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The regional dimension in the Reform of the UN Development System. Alicia Bárcena Executive Secretary. Regional dimension of the UNDS Reform.
The regional dimension in the Reform of the UN Development System Alicia Bárcena ExecutiveSecretary
Regional dimension of the UNDS Reform • SGreport on Repositioning the UNDS to deliver on the 2030 Agenda: our promise for dignity, prosperity and peace on a healthy planet (A/72/684–E/2018/7) overall objective is to support Member States to achieve the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development by harnessing all capacities of the UN at the global, regional and country levels • The report re-affirmed the importance of the value proposition of the regional dimension of development in the repositioning of the UN development system for Agenda 2030 and recognized the important role of the regional commissions which: • Offer a convening platform for intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder discussions on key development priorities; • Deliver integrated and evidence-based policy advice; • Provide normative support and technical capacity on regional priorities to Member States, RC, and UNCTs; • Reflect the regional and sub-regional specificities in the globoal for a and at the national level
The regional dimension of the UNDS Reform:Background GA Resolution 72/279 adopted in May 2018 on the “Repositioning of the UNDS in the context of the QCPR in paragraph 18: “Reaffirm[ed] the role and functions of the United Nations development system at the regional level, including the regional economic commissions and the regional teams of the United Nations development system, and underline[d] the need to continue to make them fit for purpose in supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, and to revamp the regional structures, recognizing the specificities of each region and bearing in mind that no one size fits all.” The resolution requested the SG (para. 19) to present options at the ECOSOC in May 2019 together with the QCPR report to comply with the following two objectives • To implement measures to optimize function and enhance collaboration at the regional and subregional levels (para 19) • Provide options, on a region-by-region basis for long term re-profiling and restructuring of the regional assets of the United Nations development system in this context (para 19)
Current coordination mechanisms at the regional level • Regional coordination mechanism (RCM)- established by Member States through ECOSOC-resolution 20 years ago (1998/46-Annex III). All regional AFPs are member, coordinated by ECLAC. Meets once a year in the framework of the Regional Forum for Sustainable Development. • Regional UNSDGs- interagency internal coordinating mechanism to support UN Country Teams. It started among Funds and Programmes (UNDP, WFP, UNFPA and UNICEF). In LAC in 2008 they became regional directors teams were established by inviting regional directors of specialized agencies to strengthen the support to UN Country Teams with rotational chair among them located in the region.
Existing regional institutions • ECLAC outposted in Santiago with subregional offices in Port of Spain and Mexico • Directors of AFPs and Funds and Programmesmajority based in Panama, 2-3 in Santiago and 2 in Peru with subregional offices in Barbados and Jamaica. • Regional bureaus in New York of Funds and Programmes
Value proposition of the regional assets • Provide a value proposition for the regional dimension. It is not the sum of national plans or activities. It goes beyond transboundary or Multicountryproyects • An interagency internal process is mapping and analyzing classes of regional assets around a number of categories namely: • Ownership of Member States • School of Economic Thinking/ reputation • Universal, inclusive and impartial intergovernmental platforms • Conferences of Ministers: statistics, women, social development , finance an dfiscal, science and technology • Platform for policy dialogue and peer learning with governments, experts and CSO • Policy capabilities: evidence advice policy • Generation of Policy thinkingKnowledge and analysis, • Data ecosystem, repositories and observatories • Capacities and expertise: continuing expertise, • Partnership and alliances: networks, and • Physical assets.
Strengthening regional coordination on data and statistics for the SDGs • Promote the preparation of national and regional statistical development strategies • Foster the creation of a national inter-agency and intersectoral architectureat the highest level to help set up the forums needed to implement national monitoring mechanisms and facilitate interaction with relevant regional and international bodies • Strengthen national and regional capacitieswith a view to ensuring the availability and dissemination of good-quality data —both traditional and non-traditional— for a reliable follow-up and review framework for the Sustainable Development Goals • Measure the effective capacity of national statistical systems to respond to the demands of the 2030 Agenda
Governance of ECLAC Forum of the Countries of LatinAmerica and the Caribbeanon SustainableDevelopment ECLAC session Committee of the Whole Subsidiary bodies High-LevelForums • Regional ConferenceonWomen in LatinAmerica and theCaribbean • CaribbeanDevelopment and CooperationCommittee (CDCC) • Regional Council forPlanning of ILPES • StatisticalConference of theAmericas • Regional ConferenceonPopulation and Development in LAC • Conferencie onScience, Innovation and ICTs • Committeeon South-South Cooperation • Regional Conferenceon Social Development in LAC
Earthquake-2010 The proposed programme budget for 2020 is not comparable as it has been annualized, however, it contemplates a 1% reduction over the existing base.
Strengthening the role of ECLAC • As the multilateral convening intergovernmental platform in the region • As the integrator of the 2030 Agenda and SDGs in the region: the three dimensions of sustainable development • As analysts of the gap approach and the critical links among the SDGs (cross-sectoral, multidisciplinary analysis and multi-stakeholder approaches) • As providers of policy reviews for Member States in partnerships with funds and programmes and specialized agencies (ILO, FAO, UNEP, UNFPA, UN-Women, UNICEF and UNDP) • Up-scaling methodologies and integrated advisory services