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Welcome to lecture 2: Feeling at home in *nix

Welcome to lecture 2: Feeling at home in *nix. IGERT – Sponsored Bioinformatics Workshop Series Michael Janis and Max Kopelevich, Ph.D. Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry, UCLA. Last time…. We covered a bit of material… Try to keep up with the reading – it’s all in there!

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Welcome to lecture 2: Feeling at home in *nix

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  1. Welcome to lecture 2:Feeling at home in *nix IGERT – Sponsored Bioinformatics Workshop Series Michael Janis and Max Kopelevich, Ph.D. Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry, UCLA

  2. Last time… • We covered a bit of material… • Try to keep up with the reading – it’s all in there! • How’s it coming along? • BioKnoppix • Remote logins, navigation • Unix / linux concepts? • General questions?

  3. The CLI and YOU • Most of bioinformatics is accomplished through command-line tools • Command line interaction is easily batched • Command line interaction is easily integrated • Command line interaction is a form of PROGRAMMING • It’s therefore worthwhile to become familiar with your *nix environment in a non-graphical interface

  4. Commands • In Bioinformatics, we are mostly concerned with TEXT PROCESSING – the CLI is well suited for this type of work • Specific commands are used to perform functions in the shell • Each command is itself a program and takes command line arguments • The syntax order is program [-options] filename • For help on a specific command type: man command; apropos topic; command --help

  5. Some review of system tools • Who • W • Uname • Pwd • Find • Top

  6. Another example of a pipe file Command 1 (cut) Command 2 (sort) Pipe Stdout cut –d: -f1 </etc/passwd | sort • The file /etc/passwd stores information about user’s accounts on the system • Let’s get a sorted listing of all user names

  7. Command Or Program STDIN STDOUT Example: redirecting STDOUT OUTPUT_FILE cut –d: -f1 </etc/passwd | sort> output_file more output_file “redirection operator”

  8. Process Control • Each specific job / command is called a process • Each process runs in a shell • BEFORE: prompt available • DURING: prompt NOT available • AFTER: prompt available • Control keys • CTRL-C -> stop current command • CTRL-D -> end of input

  9. “top” Lists all jobs Uses a table format Dynamically changes “ps” man ps static content Command options Two Ways to monitor Processes

  10. What are you doing, Dave?

  11. Background / Foreground • Commands running in foreground prevent prompt from being used until command completes • Commands can also run in BACKGROUND • “Backgrounded” commands DO NOT AFFECT the prompt

  12. “&” Running a command with “&” automacically sends it to the background Backgrounded commands return the prompt “bg” Once a command is run from the prompt Stop the command Then background it Starts the command again Returns the prompt for use Two Ways to Background jobs

  13. File System Navigation • Absolute filepaths begin with the root ‘/’ • Relative filepaths don’t have a preceding slash; they begin from the cwd • What is the absolute path to cd from john to mary? • What is the relative path to cd from john to mary? • Once you are in mary, and your username is john, what are two ways to return to your home directory?

  14. The society for anti-defamation of computer mouses opposes this slide • There’s very little reason to leave the CLI • Most tasks can be written within the shell • The user-friendliness becomes self-limiting

  15. Let’s take an example… • Suppose you wanted to do some biological analysis – like motif searching through a database of biological sequences… What do you need to do this? • You need to retrieve the sequences • You need to describe the motif • You need to search the sequences

  16. I want to search for zinc-finger motifs genomically in yeast (S.c.) • I’m going to need the genomic sequence for Saccharomyces cerevisiae (http://www.yeastgenome.org) • I’m going to need the motif that describes the zinc finger I’d like to search for (ProSite). • I’m going to need do do this search many times across every chromosome.

  17. A brief overview of some databases / biological information repositories • NCBI • Genome-specific databases (SGD…) • SMDhttp://genome-www5.stanford.edu/ The Stanford Microarray Database. Repository of microarray analysis from a wide variety. • PROSITE http://au.expasy.org/prosite/Used to rapidly search your protein sequences for catalogued motifs. • SWISSPROT http://www.ebi.ac.uk/swissprot/SWISSPROT is a "one stop shop" for protein sequence information. Use it to extend your knowledge of your proteins. • PDB: The Protein Databank http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/The Protein Data Bank is the single worldwide archive of structural data of biological macromolecules. Structure implies function in general. • PFAM: http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/Pfam/search.shtmlThis database is a collection of protein motifs.  • PRODOM http://protein.toulouse.inra.fr/prodom/current/html/home.phpPRODOM is similar to PFAM in that it is a set of curated protein domain families. However, the underlying computational engine is different. • BLOCKS http://blocks.fhcrc.org/Blocks are multiply aligned ungapped segments corresponding to the most highly conserved regions of proteins.  The blocks for the Blocks Database are made automatically by looking for the most highly conserved regions in groups of proteins documented in InterPro.  • COG http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/COG/COG stands for Clusters of Orthologous Groups of proteins.  This is a tool for phylogenetic classification of proteins encoded in complete genomes.  COGs were delineated by comparing protein sequences encoded in complete genomes, representing major phylogenetic lineages.

  18. Retrieving data

  19. Retrieving data • You don’t have to leave the CLI. Really. • If you need to do something, chances are there’s a utility to do so • Debian is your friend (search packages FIRST!!!) Introducing wget: >wget ftp://genome-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/yeast/data_download/protein_info/hypothetical_peptides/*.gz Of course you can use ftp: >ftp genome-ftp.stanford.edu -login anonymous; use your email address as passwd -traverse filesystem like any linux CLI -bin, get, prompt, mget…

  20. A note about file archives • Most files will be compressed. Usually using gunzip. • Most files will be agglomerative, using TAR. Introducing gunzip: >gunzip *.gz Introducing tar (tape archive): >tar –xvf *.tar Or to create a tar >tar –cvf output.tar *.*

  21. A brief note about the biological file format called FASTA • In bioinformatics, FASTA format is a file format used to exchange information between geneticsequence databases. Its format looks like this: • >SEQUENCE_1 ;comment line 1 (optional) MTEITAAMVKELRESTGAGMMDCKNALSETNGDFDKAVQLLREKGLGKAAKKADRLAAEGLVSVKVSDDFTIAAMRPSYLSYEDLDMTFVENEYKALVAELEKENEERRRLKDPNKPEHKIPQFASRKQLSDAILKEAEE • It consists of a header line (beginning with a '>') which gives a name and/or a unique identifier for the sequence. Many different sequence databases use FASTA files. • After the header line and comments, one or more sequence lines may follow. Sequences may be protein sequences or DNA sequences • they must be shorther than 80 characters and can contain gaps or alignment characters • FASTA format files often have file extensions like .fa or .fsa • The simple format of FASTA files makes them easy to manipulate using text processing tools and scripting languages like Perl. *From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasta_format

  22. ProSite motif

  23. Describing the motif - GREP • “GREP” searches contents of a file or directory of files • “Get Regex” – uses regular expressions • File wildcards can be used like with ls • grep 1sq ~/DATA/*.CEL -> array type used • We explored this last time (briefly!)

  24. Regular expressions • A regular expression, often called a pattern, is an expression that describes a set of strings. They are usually used to give a concise description of a set, without having to list all elements. • For example, the set containing the three strings Mike, Mark, and Matt can be described by the pattern “M((ike|(ark|att))?)" • Alternatively, it is said that the pattern “M((ike|(ark|att))?)" matches each of the three strings. • There are usually multiple different patterns describing any given set. Most formalisms provide the following operations to construct regular expressions.

  25. Formalisms of regular expressions • alternation • A vertical bar separates alternatives. For example, "gray|grey" matches grey or gray. • grouping • Parentheses are used to define the scope and precedence of the operators. For example, "gray|grey" and "gr(a|e)y" are different patterns, but they both describe the set containing gray and grey. • quantification • A quantifier after a character or group specifies how often that preceding expression is allowed to occur. The most common quantifiers are ?, *, and +: • ? • The question mark indicates that the preceding character may be present at most once. For example, "colou?r" matches color and colour. • * • The asterisk indicates that the preceding character may be present zero, one, or more times. For example, "0*42" matches 42, 042, 0042, etc. • + • The plus sign indicates that the preceding character must be present at least once. For example, "go+gle" matches the infinite set gogle, google, gooogle, etc. (but not ggle). • These constructions can be combined to form arbitrarily complex expressions, very much like one can construct arithmetical expressions from the numbers and the operations +, -, * and /. *From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression

  26. The real world is fuzzy and complex… • What if we just want to search for a string in the format of a phone number; • E.g. 825 8901 213 487 0353 • Obviously we can’t check for each possible phone number (some 1010 possibilities makes for a very long set of statements…). No area code Area code

  27. This is where regular expressions come in… • Regular expressions describe generalised patterns of strings instead of exact strings. • (clearly this is a little more complex as an example…) >grep /([0-9]{3} ){0,1}[0-9]{3} [0-9]{4}/) filename

  28. Special characters(‘metacharacters’) ‘.’ is a wildcard and matches any character >grep ‘.ed’ filename If file contains “bed” -will find If file contains “red” -will find If file contains “head” -will not find If file contains “edward” -will find

  29. Special characters(‘metacharacters’) ‘*’ means ‘zero or more of the previous character’. >grep ‘be*d’ filename If file contains “bed” -will find If file contains “red” -will not find If file contains “beeeed” -will find If file contains “bd” -will find

  30. Special characters(‘metacharacters’) ‘+’ means ‘one or more of the previous character’. >grep ‘be+d’ filename If file contains “bed” -will find If file contains “red” -will not find If file contains “beeeed” -will find If file contains “bd” -will not find

  31. Start and end of line ‘^’ is designates the start of the line, ‘$’ the end. >grep ‘^bed$’ filename >grep ‘bed’ filename If file contains “bed” -will find If file contains “bedbed” -will find If file contains “xxxbedxxx” - will find Iff file contains “bed” on line by itself -will find If file contains “bedbed” -will not find If file contains “xxxbedxxx” – will not find

  32. Grouping with parentheses Parentheses group characters >grep ‘(bed)+’ filename If file contains “bed” -will find If file contains “bedbed” -will find If file contains “beddd” -will not find

  33. Character classes • The square brackets are used to denote whole groups of characters >grep ‘[brf]ed’ filename If file contains “bed” -will find If file contains “red” -will find If file contains “led” -will not find

  34. Character classes (cont) • A hyphen designates a range: >grep ‘[a-z]ed’ filename If file contains “bed” -will find If file contains “fed” -will find If file contains “Bed” -will NOT find (why not?)

  35. Character class shortcuts • Some character classes are so common there are in-built shortcuts: • [0-9] = \d • [A-Za-z0-9] = \w • [\f\t\n\r ] = \s

  36. Quantifying • Curly brackets quantify repeats better than ‘*’ (0+) or ‘+’ (1+) a{3,5} = three, four or five ‘a’’s. >grep ‘la{3,5}’ If file contains “laaaad” -will find If file contains “laaaaaaad” -will not find

  37. Referencing • Back-slashes match the substring previously matched by the nth parenthesized subexpression of the regular expression. • The back-reference is denoted `\n', where n is a single digit >grep ‘(a)\1’ If file contains “laaaad” -will find If file contains “lad” -will not find

  38. Back to our ProSite motif… • We can use regular expressions to describe the motif • The motif is actually a REGULAR EXPRESSION! >grep -n –E -–color –B2 ‘C.{2}C.{4,8}[RHDGSCV][YWFMVIL].[CS].{2,5}[CHEQ].[DNSAGE][YFVLI].[LIVFM]C.{2}C *.fsa chr04.peptides.20040928.fsa-4202->Annotated|04:1356055:1357359| frame 1; YDR448W/ADA2; Verified; this gene contains 1 exon chr04.peptides.20040928.fsa:4203:MSNKFHCDVCSADCTNRVRVSCAICPEYDLCVPCFSQGSYTGKHRPYHDYRIIETNSYPILCPDWGADEELQLIKGAQTL

  39. Did it work?

  40. Let’s try this… • Download the genomic DNA sequence from SGD • Search for any variant of the TATA – box promoter • TATAAA • TATAAT • TATATT • TAATAA • TAATAT

  41. More more more • Many MS tools allow for wildcard searching • The shell allows variables; interpolation; control structures • For example, attempt to find a palindrome of length 4 within genomic sequences (hint: use backreferences!) • Variables allow for persistence and control structures >myVar=`grep -n –E -–color ‘C.{2}C.{4,8}[RHDGSCV][YWFMVIL].[CS].{2,5}[CHEQ].[DNSAGE][YFVLI].[LIVFM]C.{2}C *.fsa` mako@subi:~$ echo $myVar chr04.peptides.20040928.fsa:4203:MSNKFHCDVCSADCTNRVRVSCAICPEYDLCVPCFSQGSYTGKHRPYHDYRIIETNSYPILCPDWGADEELQLIKGAQTL

  42. A better variable interpolation • The variable is allowed to change • We can set the variable to the Prosite Pattern mako@subi:~$ myVar=C\.{2}C\.{4,8}[RHDGSCV][YWFMVIL]\.[CS]\.{2,5}[CHEQ]\.[DNSAGE][YFVLI]\.[LIVFM]C\.{2}C mako@subi:~$ echo $myVar C.{2}C.{4,8}[RHDGSCV][YWFMVIL].[CS].{2,5}[CHEQ].[DNSAGE][YFVLI].[LIVFM]C.{2}C mako@subi:~$ grep -n -E --color $myVar *.fsa chr04.peptides.20040928.fsa:4203:MSNKFHCDVCSADCTNRVRVSCAICPEYDLCVPCFSQGSYTGKHRPYHDYRIIETNSYPILCPDWGADEELQLIKGAQTL

  43. Variables can be overwritten • The variable is allowed to change • We can set the variable to the Prosite Pattern mako@subi:~$ function afun { > for i in 1 2 3 4 5 > do > echo $i > echo $myVar > done > } mako@subi:~$ afun 1 C.{2}C.{4,8}[RHDGSCV][YWFMVIL].[CS].{2,5}[CHEQ].[DNSAGE][YFVLI].[LIVFM]C.{2}C 2 C.{2}C.{4,8}[RHDGSCV][YWFMVIL].[CS].{2,5}[CHEQ].[DNSAGE][YFVLI].[LIVFM]C.{2}C 3 C.{2}C.{4,8}[RHDGSCV][YWFMVIL].[CS].{2,5}[CHEQ].[DNSAGE][YFVLI].[LIVFM]C.{2}C 4 C.{2}C.{4,8}[RHDGSCV][YWFMVIL].[CS].{2,5}[CHEQ].[DNSAGE][YFVLI].[LIVFM]C.{2}C 5 C.{2}C.{4,8}[RHDGSCV][YWFMVIL].[CS].{2,5}[CHEQ].[DNSAGE][YFVLI].[LIVFM]C.{2}C

  44. Functions • What if we wanted to search every ProSite pattern against our genomic database? • We’d have to repeatedly do our search • This is called a loop • We have to write this so the computer knows exactly what to repeat, how many times to repeat, and where to find the next ProSite pattern to match • We would store the what and where in VARIABLES • We would utilize a CONTROL STRUCTURE to handle the how…

  45. Control structures • All out programs so far have run from start to finish. Each line has been executed in turn. • What if we only want to run some lines some of the time? • This is where control structures come in.

  46. Control structures • Programming languages generally have a number of control structures. • Basic structures: • if • while • for & foreach • There are others (e.g. unless)

  47. ‘for’ example >afunction() { for i in 1 2 3 4 5 do echo "Looping ... number $i" done }

  48. Variables can interpolated • The command is substituted from the system • It’s like a pipe, but we are allowed to operate mako@subi:~$ afun() { > myvar=$(ls -1 *.fsa) > for i in $myvar > do > echo $i > done > } mako@subi:~$ afun chr01.fsa chr01.peptides.20040928.fsa chr02.peptides.20040928.fsa chr03.peptides.20040928.fsa chr04.peptides.20040928.fsa chr05.peptides.20040928.fsa chr06.peptides.20040928.fsa chr07.peptides.20040928.fsa chr08.peptides.20040928.fsa chr09.peptides.20040928.fsa chr10.peptides.20040928.fsa chr11.peptides.20040928.fsa …

  49. The ‘while’ control structure (combined with opening files) • The ‘while’ control stucture keeps looping while a given condition is satisfied • ‘while’ and open files go together very well: mako@subi:~$ afun() { > while read f > do > echo $f > done > } mako@subi:~$ afun < chrmt.peptides.20040928.fsa >Notannotated|mt:385:459| frame 1 MNYILLLLLIKLLIIINMKLIKIL …

  50. Editors • Shell programming is like a batch file • Commands are linked together in a procedure • The procedure is accessed via a file • We need an editor that will allow us to construct that file • We’ll use Emacs (or you can use vi, pico, …) • Comprehensive, extensible working environment • Complete (arguable!) IDE • Integration • Extensible (elisp)

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