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Discovering the Essence of Architecture: Form Follows Function

Explore the fundamental principles of architecture through a journey of art, design, and function. Learn how ideas materialize into physical structures using subtractive processes, volumetric collisions, and organic forms. Delve into the concept of form following function and the artistry of Frank Lloyd Wright, Henry Moore, and more. Discover the beauty of architecture as a living, breathing work of art that engages the senses and shapes our environment.

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Discovering the Essence of Architecture: Form Follows Function

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Design Arch 10 Mount San Antonio College

  2. What is Architecture?

  3. Painting is an work of Art that you walk up to and engage Leonardo DaVinci / Mona Lisa

  4. Sculpture is an work of art that one walk around to engage Henry Moore / Large Reclining Figure

  5. Architecture is a work of Art that one walks through to engage Frank Lloyd Wright Guggenheim NY

  6. Most buildings try to be ECONONICAL and FUNCTIONALfollowing the credo ofFORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION

  7. …with really bad results

  8. Bubble Diagram

  9. Make it into a Box

  10. Extrude it up and put a roof on it!

  11. Voila!!! Decorate with windows, doors, and other “accents and ornamentation”

  12. Spanish Mediterranean?

  13. Tudor?

  14. and any other monstrosities

  15. Louis Sullivan“Father of the Skyscrapers” “Form ever follows function”

  16. Leaf (propagation of species)

  17. Flowers & Insects

  18. Orchids

  19. Animal

  20. Fish

  21. Machine • Cold War era Submarines • Shaped to glide through water with least resistance • Awkward when sailing on surface

  22. World War II era submarines • Previous generation submarines were designed as boats that occasionally submerged. Hence, its ultimate form.

  23. Too far? Toyota Prius Chevy Volt

  24. Form Follows Idea Thom Mayne Cal Trans District 7 HQ

  25. 2-4-6-8 House

  26. John Lautner Chemosphere House

  27. Arch 10 @ Mt SAC Our goal for this class Gain the knowledge to conceive and build ideas into physical form.

  28. Formal Methods • Subtractive Process • Volumetric Collisions • Folded Space/Mapping/Envelope • Distorted Planes / Typology / Sequence of space • Polygonal forms/Triangulation • Organic Forms & Lofting

  29. Subtractive Process

  30. Volumetric Collision

  31. Triangulation and Polygons

  32. Folded Space

  33. Distorted Planes

  34. Organic forms

  35. Concepts Ideas become Built Form

  36. Swing of a golf club… used as metaphor for a golf club Movement, rhythm of walking, swing of the club Action as metaphor Chiba Golf Club, Morphosis

  37. Imagery as metaphor Sails of a tall ship IAC Building, FOG

  38. Natural phenomenon as metaphor Building the sky BMW Welt, Coop Himmelb(l)au

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