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GROW. Visioning Workshop. Kenneth. City. Goals t o R e vi t ali z e Our W ard.
GROW Visioning Workshop Kenneth City Goals to RevitalizeOur Ward
Kenneth City beganas 340acresof pasturelandwith58thSt. Northservingas afoot pathto 38thAve. North. Itwas incorporatedApril 30,1957 as atax-free communityof singlefamily homes. Manyof thetown’s identifyingfeatureswerebuiltin the late1950s into the1960s. For example,DixieM. Hollins HighSchoolopeneditsdoors inSeptember1959. Winn DixieopenedinDecemberthatsameyear. KennethCityTownHall Inrecentyears,someof theaginginfrastructure has been addressed,butalook aroundtownshows theageof many of thebuildings, both commercial and residential.Themajor commercial corridors areshowingtheirage,especially on54thAvenueNorth. Therecenteconomic recessionplummeted our propertyvalues.Homevaluesare veryslowly creeping upwards, butcondo valuescontinueto fall andthe overall look of theneighborhoodis deteriorating. Itis inKenneth City’s bestinterestto workcooperativelywithbothresidentsand merchantsto haveavisionfor revitalizingourcommunity. Itis our desireto GROWKenneth City—not bigger,butbetter! Therefore,in 2012, the KennethCity Councilagreedto earmarkfunds generated fromtheRedLightCamera programfor revitalization efforts. History
The Red Light Camera Fund • currently has approximately • $650,000. • We, as a community, we need to decide how • we would like to spend these funds. • How do we beautify our community to attract • more businesses and increase our home values?
Options will be presented today and you will each have a chance to vote for the items you believe will give us the most bang for our buck and lead us toward increased property values & an overall improved image for KC. Goals to GROW
How do we start a ripple effect? 62nd St & 49th Ave Opposite Dixie
Project #1 – 54th Ave N BeautifyKenneth City’s Commercial Corridor: Install (4) landscaped medians 2.Establish the entry points to Kenneth City with monument signs on both the east and west end. Project Cost – approx. $200,000
Project #2 – 54th Ave N @ 58th & 62ndSts. Visually enhance and increase pedestrian safety Establish clearly markedpedestriancrosswalksat 58th St. and 62nd St. Project Cost - $100,000
Project #3 – 54th Ave N Visually enhance and increase pedestrian safety Enhanceappearance and increase safety by installing decorative street lighting PhototakenfromSternbergLighting Project Cost - $140,000
Project #4 – 54th Ave N Make majorcorridors more transit friendly 1. Install attractivebus shelters withseating and no advertisements. Busshelter(imagetakenfromhttp://www.duo-gard.com/project-gallery/bus-shelters/1433 PSTA Partnership ? Project Cost - $
Project #5 – Additional Parking • Increase parkingopposite Town Hall while retaining green space withreinforced grass paving • Increases use of the park • Does not increase impervious surface ratios or stormwater runoff • Green building method Project Cost - $40,000
Project #6 – Sidney Colen Park Renovations • Rededicate Carl Schleck Park to Sidney Colen Memorial Park • Create a new monument honoring the town’s founder • Relocate CarlSchleck monument to a Carl Schleck Memorial Garden within the new design of the park • Complete the walkways to nowhere” for consistent flow patterns and access to parking • Update landscapingand irrigation Project Cost - $75,000
Project #7 – Lake Thomas Dock/Boardwalk • Handicapped accessible walkway leading to dock OR shoreline boardwalk Project Cost - $25,000
Project #8 – 46th Ave. East and West Greens • Widenedsidewalks • Additional seating • Decorative lighting • Increased power outlets for • festival usage or holiday lighting Project Cost - $125,000
Project #9 – Walking Paths • markedwalking paths • distances of 1 – 5 miles • map directing to town features such as: • - Lakes, playgrounds, businesses DOH Funded ? Project Cost - $15,000
Project #10 – Town Signage • Establishour boundaries • Welcome visitorsand passers-through • Help change the overall appearance of town • Aidsin rebranding the town To be located at: 58th St (N & S) 46th Ave (W) 66th St (N & S) 62nd St. (N & S) Refresh historical signs Project Cost - $20,000
Project #11 – Baseball Field • Modernize baseball field • Remove backstop • Low rise,decorative fencing along 46th Ave. • Picnic tables Project Cost - $25,000 infrastructure
Project #11 – Tennis & Basketball Courts • Modernize courts • Installtennis court backstop • Reconfigure for multiple uses • Portable skatepark Project Cost - $100,000 infrastructure
Project #12 – Tennis & Basketball Courts • All-weather covers for both the basketball and tennis court Project Cost - $100,000 infrastructure
Project #13 – Spray Park • Renovate bathroom, remove shuffleboard courts, install spray park Project Cost - $125,000 infrastructure
Project #14 – DPW Murals Project Cost - $5,000 contest?
Project #15 – Façade Grants • Encourage businesses to improve their facades along 54th Ave N and 66th St. N • Businesses could apply for $2,500 if they spend $5,000 or $750 if they spend $1,500 • Works on 1st come, 1st served basis Project Cost - $30,000 over 2 years
Kenneth City is a small town. How can we enhance the town’s appearance and give it that small town feel in a way that will encourage businesses to open here? Which of the projects presented will encourage property owners to beautify their properties so the whole town starts to look better?