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Reliable Server Pooling Implementations

Aron Silverton ( Aron.J.Silverton@Motorola.com ) & Michael Tuexen ( tuexen@fh-muenster.de ) IETF 63 Paris, France 2005-08-01. Reliable Server Pooling Implementations. Agenda. Protocol Implementations University of Essen-Duisburg & University of Applied Sciences-Muenster

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Reliable Server Pooling Implementations

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  1. Aron Silverton (Aron.J.Silverton@Motorola.com) & Michael Tuexen (tuexen@fh-muenster.de) IETF 63 Paris, France 2005-08-01 Reliable Server PoolingImplementations

  2. Agenda • Protocol Implementations • University of Essen-Duisburg & University of Applied Sciences-Muenster • Motorola, Inc. – Two implementations • Tool Support • Ethereal • RSerPool Interoperability • Comments and Discussion 2005-08-01 RSerPool Implementations 2

  3. Universities of Essen-Duisburg & Applied Sciences, Münster • Goal • Complete, open source, prototype implementation of the RSerPool architecture: the rsplib prototype. • Status • ASAP fully implemented • Pool policies implemented (draft-ietf-rserpool-policies-01.txt) • ENRP server with ENRP complete • Uses SCTP socket API • Example applications (echo service, graphics computation service) • Compliant with current drafts of ASAP, ENRP and Policies. 2005-08-01 RSerPool Implementations 3

  4. Universities of Duisburg-Essen & Applied Sciences, Münster (cont.) • Contact • Thomas Dreibholz, University of Duisburg-Essen at Essen, Germany • dreibh@exp-math.uni-essen.de • Michael Tüxen, University of Applied Sciences at Münster, Germany • tuexen@fh-muenster.de 2005-08-01 RSerPool Implementations 4

  5. Universities of Duisburg-Essen & Applied Sciences, Münster (cont.) • Links • For more information about the implementation, see • http://tdrwww.exp-math.uni-essen.de/dreibholz/rserpool/ and • http://www.sctp.de/rserpool.html • An introduction to the design and implementation of the rsplib prototype is available at • http://tdrwww.exp-math.uni-essen.de/dreibholz/rserpool/index.html 2005-08-01 RSerPool Implementations 5

  6. Motorola(1) • Goal • Full RSerPool implementation in a user-land library running on Linux, Solaris, and FreeBSD • Status • ASAP implemented (minus control channel, TCP or UDP support, multicast, weighted round robin, etc.) • ENRP Server (without ENRP, server announce, multicast, etc.) • Example application (registration test utility) • Uses open-source SCTP from www.sctp.org 2005-08-01 RSerPool Implementations 6

  7. Motorola(1) (cont.) • To Do • Support for kernel SCTP under Linux and FreeBSD • Implementation of ENRP with handlespace auditing and synchronization • Core functionality of all drafts 2005-08-01 RSerPool Implementations 7

  8. Motorola(1) (cont.) • Contact • Qiaobing Xie, Motorola, Inc., Networks Business Unit • qiaobing.xie@motorola.com • Links • None at this time 2005-08-01 RSerPool Implementations 8

  9. Motorola(2) • Goal • Model Driven Design - SDL • Verification and validation of the protocols (TTCN-3) • Migration from SDL to UML 2.0 desired • Automatic Code Generation • Proprietary C code generator for this project • Supports POSIX systems, but our models are optimized for Linux 2.6 • Non-distributable binaries for interoperability testing • Possible release of SDL models, MSCs and test cases 2005-08-01 RSerPool Implementations 9

  10. Motorola(2) (cont.) • Status • Most message/feature/procedure sets have been modeled in SDL • No Cookie or Business Card features • Validation of models using extensive bit state exploration and interactive simulation has been completed • Assumptions made and documented where drafts are unclear about behavior • Testing/Requirement MSCs have been captured • Completed test harness code generation (Solaris) for end to end system • Many comments submitted to the WG based on modeling discoveries • TTCN-3 test specifications in progress 2005-08-01 RSerPool Implementations 10

  11. Motorola(2) (cont.) • To Do • Complete UDP, TCP, SCTP transport interfacing • Complete TTCN-3 test case generation • Generate and test code (repeat, repeat, repeat) • Verification of data marshalling (encoding/decoding) operations • Verification of state machines • API extraction/generation from the models • Incorporate the use of a configuration file 2005-08-01 RSerPool Implementations 11

  12. Motorola(2) (cont.) • Timeline • Project shelved as of 7/2005 • Open-source models? 2005-08-01 RSerPool Implementations 12

  13. Motorola(2) (cont.) • Contact • Aron Silverton, Motorola Labs, Center for Networks and Systems Research • aron.j.silverton@motorola.com • Links • If and when SDL is released publicly 2005-08-01 RSerPool Implementations 13

  14. Ethereal Packet Sniffer • Version 0.10.12 supports version 09 of ASAP, 09 of ENRP and version 06 of the common parameters. • The next version will support the latest version. • Contact • Michael Tuexen, University of Applied Sciences - Muenster, Germany • tuexen@fh-muenster.de • Links • http://www.ethereal.com

  15. Interoperability • Informal interoperability testing since IETF 60 • Universities of Essen-Duisburg & Applied Sciences-Muenster and Motorola(1) • Testing covered ASAP and a single Pool Registrar • First official interoperability testing desired for IETF 64 • All core features • Cancel because of suspension of Motorola(2) implementation? 2005-08-01 RSerPool Implementations 15


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