module has been designed for all college students but specially for you students who are registered in the basic English as a Second Language I, GEEN 1101 course. In this module you will study and review the rules of how to use the Articles “A”, “An” and “The” correctly.
Objectives General Objective: By the end of this module, the student will develop confidence and demonstrate knowledge using the Indefinite Articles “A” and “An” and the Definite Article “The” in oral and written form according to the rules presented. Specific Objective: At the end of this module, the student will learn how to use the Indefinite Articles “A” and “An” and the Definite Article “The” orally and in written form to talk about different subjects.
Pre-Test Select the best answer. ___ 1. Most of my friends have ___ cell phone. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 2. ___ orange contains vitamin C. (A) A (B) An (C) The ___ 3. Today is a beautiful day. ___ sky is blue and the sun is shining. (A) A (B) An (C) The ___ 4. The Statue of Liberty is ___ historical monument in New York. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 5. ___ books are on the tea table in the living room. (A) a (B) an (C) the
Pre-Test ___ 6. I do not need ____ expensive car. I just need a good car. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 7. Miguel didn’t say ____ word during or after class. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 8. ____ cash machine (ATM) at the Mall is out of order. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 9. Helen isn’t ____ honest person. She talks about everyone. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___10. The children didn’t eat ____ spinach. (A) a (B) an (C) the
Pre-Test ___ 11. Do you have ____ savings account ? (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 12. Could you please pass me ____ sugar? (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 13. Does Henry have ____ interesting job at the hotel? (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 14. Is there ____ letter in the mail for me? (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 15. Can you please answer ____ telephone? (A) a (B) an (C) the
Pre-Test ___ 16. A: Where is ____ nearest bank in this area? B: The nearest bank is on Roosevelt Road. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 17. A: Who is Julia Roberts? B: She is ____ American actress. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 18. A: Why is it important to have ____ passport? B: A passport is required to go to almost every part of the world. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 19. A: When does ____ last flight to Orlando, Florida leave? B: The last flight leaves at 9:45 pm. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 20. A: How much does ____ money order cost? B: It depends on the amount of the money order. (A) a (B) an (C) the
Pre-Test Answer Key 1. A 11. A 2. B 12. C 3. C 13. B 4. A 14. A 5. C 15. C 6. B 16. C 7. A 17. B 8. C 18. A 9. B 19. C 10. C 20. A
Pre-Test Evaluation Total Correct Answers: 20 Excellent: Go to the Post Test. 19 Very Good: Review the incorrect answer and go to the Post Test. 18-12 Good: Review the incorrect answers, study the rules presented in this module, do the practice exercises and then go to the Post Test. 11 or You Need More Practice: Study the module, review the less rules carefully and do the practice exercises. When you improve your score, you may go to the Post Test.
Uses of Articles A / An / The • To make a generalization: Singular: A doghas good hearing. Anapple is a nutritious fruit. Plural: Dogs have good hearing. Apples are nutritious fruits. • To introduce a new noun into the conversation: Singular: I have a dog. Plural: I have two dogs. • To talk about a previously mentioned noun: Singular: I have a dog. Thedog barks when the mail carrier arrives. Plural: I have two dogs. I keep thedogs in the yard.
Uses of Articles A / An / The • To talk about specific items or people from our experience: Singular: The janitor cleans the classroom every day. Plural: Thestudents have to organize their work area. • To talk about the only one: Singular: The President lives in Washington, D.C. Plural: TheStatue of Liberty is in New York.
Rules for Indefinite Articles A / An • Use articles a or an to classify or define the subject of the sentence. • Use articles a and an in front of a singular count noun. • Articles a and an mean “un” or “una” in Spanish. Examples: a computer (una computadora) anapartment (un apartamento) • When we classify a plural subject, we do not use articles a or an.
Rules for Indefinite Articles A /An • Use article a when the singular subject begins with a consonant. Examples: astudent (un estudiante) a house (una casa) a lion (un león) a car (un carro) a river (un río) a baby (un bebé) adollar (un dólar) amagazine (una revista) afriend (un amigo/una amiga) etc… • Use article an when the singular subject begins with vowels a, e, ior o. Examples: ananecdote (una anécdota) anelevator (un elevador) an idea (una idea) anorchestra (una orquesta)
Rules for Indefinite Articles A / An • Use article an if a subject that begins with “u” has a vowel sound. Examples: anuncle (un tío) anumbrella (un paraguas) an umpire (un árbitro) an undergraduate (un estudiante universitario) anusher (un ujier) anuntruth (una mentira) • Use article a if a subject that begins with “u” has a long /yu/ sound. Examples: auniversity (una universidad) aunit (una unidad) a utensil (un utensilio) aunion (una unión) aU-turn (un cambio de sentido, un viraje en U)
Rules for Indefinite Articles A / An • In some words that begin with “h” the “h” is not pronounced. Instead, the word begins with a vowel sound, in this case use an. Examples: anhour (una hora) an honor (un honor) • In most words that begin with “h” the “h” is pronounced. Use a if the “h” is pronounced. Examples: a house (una casa) ahamburger (una hamburguesa) ahotel (un hotel) ahandbag (un bolso / una cartera) ahospital (un hospital) ahurricane (un huracán) etc…
Rules for Indefinite Articles A / An • Use a if there is an adjective that begins with a consonant before a singular subject. *Do not use a if the adjective begins with a vowel. Example #1: a man (man► singular subject that begins with consonant m ) atall man (tall► adjective that begins with consonant t ) Exception: anattractive man (attractive► adjective that begins with vowel a ) Example #2: adog (dog► singular subject that begins with consonant d ) a fierce dog (fierce► adjective that begins with consonant f ) Exception: anobedient dog (obedient► adjective that begins with vowel o )
Rules for Indefinite Articles A / An • Use an if there is an adjective that begins with a vowel before a singular subject. *Do not use an if the adjective begins with a consonant. Example #1: anidea (idea► singular subject that begins with vowel i ) anexcellent idea (excellent► adjective that begins with vowel e ) Exception: agood idea (good► adjective that begins with consonant g ) Example #2: anapartment (apartment► singular subject that begins with vowel a ) an immaculate apartment (immaculate► adjective that begins with vowel i ) Exception: a comfortable apartment (comfortable► adjective that begins with consonant c )
Rules for Indefinite Articles A / An • Use a with non-count nouns only to express a specific quantity. Some Examples: a glass of juice (un vaso de jugo) a cup of coffee (unataza de café) apiece of pie (unpedazo de pastel) aslice of cheese (unarébanada de queso) agallon of milk (ungalón de leche) a bag of rice (unabolsa de arroz) a pound of meat (unalibra de carne) abar of soap (unabarra de jabón) asheet of paper (unahoja de papel) ameter of sand (unmetro de arena) etc…
Rules for Definite Article “The” • The is the definite article. You can use the before singular count nouns, plural count nouns, and non-count nouns. Examples: The hat is red. (hat► singular count noun) The hats are red. (hats► plural count noun) The coffee is hot. (coffee► non-count noun) • Use the for specific things that the listener and speaker know about. Examples: A: How was the test? B: It was easy. A: Would you like to read the newspaper? B: Yes, thanks.
Rules for Definite Article “The” • Use the when the speaker and listener know there is only one of the item. Example: A: Is there a cafeteria in this university? B: Yes, the cafeteria is on the third floor. • Use the when you are talking about part of a group. Example: Meat is usually expensive, but the meat at Mike’s Butcher Shop is cheap and delicious.
Rules for Definite Article “The” • Use the when you talk about something for the second time. Example: A: What did you buy? B: A pair of jeans and some blouses. The jeans were on sale, but the blouses were at regular price. • Use the before the plural name of a whole family. Example: The Johnsons live in San Francisco, California.
Rules for Definite Article “The” • Use the before: unique geographical points► the North Pole places considered a union► the United States place names► the Republic of China sections of a piece of land► the Southeast of Puerto Rico mountain ranges► the Rocky Mountains collectives of islands► the Canary Islands deserts► the Sahara Desert oceans► the Atlantic Ocean seas► the Caribbean Sea rivers► the Mississippi River canals► the Panama Canal
Rules for Definite Article “The” collectives of lakes► the Great Lakes the university of____► the University of Illinois well-known buildings► the Empire State Building statues► the Statue of Liberty towers► the Eiffel Tower bridges► the San Francisco Bridge zoos► the San Diego Zoo ships► the Titanic titles without a name► the Pope, the Queen newspapers► the San Juan Star the day of (month)► the Fourth of July etc…
Rules for Definite Article “The” • Use the with phrases with of when there is only one of the item that follows the. Examples: Paris is the capital of France. I attended the University of Michigan. • Use the with certain familiar places and people when we refer to the one that we usually use. Examples: the bank the supermarket the beach the park the doctor the teacher the movies etc…
Practice Exercises Select the best answer. ___ 1. I’m thirsty. I would like ___ bottle of water. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 2. ___ governorof California is Arnold Schwarzenegger. (A) A (B) An (C) The ___ 3. Sarah needs ___ hour to get ready for school. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 4. I bought a watch. ___ watch has a ten year warranty. (A) A (B) An (C) The ___ 5. Mr. Betancourt works in ___ university in Chicago. (A) a (B) an (C) the
Practice Exercises ___ 6. Mrs. Rivera is not a Spanish teacher; she is ___ English teacher. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 7. The children ate the fruit, but they did not eat ___ vegetables. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 8. There isn’t ___ parking space left at the football stadium. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 9. I do not have ___ checking account, but I have a savings account. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___10. Babysitting is not ___ easy job, moreover, it requires great responsibility. (A) a (B) an (C) the
Practice Exercises ___ 11. A: Does Roger live in ___ apartment or in a house? B: He lives in a studio apartment. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 12. A: Excuse me. Is there ___ gas station nearby? B: Yes, there is a gas station two blocks from here. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 13. A: Did you order ___ pizza? B: Yes, I did. You are invited to eat. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 14. A: Do ___ flowers look vivid and smell fresh? B: Yes, they do. They arrived yesterday. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 15. A: Can you lend me ___ umbrella? B: I’m sorry the only umbrella that I have is broken. (A) a (B) an (C) the
Practice Exercises ___ 16. A: Where is ___ ladies room? B: It is down the hall to the left. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 17. A: What do you do? B: I am ___ architect. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 18. A: What does Alexandra do? B: She is ___ teller at the bank. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 19. A: How much longer do you need to use ___ computer? B: Just five more minutes, then you can use it. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 20. A: When will there be ___ opera at the theater? B: Next Friday at 7:30 p.m. (A) a (B) an (C) the
Practice Exercise Answer Key 1. A 11. B 2. C 12. A 3. B 13. A 4. C 14. C 5. A 15. B 6. B 16. C 7. C 17. B 8. A 18. A 9. A 19. C 10. B 20. B
Practice Exercise Evaluation Total Correct Answers: 20 Excellent: Go to the Post Test. 19 Very Good: Review the incorrect answer and go to the Post Test. 18-12 Good: Review the incorrect answers, consult the module again and then go to the Post Test. 11 or You Need More Practice: Study the module, review the less rules carefully and do the practice exercises again. When you understand the rules and improve your score, you may go to the Post Test.
Post Test Select the best answer. ___ 1. Most of my friends have ___ cell phone. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 2. ___ orange contains vitamin C. (A) A (B) An (C) The ___ 3. Today is a beautiful day. ___ sky is blue and the sun is shining. (A) A (B) An (C) The ___ 4. The Statue of Liberty is ___ historical monument in New York. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 5. ___ books are on the tea table in the living room. (A) a (B) an (C) the
Post Test ___ 6. I do not need ____ expensive car. I just need a good car. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 7. Miguel didn’t say ____ word during or after class. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 8. ____ cash machine (ATM) at the Mall is out of order. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 9. Helen isn’t ____ honest person. She talks about everyone. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___10. The children didn’t eat ____ spinach. (A) a (B) an (C) the
Post Test ___ 11. Do you have ____ savings account ? (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 12. Could you please pass me ____ sugar? (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 13. Does Henry have ____ interesting job at the hotel? (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 14. Is there ____ letter in the mail for me? (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 15. Can you please answer ____ telephone? (A) a (B) an (C) the
Post Test ___ 16. A: Where is ____ nearest bank in this area? B: The nearest bank is on Roosevelt Road. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 17. A: Who is Julia Roberts? B: She is ____ American actress. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 18. A: Why is it important to have ____ passport? B: A passport is required to go to almost every part of the world. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 19. A: When does ____ last flight to Orlando, Florida leave? B: The last flight leaves at 9:45 pm. (A) a (B) an (C) the ___ 20. A: How much does ____ money order cost? B: It depends on the amount of the money order. (A) a (B) an (C) the
Post Test Answer Key • A 11. A • B 12. C • C 13. B • A 14. A • C 15. C • B 16. C • A 17. B • C 18. A • B 19. C • C 20. A
Post Test Evaluation Total Correct Answers: 20 Excellent:Congratulations! You have successfully completed this module. You may work with a different module if necessary. 19 Very Good: Review the incorrect answer. You may work with a different module if necessary. 18-12 Good: Review the incorrect answers, review the areas of difficulty and take the Post Test again. 11 or You Need More Practice: I recommend that you review less the complete module and take the Post Test again.
Letter to the Student Congratulations ! You have completed the module on Indefinite Articles “A” and “An” and Definite Article “The”. If you really understand all of the rules and examples presented, you can work with a different module depending on your needs. However, if you still have some questions concerning the rules, I advise you to review this module again or visit the Language Laboratory, Room B-6 and ask for help before studying a different module. Remember you learn by practicing, therefore use the Indefinite and Definite Articles in your daily conversations and written work.