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Re-engaging with Citizenship in Schools. NUT National Education Conference July 2013. David Kerr Director of Education Citizenship Foundation Visiting Professor of Citizenship Birkbeck College University of London david.kerr@citizenshipfoundation.org.uk. Aims of this presentation ….
Re-engaging with Citizenship in Schools NUT National Education Conference July 2013
David Kerr • Director of Education • Citizenship Foundation • Visiting Professor of Citizenship • Birkbeck College • University of London • david.kerr@citizenshipfoundation.org.uk
Aims of this presentation… • To set the scene concerning Citizenship in the National Curriculum • To review the proposed NC programmes of study for Citizenship • Provide information and evidence to encourage re-engagement with Citizenship in schools
Three contexts for developing Citizenship • Curriculum (classroom) • Wider communities • (community) • School community • (culture)
What to address in the three contexts • Curriculum • Core knowledge • Key skills • Controversial issues • School community • Participation • Decision-making • Voice and leadership • Teamwork • Wider communities • Participation • Decision-making • Big issues • Engagement with adults
Change in Citizenship • Retention as NC subject KS3 and KS4 • Revised programmes of study • No proposed change at primary • GCSE Cit Studies under review • A and AS level Cit under review • Numbers for Cit holding in ITT • New Ofsted lead for Cit
Citizenship remains in National Curriculum ‘Citizenship will remain a programme of study at key stages three and four and I look forward to… ensure that this valuable subject is even better taught in more of our schools‘ Michael Gove Secretary of State for Education
Citizenship KS3 and KS4 • Purpose of Study • A high-quality citizenship education helps to provide pupils with knowledge, skills and understanding to prepare them to play a full and active part in society. In particular, citizenship education should foster pupils’ keen awareness of how the United Kingdom is governed and how its laws are made and upheld. It should also prepare pupils to take their place in society as responsible citizens by providing them with the skills and knowledge to manage their money well and make sound financial decisions.
Challenges • Making up for lost ground/time • Creating demand and supply in schools • Gaining SLT access and support • Keeping abreast of developments • Maintaining networks/ sharing intelligence • Accessing Cit co-ordinators/teachers • Developing new thinking/ approaches
Curriculum Change - Support • Teachers will need new resources and content • DfE will provide far less central CPD - schools will need to provide internally or purchase • DfE says “Don’t’ assume it is going to be as before”. Schools are going to find it very different and will need support from suppliers and external sources
Why citizenship educationin secondary schools? Key arguments and actionsfor senior managers Citizenship Foundation, June 2013
Aims of these slides • Set out the key reasons for effective development of citizenship education policy and practice • Detail actions you need to take nowfor citizenship education in your school • Explain where and how citizenship education should be developed in schools • Highlight the benefits and impacts of effective citizenship education in schools.
Citizenship education can… Raise school standards and student achievement Improve behaviour and reduce exclusions Empower studentsthrough real decision-making and consultation in and beyond school Fulfil statutory obligationsfor the National Curriculum, SMSCand Ofsted Strengthen the school as a living community by improving student relations Enable students to understand and engage with big, controversial issues
Strengthen transition from KS2 to KS3 Deliver distinctive, core curriculum knowledge about politics, law, economy and active citizenship Develop key skills that employers want (such as leadership and teamwork) Improve links to other initiatives(International School Awards, Rights Schools etc) Strengthen links between curriculum and school culture Strengthen partnershipswith wider communities Better prepare students for adult life beyond school. Citizenship education can…
You need to… Re-engagewith citizenship in your school Know where to get appropriate training and support Provide strong, visible SLT support Review the school’s vision, ethos and development planin line with the new National Curriculumaims and citizenship Programmes of Study (including new statutory financial education) Amend policy and approaches to fit National Curriculum requirements and meet Ofsted expectations
Review how it is approached and interconnected in the three contexts: Curriculum: discrete, ex-curricular, dropdown, etc School community: participation, voice and leadership Wider community: links, projects and exchanges Ensure senior leadershipand governor support Make sure you have a strong, qualified citizenship co-ordinator who is well respected Check staff are adequately trained and resourced to deliver effective practice in school (both in curriculum subjects and school life) You need to…
Make certain there are rigorous assessment approaches (formative and summative) Check that appropriate monitoring and evaluation is in place for each of the ‘three contexts’ Ensure students are well informed about approaches in the school and are actively involved Ensure parents and community representatives are informed about approaches in and beyond the school. You need to…
citizenship is a journey not a destination Hastings the devil is always in the detail Crick
Any questions? Thank you David Kerr – Director of Education Citizenship Foundation email: david.kerr@citizenshipfoundation.org.uk tel: 020 7566 7759 50 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT www.citizenshipfoundation.org.uk