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The Importance of Naptime in Schools

Discover why incorporating naptime in schools is crucial for young children's growth, rejuvenation, and learning. Naptime helps prevent overtiredness, enhances memory, and supports academic performance.

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The Importance of Naptime in Schools

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  1. The Importance of Naptime Ashley Counce Shannon East Lauren Henfling Laura Hernandez

  2. Our Statement The cause our group has chosen is the importance of keeping naptime in schools. Why is such a short amount of time set aside for rest crucial for young children? According to KidsHealth, “Sleep is a major requirement for good health, and for young kids to get enough of it, some daytime sleep is usually needed. Crucial physical and mental development occurs in early childhood, and naps provide much-needed downtime for growth and rejuvenation. Naps also help keep kids from becoming overtired, which not only takes a toll on their moods but may also make it harder for them to fall asleep at night. And naptime gives parents a brief oasis during the day and time to tackle household chores or just unwind.”

  3. Our Statement cont. Naptime in schools relates to early childhood education for a few reasons. First, it is important to the child’s growth. Nap time, as stated above, is crucial for growth and rejuvenation. Second, nap time for children is important to the teacher. Nap time helps children to relax and take some time to unwind, while also giving teachers a small break. Finally, naptime is important for learning. In order for children to be successful all day long, a rest period needs to be provided.

  4. Data/Research that supports our Cause • http://kidshealth.org/parent/growth/sleep/naps.html -“Sleep is a major requirement for good health, and for young kids to get enough of it, some daytime sleep is usually needed. Crucial physical and mental development occurs in early childhood, and naps provide much-needed downtime for growth and rejuvenation. Naps also help keep kids from becoming overtired, which not only takes a toll on their moods but may also make it harder for them to fall asleep at night. And naptime gives parents a brief oasis during the day and time to tackle household chores or just unwind.”

  5. Data/Research that supports our Cause cont. • http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sleep-newzzz/201310/naps-during-school-preschoolers-yes -“Think naptime for pre-schoolers during the school day might be time better spent in educational activities? Think again. New research shows that a midday nap may play a crucial role in enhancing memory and boosting learning capabilities in pre-school age children.” -Michael J. Breus, Ph.D -“Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst investigated how naps influence memory and learning in young children. They found that a regular habit of midday naps increased memory and cognitive skills among pre-school children—a boost that their study showed was not replicated by overnight sleep in the absence of a daytime nap.” -Michael J. Breus, Ph.D

  6. Data/Research that supports our Cause cont. • http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/nap-time-beneficial-kindergarten-children-1327.html -Is Nap Time Beneficial to Kindergarten Children? It affects their behavior, academic performance, and emotions. • http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/09/26/naps-may-aid-young-childrens-learning/?_r=0 -“Children not only need to nap, but should be encouraged to nap,” said the senior author, Rebecca M.C. Spencer, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. “Schools are getting pressure to add curriculum and activities, but naps serve an academic function as well. A nap really supports the goals of preschool.”

  7. Data/Research that supports our Cause cont. • http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/13/health/views/13klass.html?pagewanted=all -“Now, researchers are learning that it is not so simple: napping in children actually is a complex behavior, a mix of individual biology, including neurologic and hormonal development, cultural expectations and family dynamics.”

  8. How Much Sleep Does a Child Need? • Birth to 6 months -Infants require about 16 to 20 total hours of sleep per day. Younger infants tend to sleep on and off around the clock, waking every 2 or 3 hours to eat. As they approach 4 months of age, sleep rhythms become more established. Most babies sleep 10 to 12 hours at night, usually with an interruption for feeding, and average 3 to 5 hours of sleep during the day (usually grouped into two or three naps). • 6 to 12 months -Babies this age usually sleep about 11 hours at night, plus two daytime naps totaling 3 to 4 hours. At this age, most infants do not need to wake at night to feed, but may begin to experience separation anxiety, which can contribute to sleep disturbances.

  9. How Much Sleep Does a Child Need? Cont. • Toddlers (1 to 3 years) -Toddlers generally require 10 to 13 hours of sleep, including an afternoon nap of 1 to 3 hours. Young toddlers might still be taking two naps, but naps should not occur too close to bedtime, as they may make it harder for toddlers to fall asleep at night. • Preschoolers (3 to 5 years) -Preschoolers average about 10 to 12 hours at night, plus an afternoon nap. Most give up this nap by 5 years of age. • School-age (5 to 12 years) -School-age kids need about 10 to 12 hours at night. Some 5-year-olds might still need a nap, and if a regular nap isn't possible, they might need an earlier bedtime. Source: KidsHealth: http://kidshealth.org/parent/growth/sleep/naps.html

  10. Why is it important for children to nap? • Research suggests that physical and mental development takes place when kids sleep-both at night and during the day. Studies find that kids who nap have longer attention spans and are less fussy than those who don't. And perhaps the best reason of all: When kids rest during the day, they tend to sleep longer and more peacefully at night.

  11. Issues • Studies have shown that well-timed naps can restore alertness, enhance performance, improve mood, and reduce mistakes and accidents • Pediatricians recommend that kindergarten age children receive a minimum of 10 hours of sleep each night. Many children do not get anywhere close to this appropriate amount of sleep. • Children who chronically fail to get enough sleep do not learn as well as better-rested youngsters. • Overtired children resort to hyperactivity and difficult behavior as a way of fighting off daytime drowsiness.

  12. Contacts • Shane Broadway, director, Arkansas Department of Higher Education - Email: sbroadway@arkleg.state.ar.us • Tom Kimbrell, Commissioner/Deputy Commissioner, Arkansas Department of Education -Email: Tom.Kimbrell@arkansas.gov- Phone: 501-682-4203- Fax: 501-682-1079 - Address: Four Capitol Mall, Room 304-A • Representative Rick Crawford -http://crawford.house.gov/ • Senator Mark Pryor -Email: www.pryor.Senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=ContactMe

  13. Example Stories • “My daughter is six years old and almost every day after school she has an outburst because she's tired. I've discussed this with her teacher before. Today I spoke with her teacher and the assistant vice principle and their answer is this: there isn't enough time in the day for nap-time or rest-time.” Source:http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080408131844AAD4hrw • “I have taught kindergarten for four years at a Catholic School. We don't have any strict requirements about nap/rest time. We do have a lot to cover in our day so it does make it hard to fit it all in if we had to have nap time for a certain amount of time. I think that it is important that kids find time to relax so I do incorporate rest time with mats and music every day after recess and a story. Just 10-15 minutes really seems to rejuvenate the kids, and those that need to sleep can rest for a little longer while we begin our afternoon centers. It really has been a great way to begin the second half of our day.” Source:http://blogs.scholastic.com/early_childhood_teacher/2008/10/naptime-in-kind.html

  14. Letter to ADHE Board Member • Dear Dr. Charles Allen: I just want to take a moment of your time to bring up a topic that it is important this day in age regarding early childhood/elementary education. All over the state naptime is being taken out of the day. Young students need to have a small break throughout the day to relax and calm down from their busy schedule. I know that educators and parents want to make sure that students are learning all they can throughout the day, and they believe that nap time is a “waste of time” and is not needed. I however, think otherwise. Having a naptime or even just a time of rest is extremely important for the student’s growth and rejuvenation.

  15. Letter to ADHE Board Member cont. It helps keep the students from getting overtired. There is a lot of material covered during a school day, and it can be overwhelming for a student if they are not given a time to rest. As a former educator and superintendent, I would think that you would understand how important it is to have a nap/rest time for the students. Please keep these things in mind when discussing cutting naptime from the school with your fellow board members. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Laura Hernandez

  16. Flyer • Advocacy Flyer

  17. Policy Makers • http://www.arkansasonline.com/extras/congressionalcontacts/ -Includes contact information for Arkansas congressional delegation • http://www.arkansas.gov/senate/ -Contact information for the Senate and Governor • http://humanservices.arkansas.gov/dccece/Pages/default.aspx -Home page for Arkansas Department of human services (Division of Early Childhood Education and Child Care) • http://ittc-web.astate.edu/chs/#!home -Includes contact information, Could be used as a media source to promote awareness and support • http://arsba.org/home/ -Arkansas School board association website including information about what they do, services they provide, contact information • http://www.adhe.edu/aboutadhe/ahecboard/Pages/board.aspx -Includes board members contact information, meeting times, policies

  18. Financial Assistance • http://philanthropy.com/article/10-Companies-That-Gave-the/132991/ -Top 10 Companies that have contributed money for communities • http://www.chick-fil-a.com/Company/Responsibility-Overview -This part of their website talks about giving back. Would be a good local company to support in all areas including donations, raising community awareness, and reaching out to find other advocates. • https://www.facebook.com/onceuponachild#!/onceuponachild/app_224708087547080 • http://www.onceuponachild.com/ -Link found through facebook of a second hand child/infant items that are supports of importance of napping for young children. They posted the following article in the Latest Family News section: http://www.onceuponachild.com/news/detail/Study-reiterates-the-importance-of-napping-for-young-children

  19. Community Awareness • http://sbrmc.com/media-resources/news-releases/50/ • http://www.kait8.com (Could provide media help through their websites and/or stories) • http://www.jonesborosun.com (Also promote stories or provide announcements in printed newspaper form) -The list above is a few places or companies that have helped provide items and volunteer at schools in Jonesboro. These types of places we would look forward to them providing assistance in raising awareness in the community • http://www.jonesborooccasions.com/dedicatedsept12.html -Is a type of city magazine on the internet that provides advertising opportunities.

  20. “Opposing” Sides Arguments As for professional educators, we can agree that push down curriculum is becoming more apparent and seen more often by observers. There are beliefs that one can teach children anything, at any age, if the content is presented in the right way. In addition experts say that Americans believe that faster is better. As we see the curriculum pushed down and kindergarten classes learning the same things we did in second grade, other important developmentally appropriate practices are being looked over. The results of trying to fit in as much cognitive practice as they can will take away from nap time. Research shows children who napped performed significantly better on a visual-spatial task in the afternoon after a nap and the next day than those who did not nap.

  21. “Opposing” Sides Arguments cont. Children forgot significantly more item locations on the memory test when they had not taken a nap (65 percent accuracy), compared to when they did nap (75 percent accuracy). Thus following a nap, children recalled 10 percent more of the test locations than when they had been kept awake. Research psychologist Rebecca Spencer, with students Kasey Duclos and Laura Kurdziel, say their results suggest naps are critical for memory consolidation and early learning, based on their study of more than 40 preschool children. We must take the results from this test and remember how important it is to provide children with naps. If we keep pushing down the curriculum and want these children to retain the information educators must provided and promote naps in their classroom.

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