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Radiation Damage Studies for the PHENIX Forward Silicon Vertex Detector Melynda Brooks, Matt Durham, Hubert van Hecke. Proposal Summary. LANL-led silicon detector project (FVTX) installed into RHIC this FY, 4.5 cm from beam pipe
Radiation Damage Studies for the PHENIX Forward Silicon Vertex DetectorMelynda Brooks, Matt Durham, Hubert van Hecke
Proposal Summary • LANL-led silicon detector project (FVTX) installed into RHIC this FY, 4.5 cm from beam pipe • Increased leakage current in detectors implies somewhat larger radiation doses than were anticipated, profile is different from expected (radiation sources are not entirely from primary collisions) • We need to determine the expected lifetime of the detector given the doses that were measured this year • We may also want to propose some shielding before next RHIC run (Jan. 2013) • These particular sensors have never been fully characterized against dose • We would like to irradiate a series of sensors to varying levels and measure how the performance changes versus dose. (I-V in-situ, more detailed measurements offline) • Total dose required is ~1013 • Expect that ~1 day of beam time will be • sufficient – most of the time needed for setup, • putting in/pulling out sensors as they get • irradiated.
The PHENIX Detector • FVTX Project • Adds precision tracking to the interaction point • Measuring quark + gluon properties in the only laboratory that provides them in unbound state (Quark Gluon Plasma) • Constructed FY08-FY11, collected 1st data FY12 • RHIC Provides many beam species: • 200 GeV: p+pd+Au, Cu+Cu, Cu+Au, Au+Au, U+U • 500 GeVp+p • Lower energy everything • p+p is highest luminosity FVTX Detector
FVTX Event Display – 510 GeVp+p Low multiplicity, but high interaction rate largest particle dose to detector
FVTX Event Display – 200 GeVU+U High multiplicity, but low interaction rate lowest particle dose to detector
Radiation Damage I • As expected, we see a steady increase of leakage current versus time in beam • Unfortunately, the increase is faster than we expected • Possibly due to backgrounds induced in our magnet 500 GeVp+p U+U 200 GeVp+p • Damage is also largest for sensors farthest from the interaction region – also indicates magnet region contributes • The projected current draw should not be a problem, but the effects on I-V changes, sensor noise, efficiency have not been quantified for these sensors
Radiation Damage II • Two test sensors were placed near the magnet structure during 500 GeVp+p beam running at RHIC • One was shielded with 5 cm of borated polyethelyene Unshielded Shielded If tests show it is necessary, permanent shielding might be added to the apparatus at PHENIX during this year’s RHIC shutdown.
Proposal • The fluence received by the FVTX in a typical year at RHIC is equivalent to ~ 1011/cm2 protons at 800 MeV • We would like to expose ~six FVTX silicon sensors to 10 years+ equivalent radiation dose, in ~5x1011 increments. • At each interval, an I-V curve will be measured for each wedge and one of the wedges removed from irradiation. • Offline we will further characterize the detector performances of the sensors that were removed during middle of irradiation • Total requested time in Blue Room is 1 day. • We would like to have beam time early in the schedule in case we need to make any modifications to RHIC setup before RHIC beam start-up (January 2013 beam, close-up starts in fall 2012) • If possible, we welcome collaboration with other users with similar experimental goals.
FVTX Overview • Two Arms, Four tracking stations with full azimuthal coverage • 75 m pitch strips in radial direction, 3.75° staggered phi strips • Radiation length < 2.4%/wedge to minimize multiple scattering • Located ~20cm from nominal interaction point • Occupany in central Au+Au <3% • Initial funding through LANL LDRD, construction funding from DOE 22 mm