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Let’s Inspire to Aspire Ysbrydoli i Ymgeisio. Nod ac Amcanion Aims and Objectives I ddeall sut i wneud asesiadau dibynadwy a phenderfynu ar ffit orau Understand how to make reliable assessments and recognize best fit
Let’s Inspire to Aspire YsbrydoliiYmgeisio
Nod ac Amcanion • Aims and Objectives • I ddeallsutiwneudasesiadaudibynadwy a phenderfynuarffitorau • Understand how to make reliable assessments and recognize best fit • I ddefnyddioasesiadauiddarparudarpariaethdysgu ac addysgueffeithiol • To use assessments to provide effective teaching and learning • I ddatblygumapio a chynllunioar draws y Cwricwlwm • To develop curriculum mapping and planning • I wellagweithrdrefnauasesiadaupresennol • To improve current assessment arrangements.
Tasg / Task • Bleininawr? • Where are we now? • GweithgareddGwirneuGau • Gweithiwchgydaphartner, edrychwchar y datganiadau a phenderfynwch pa raisy’nwir a pharaisy’ngau • True or False Activity • Work with a partner, look at the statements and decide • whether they are true or false
Observation and assessment should have a purpose and be used to move children forward on the learning continuum. Dylaifoddibeni arsylwi ac asesu, a dylideudefnyddioi symud plant yneublaenar y continwwmdysgu.
Trafodwch y materioncanlynol: • Pwysy’narsylwiyneichlleoliad/ysgol chi arhyn o bryd? • Pwysy’nelwaar yr arsylwi? Blemae’ndigwydd? • Oesangenrhannu’rhyn a welirgyda’rrhieni/gofalwyr? • A all yr athro/rheolwr/arweinyddeigwneudynglirmewndogfennaubodarsylwiyndigwyddyngyflym ac y gallaifodynaraicamgymeriadausillafu ac atiyn y nodiadau? • A yw’r plant ynymatebynwahanoli staff gwahanol? Os felly, oniddylemddefnyddiogwybodaeth yr holl staff? • Pryderon am staff yngwneudsylwadauamhriodol. A all hynfodynfaterhyfforddiant? A yw’nbriodoliwahanol staff o fewn y tîmarsylwimewngwahanolffyrdd? • Efallainafyddrhai staff o’rfarneifodynrhano’ugwaithiarsylwi ac nadydynteisiaunewid. Sutallemddelio â hyn? • Beth fyddaigwerthrhannu’rwybodaeth â phobymarferyddyn y lleoliad/ysgolarddiwedd y dydd/ynwythnosol?
Please consider the matters below: • Who observes in your school at the moment? • Who gains from these observations? Where do they happen? When do they happen? • Do we need to share our observations with parents/carers? • Observations are usually written as quick notes therefore spelling mistakes may appear. Is this a problem? • Do children respond differently to different adults? If so, do we use information gathered by all adults? • Concerns regarding inappropriate observations - Could this be a training matter? Is it appropriate for different adults within team to observe in different ways? • Some adults may not see observing as part of their work? How could we deal with a situation of this kind? • What is the value of sharing all observations with the whole team? When?
Beth ddylemeiarsylwi?Bleddylemeiarsylwi?Prydddylemarsylwi?Sutddylemarsylwi?Pwyddylemarsylwi? What should we observe?Where should we observe? When should we observe?How should we observe? Who should observe?
Wrtharsylwi, byddwchyncydnabodcamaupwysigynnatblygiadplentyn • Naidmewndealltwriaeth • Ardaloeddi’wdatblygu • Lles • Beth mae’r plant yneigyflawni • During observations you will recognise important • steps in a child’s development • A leap in understanding • Areas to be developed • Well-being • What children are achieving
Pam ? Why ? • Symudymlaen / Moving forward • Monitro / Monitor • Mesurcynnydd / Measure progress • Cynllunio / Planning • Trosglwyddo / Transition • Safonau / Standards
Arsylwi Plant – RhaiPwyntiauCyffredinol Rhaidystyried yr isod pan ydymynarsylwi: MeysyddDysgu- Fframwaith Y CyfnodSylfaen Pa feysydddysgusy’ncaelsylw ? Sut? Asesuargyferdysgu Pa ddulliausy’ncaeleiddefnyddio? Ydy plant yngwerthusogwaitheuhunain/eraill? Ydy plant ynmyfyrio? Ynaddasueigwaith? Sgiliauar draws y cwricwlwm – SgiliauFframwaith 3-19 Meddwl (cynllunio, datblygu, adolygu), TGCh, FframwaithRhifedd a Llythrennedd Pa sgiliausy’ncaeleudatblygu? Beth yw’r cam nesaf? Yndilyngwneudarsylwadaucyffredinol, ystyriwchsutgellircaelhyncaeleffaithar yr amgylchedddysgu. Hefyd, ystyriwchsut gall arsylwadaubwydocynlluniotasgau â ffocws a chyfoethogidarpariaeth.
Observing Children- Some General Points Consider the following when making your observation: Areas of Learning- The Foundation Phase Framework Which areas of learning are being addressed? How? Assessment for Learning What strategies are being used? Are children evaluating their own work/others? Being reflective? Altering their work? Skills Curriculum- The Skills Framework 3-19 Thinking (planning, developing, reviewing), I.C.T. National Literacy and Numeracy Frameworks What skills are being developed ? What are the next steps? After making your general observations, consider how this may have an impact on the learning environment. Also consider how this could feed into your enhanced and focused planning.
Estyn Assessment Over half of providers have a recommendation to improve assessment. This includes issues such as following up the initial screening of all learners with support to meet the learning needs identified, and tracking learners’ progress to inform planning. The most common recommendation in inspection reports is about the need to improve assessment, with nearly 40% of schools inspected having this as a significant area for improvement. Even in schools with good inspection outcomes overall, assessment is frequently identified as a shortcoming. This is often to do with the quality of teachers’ Assessment marking and the degree to which pupils understand and respond to it. Without feedback that they can understand, pupils do not know what it is they need to do to improve. And if teachers do not know how well pupils are doing, neither can they plan lessons to remedy gaps in learning. Self –assessment and planning for improvement Where recommendations to improve self-assessment and planning for improvement appear, there are usually also recommendations about improving the quality of teaching, assessment and professional Development opportunities.
Asesu Assessment Ffurfiannol/Formative • Crynodol/Summative Ynymwneud â gwelliant/ Improvement Edrychymlaen/Looking forward Ffafrioadborthdisgrifiadol/ Favours descriptive feedback Arwainargyfer y dyfodol / Informs the way forward Ynymwneudagatebolrwydd/Accountability Edrychnôl/ Looks back Ffafrioprofion a sgoriau plant/ Favours tests and results Gorddefnydd- effaithnegyddol/ Overuse negative impact
AsesiadDechreuol - tracioynôlDeilliannauOn Entry Assessment- tracking in relation to Outcomes
Preparing children for tests in Year 2 • Concentration time • Vocabulary/7 skills/questions • Reading instructions • National tests part of the LNF programme • Analyse data • Effective transition • Next step/Way forward
Paratoi plant argyferprofionymMlwyddyn 2 • Cyfnodcanolbwyntio • Geirfa/saithsgil/cwestiynau • Darllencyfarwyddiadau • Profioncenedlaetholynrhan o raglenFfLlRh • Dadansoddicanlyniadau • Trosglwyddoeffeithiol • Cam nesaf/Fforddymlaen
Dysgu Dyddiol Oedolyn Oedolyn Asesu Tasgau â Ffocws Cyfoethogi Darpariaeth Barhaus Amgylchedd Amgylchedd Amgylchedd
Daily Do’s Adult Assessment Focused Tasks Enhanced Continuous Provision Environment Environment
Tasgcynllunio Beth sy’nbwysig? Rhannucynllunio Planning task What’s important? Share planning