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Office of Science (SC) Program Perspective. Briefing for DOE Property Management Workshop - May 20, 2013. Gordon Fox Director, Facilities and Infrastructure Division Office of Safety, Security and Infrastructure, Office of Science. SC Program Perspective. BNL Building 510 Utility Rough-In.
Office of Science (SC) Program Perspective Briefing for DOE Property Management Workshop - May 20, 2013 Gordon Fox Director, Facilities and Infrastructure Division Office of Safety, Security and Infrastructure, Office of Science
SC Program Perspective BNL Building 510 Utility Rough-In Agenda: • Overview of SC Complex • Accomplishments • Challenges • Program Strategies • Innovative Processes BNL Building 510 New Clean Room LBNL SLAC BNL TJNAF ANL Research Support Bldg. Ren. Science Labs Ph. 2 Energy Sciences Bldg. Seismic Upgrade Ph. 2 Tech. & Engr. Dev. Fac. $96M $97.1M $73.1M $97.4M $50.8M *All amounts are Total Project Cost (TPC)
Overview: SC Laboratories and User Facilities Single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States (Budget ~$5 billion) Advanced Photon Source at ANL Spallation Neutron Source at ORNL Linac Coherent Light Source at SLAC National Synchrotron Light Source – II at BNL (in construction) Molecular Foundry at LBNL 12 GeV Upgrade at TJNAF
Accomplishments: Project Management Excellence Prior to Demolition 2012 DOE Secretary’s Award for Excellence Final Site Condition January 2012 Demolition in Progress Demolition of Building 51 and Bevatron, LBNL TPC: $50M This project demolished an accelerator that ceased operation in 1993 and freed-up valuable land for re-use. Recovery Act funding of $14,301K was used to remove and dispose of all shielding blocks and accelerator components. The project safely completed approximately 5,000 shipments comprised of approximately 19,000 tons of steel and other metals, and approximately 15,000 tons of concrete with only one OSHA recordable incident during more than 230,000 hours of work. Non-Recovery Act funding was used for demolition and disposal of the accelerator building, for characterization and disposal of foundations, remediation of contaminated soil and restoration of the site. This project was completed in February 2012. (Partially funded w/ Recovery Act: $14.3M)
Accomplishments: SC Infrastructure Modernization Interdisciplinary Science Building (BNL) Physical Sciences Facility (PNNL) Modernization of Laboratory Facilities (ORNL) 3 modernization projects and 1 major demolition completed: • Interdisciplinary Science Building - Phase I at BNL completed April 2013 • Building 51 and Bevatron Demolition at LBNL completed February 2012 • Modernization of Laboratory Facilities at ORNL completed June 2011 • Physical Sciences Facility at PNNL completed February 2011 2011 DOE Secretary’s Improvement Award 2011 DOE Secretary’s Award for Excellence Technology and Engineering Development Facility (TJNAF) Other Recent Accomplishments: • New Construction portion of the Technology and Engineering Development Facility project at TJNAF was completed in March 2012. • Renovation of Building 74 under the Seismic Life-Safety, Modernization, and Replacement of Gen. Purpose Buildings – Phase 2 at LBNL was completed September 2012. Seismic Phase 2 (LBNL) • 8 projects in design/construction, 7 at CD-0
Challenges: Aging Infrastructure • Ten research laboratories with over 1,400 buildings and 24 million square feet of space. • Much of our infrastructure is old, expensive to maintain, and can no longer meet the requirements of a modern research facility. • Improvements have been made – increased annual maintenance investment, focus on reducing deferred maintenance. • Maintenance alone will not ensure our laboratories can continue to fulfill their missions. An integrated approach is needed, including: • Capital Investment • Maintenance Investment • Elimination of Excess Facilities. Typical Aging Lab Demolition of Deficient Building Aged and Failing Cooling Tower Failed Utility Line
Program Strategies: Science Laboratories Infrastructure Science Laboratories Infrastructure (SLI) Program Mission: Support scientific and technological innovation and foster safe and environmentally responsible operations at the Office of Science laboratories. Priorities: Support the ability of SC national laboratories to accomplish the scientific program goals by providing mission ready infrastructure, including: • State-of-the-art facilities that are safe, flexible, reliable; and include creative, innovative, and cost-effective sustainability features; • Environmentally stable facilities with the latest temperature and humidity controls, clean power, and isolation from vibration and electromagnetic interference, where needed; • Creating collaborative and interactive work environments that allow the interactions of the basic and applied researchers; and • Infrastructure that aids in the recruitment and retention of the “best and brightest.” • FY 2014 President’s Request ($97.8M) • Continues funding for the Science and User Support Building at SLAC. • Two utility projects (TJNAF and FNAL) will start as soon as funding becomes available.
Program Strategies: Science Laboratories Infrastructure Completed February 2011 Completed June 2011 Completed April 2013
Program Strategies: Annual Lab Planning and Mission Readiness Laboratory Infrastructure Investment* ($000) • Annual Laboratory Planning allows the programs to ensure current initiatives are addressed and infrastructure plans are prioritized to best support mission needs. • Mission readiness is built on a combination of laboratory and DOE investment. • The laboratories are doing their part, increasing their investments in mission readiness through Institutional General Plant Projects (IGPP) and maintenance. • Laboratories are held accountable for delivering mission readiness through our performance evaluation processes. *Data derived from FY 2012 Annual Laboratory Plans and the Integrated Facilities and Infrastructure (IFI) Crosscut.
Innovative Processes: Mission Readiness Process N M P C N M P C N = Not Capable M = Marginal P = Partial C = Capable
Innovative Processes: SLI and Sustainability • SLI projects are typically designed to perform 30% better than ASHRAE 90.1. • SLI new construction projects will meet or exceed Guiding Principles for High Performance and Sustainable Buildings. • Renovation projects can achieve a 28% reduction in • GHG with a combination of best practices and some • upgraded system choices. • SLI projects provide new buildings that expand the capabilities of science with energy efficient systems to support specialized facilities e.g., clean rooms and high performance computers. • SLI projects include demolition components of SC facilities to meet the one for one requirement for offsetting space and comply with “Freeze the Footprint” OMB guidance. • SLI projects incorporate best practices for “green design” and incorporate state-of-the-art technologies. Photovoltaic (PV) Panels Installed on Roof of MLF project at ORNL
Summary • SC infrastructure is effectively managed to support world leadership by the SC national laboratories in scientific research and discovery. • The SLI Program is vital to the SC strategic science mission goals. • SLI projects provide modern, safe, and sustainable infrastructure that allows the laboratories to ensure their scientific leadership well into the future. • State-of-the-art facilities aid in the recruitment of the “best and brightest” scientific talent to SC national laboratories. • Mission Readiness ties facilities investments to the SC mission and is being fully integrated with Annual Laboratory Planning.
Gordon B. Fox, PE Director, Facility & Infrastructure Division Office of Safety, Security & Infrastructure Office of Science Department of Energy 301-903-1457 fax: 301-903-7047 E-mail: gordon.fox@science.doe.gov Contact Info: Questions? For More Information: • Office of Safety, Security and Infrastructure Home Page: http://science.energy.gov/ssi/