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IBUG – Corridor Modeling

IBUG – Corridor Modeling. Agenda. Corridor Creation Creating Cross Sections Plan Quantities (If Time Permits) Creating Deliverables (If Time permits) Civil Cells – Intersection Workshop Wrap-up, Q & A. Project Introduction. Lake Bridgeport, TX Main Street Reconstruction.

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IBUG – Corridor Modeling

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  1. IBUG – Corridor Modeling

  2. Agenda • Corridor Creation • Creating Cross Sections • Plan Quantities (If Time Permits) • Creating Deliverables (If Time permits) • Civil Cells – Intersection • Workshop Wrap-up, Q & A

  3. Project Introduction Lake Bridgeport, TX Main Street Reconstruction

  4. Group Session: Workshop Settings Workspace Settings: • User: Examples • Project: OpenRoads Training • Interface: OpenRoads Training Project folder structure: C:\!OpenRoads Training\Session ???\

  5. Group Session: Review OpenRoads Training Workspace Interface

  6. Group Session: Review Task Navigation

  7. Steps: Set Up for Horizontal Geometry • Navigate to the folder ..\Session 3\ and open the file MainStreetDesign.dgn. • Attach the existing terrain model OG.dgnas areference file and Fit View. • Select the terrain model boundary, hover, and click Set As Active Terrain Model from the context sensitive menu. • Select the F9 function key to auto arrange views. • Using the Applications pull down, activate COGO and choose job GPK 100. Close COGO.

  8. Steps: Importing Horizontal Geometry • Select the Import Geometry tool. • Select job100.GPK then Open. • Toggle On the main check box in the Import Geometry dialog. This will automatically toggle on the Alignment, Curves and Point List options. • In the Job Number dialog select job 100.gpk. • If required, Open the Set Feature tool and populate it as shown. • Follow the Prompts to correctly display the alignment with curve data and stationing.

  9. Session 6:Corridor Creation

  10. Corridor Creation Overview • Blend horizontal and vertical geometry with 3D topography and typical sections • View plan, profile, and cross section interactively • Provides heads-up dynamic, interactive parametric design • Manage one or multiple corridors for designs. • Preserve designer’s intent • Apply superelevation through text tables, customizable standards, or AASHTO standards • Reflect edits automatically in quantities and volumes • Updates of model are dynamic and automatic

  11. Hands-on Session: Create Corridor Model Workflow: • Create the corridor including template drops. • Customize the corridor to ascertain the required project settings. • Calculate superelevation and assign to the corridor. • Refine the corridor. • End condition exception – revise the default tie slopes by inserting a retaining wall at the left shoulder edge in the area bordering the existing lake.

  12. Steps: Create Corridor • Navigate to the folder ..\Session 6\ and open the file MainStreetDesign.dgn. • Select the Create Corridor tool and follow the heads-up display closely. • Locate Corridor Baseline = BASE1 • Reset for Active Profile • Corridor Name = BASE1 • Template = TxDOT > Project > Templates > Undivided 4 Lane With Shoulders Note <alt> + down arrow to navigate template library • Start Station = 0+00 (press <alt> key to lock to beginning of alignment) • End Station = 95+81.31 (press <alt> key to lock to end of alignment) • Drop Interval = 10 • Transitions = 0

  13. Steps: Design Settings • Select the corridor, hover and click Properties from the context menu. • Change the Design Stage to 2 – Design. • In view 1 (Default 2D Model), turn off reference display of the Default 3D Model.

  14. Hands-on Session: Superelevation Workflow: • Create superelevationsections. • Create lanes. • Calculate super transitions and assign to the Corridor. • Review data and adjust as needed.

  15. Steps: Create Superelevation Sections • Select the Create Superelevation Sections tool and follow the heads-up prompts. Note as you progress through the superelevation process, you are advanced automatically to the next tool. If you mistakenly reset out of the sequence, just select the desired tool from the Superelevation toolbox, and select the superelevation section when prompted. • Name = BASE1 • Locate Reference Element = BASE1 • Start and End Station – press <alt> to default to the begin or end of reference element. • Minimum Tangent Length = 5000

  16. Steps: Create Superelevation Lanes • After completing the superelevation section, the Create Superelevation Lanes tool is automatically invoked. • Lane Name = LT • Type = Primary • Side of Centerline = Left • Inside Edge Offset = 0 • Width = 24 • Normal Cross Slope = -2.0 • Repeat step 2 for the right lane, changing two parameters: • Lane Name = RT • Side of Centerline = Right

  17. Steps: Calculate Superelevation • After completing the lanes, the Calculate Superelevation tool is automatically invoked. • Select section, if prompted, then reset • Standards File: press <alt> + down arrow to open File Manager and select TxDOT_v8i.sep. • e Selection = 6% Max • L Selection = All cases • Design Speed = 55 • Transition ID = Parabolic Reverse Curve • Normal Cross Slope = -2.0 • Number of Lanes = 2 • Facility = Undivided • Open Editor = Yes

  18. Steps: Review Superelevation • Review the results in the editor, then close. • Click on the superelevation section or any lane and review the edit handlers. • Select any super section, hover and select Superelevation Report to generate a superelevation report. • Additional information is located in Element Properties and Project Explorer.

  19. Hands-on Session: Superelevation in Corridors Workflow: • Assign to corridor. • Review cross section viewer to verify super was applied.

  20. Steps: Assign Superelevation to Corridor • Select the Assign Superelevation to Corridor tool. • Select super section • Baseline = BASE1 • Review the Associate Superelevation dialog • Click OK.

  21. Steps: Review Superelevation with Dynamic Cross Sections • Select the Open CrossSection View tool and follow the heads-up display. • Corridor = BASE1 • View = 4 • Scroll through the cross sections and review the various features of the viewer. Note right-click for additional options.

  22. Steps: Refine Corridor for Retaining Wall • Continue working in MainStreetDesign.dgn. • Press the function key F9 to arrange views. • Select the corridor, hover and select CreateEnd Condition Exception from the context menu. • EC Exception Name = wall • Apply Exception to Left Override • Start Station = 76+80 (beginning of wall) • Stop Station = 92+90 (end of wall) • When the template opens, right-click in the display and select Delete Component. Then draw a line through the end condition (slope) and the small dirt wedge at the edge of the pavement. • Drag and drop the retaining wall end condition (TxDOT > Project > End Conditions > Fill Wall w/ Guardrail) onto the left shoulder point (L_SHDR). Click OK to process corridor and create the end condition exception.

  23. Session 7:Creating Cross Sections

  24. Cross Sections Overview • Based on Dynamic Section Technology • WYSIWYG • DGN integration allows multiple disciplines to collaborate design in cross section sheets.

  25. Hands-on Session: Create Cross Sections Workflow: • Generate cross sections with existing and proposed surfaces. • Review cross sections. • Annotate cross sections. • Calculate end area volumes. • Generate reports, mass haul diagrams, etc..

  26. Steps: Generate Cross Sections • Navigate to the ..\Session 7\ folder and open the file ProposedXS.dgn. • Select the Create Cross Sections tool and follow the heads-up prompts. • Locate Alignment = BASE1 • Click Preferences. • Highlight TXDOT 20:10sht and click Load. • Click Close to close the Preferences dialog. • Review the General Settings. • Click Apply to create cross section sheets.

  27. Steps: Review Cross Sections • Select the Cross Section Viewer tool. • Verify that the Cross Section Model Base1 is listed and populate the dialog as shown. • Horizontal Alignment = BASE1 • Zoom Factor = 1.5 • Individually select a station to navigate to the selected cross section.

  28. Steps: Annotating Cross Sections • Select the Annotate Cross Section tool. • Click Preferences at the bottom of the dialog. • Load TXDOT Off/Elev/Slope and click Close. • Click General and set: • Surface = BASE1 • Click Features to expand the folder.

  29. Steps: AnnotatingCross Sections (cont.) • Highlight Annotate then select the featuresshown in the Features table to the right. • Click Apply to annotate the point features and component slopes.

  30. Steps: Computing End Area Volumes • Select the End Area Volume tool. • Click Preferences at the bottom of the dialog. • Load TXDOT EW and click Close. • Click General and verify • Surfaces = OG and BASE1 • Create XML Report = on • Plot Mass Haul Diagram • Click Classifications and review materials. • Click Apply to compute end area volumes.

  31. Steps: Review End Area Volumes Results Results include: • Compute End Areas • Compute Volumes between sections • Label the cross sections with computed values • Generate several quantities reports • Create the Mass Haul Diagram (If toggled on)

  32. Session 8:Plan Quantities

  33. Plan Quantities Overview • Automate quantity takeoffs for estimating • Link design to a master pay item list • Report quantities by entire project or delineate by sheets, stations, area, or phase • Access more than 60 formulas • Generate linear, area, and volume quantities • Integrate non-graphic (mobilization, etc.) quantities • Choose from more than 30 sample reports delivered (includes CSV, HTML, TST, and PDF) • Modify sample reports or create custom reports through XML style sheets

  34. Hands-on Session: Workflow: • Make shapes for pavement areas. • Compute linear and volume quantities. • Generate quantity database.

  35. Steps: Create Pavement Shapes • Navigate to the folder ..\Session 8\ and open the file Quantities.dgn (already created in your project directory with references attached and pavement markings drawn). • Select the GEOPAK Design and Computation Manager tool (GEOPAK > Road > Design and Computation Manager). • Click Shape. • Navigate to TxDOT > Quantity Sample > Surface Cse. • In the Auxiliary dialog, ensure Automatic is set. Click Draw, then data point INSIDE the pavement area. • Click Draw again and data point inside the left shoulder area. • Click Draw again and data point inside the right shoulder area.

  36. Steps: Compute Quantities • Turn on the MicroStation levels • Pavement Marking White • Pavement Marking Yellow • In the D&C Manager, click Compute • Highlight the Quantity Sample folder. • In the Auxiliary dialog, populate as shown. • Click Compute Quantities. When prompted for the Pavement Thickness (Parameter 1) key in 0.3333. Click Resume Computations.

  37. Steps: Export to Quantity Manager • Select the Quantity Manager tool (GEOPAK > Road > Quantity Manager.) • Select Project > Open and select ..\Session 8\TxDOT.mdb. • Navigate the hierarchy to view the asphalt. • In the Computation Results dialog: • Set Export Format to DBMS. • Select: TxDOT.mdb and Append • Phase: Design Estimate. • Click Export.

  38. Steps: Create Component Quantities • Turn on all levels in the reference file MainStreetDesign.dgn in View 1. • Select the Component Quantities tool. • Select the corridor. • Click Report to open the Civil Report Browser.

  39. Session 9:Creating Deliverables

  40. Creating Deliverables Overview • Export to machine guidance • Support industry standards, such as LandXML • Export alignments, surfaces and other pertinent design information to other systems via XML • Generate PDFs and 3D PDFs • Supports i-model creation (includes 2D and 3D geometry and business data)

  41. Hands-on Session: Plan Sheet Creation Workflow: • Draw profile cell. • Draw profile. • Generate plan / profile sheets.

  42. Steps: Draw Profile Cell • Navigate to the folder ..\Session 9\ and open the file PlanPofile.dgn(already created in your project directory with references attached). • Select the Draw Profiles tool (GEOPAK > Road > > Plans Preparation > Draw Profiles). • Set the Job number to 100 and the Chain to BASE1. • Click Dialog Profile Cell Control. • Click Place Profile Cell. • Populate the dialog, then data point in View 1 to the right of the horizontal geometry to place the profile cell. • Close the Profile Control Cell dialog, but leave the Draw Profile dialog open.

  43. Steps: Draw the Proposed Profile • Set the Job Number to 100. • Set the Label Scale to 100 • Set the Chain to BASE1 • Select the COGO tab and set: • Profille = DESPRO1 • Display Settings = By Feature • Click the Paintbrush and select Feature = TxDOT > Design > 22X34 > Features > PROFILES > PROFILES 100 H 10 V SCALE > PGL /Offset Design > D_PROF_4. Click OK. • Click General in the options list and set: • Strip Grade Increment = 50 • Horizontal and Vertical Axis Labels = on • Click Add COGO Profile Settings to add to the list, which draws the proposed profile.

  44. Steps: Draw the Existing Ground Profile • Select the Surfaces tab and set: • TIN File = OG.tin • Display Settings = By Feature • Click the Paintbrush and select Feature = TxDOT > Design > 22X34 > Features > PROFILES > PROFILES 100 H 10 V SCALE > Natural Grnd.> D_PROF_NG_4. Click OK. • Click Add Surface Settings to add to the list, which draws the existing profile superimposed on the profile cell already drawn with the proposed profile.

  45. Steps: Set Up for Plan Profile Sheets • Close any Profile dialogs. • Select the Plan/Profile Sheet Composition tool. (GEOPAK > Road > Plans Production > Plans Profile Sheet Composition). • Select File > Sheet Library > Attach and ensure that TxDOT_Sheets_V8i.psl is attached. • Set Sheet name to PP10A and Scale to 100ft / in. • Select Tools > Sheet Composition. • Method = By Begin Station / Overlap • Close dialog.

  46. Steps: Lay Out Plan Profile Sheets • Select Layout Sheets. • Click OK to close prompt about Job not found. • Set to Job 100. • In the Plan Sheet Layout Settings dialog, double click on Port 1 row and set the Chain to BASE1 and click OK.

  47. Steps: Lay Out Plan Profile Sheets (cont.) • Continue in the Select Layout Sheets dialog. • Double click on Port 2 row. • Click Identify Cell then select the profile cell to populate the fields, then click OK. • Double click on Port 3. • Click Identify Cell then select the profile cell to populate the fields, then click OK. • Click Layout 8 Sheets.

  48. Steps: Clip Plan Profile Sheets • Turn off levels D_SHEET_CLIP and GEOPAK-Profile Cells. File > Save Settings. • Click Clip Sheets. • Directory = ..\Session 9\ • Sheet Name Prefix = PlanProfileSheet • Click Process Sheets. • Review when complete.

  49. Hands-on Session: Deliverables for Automated Machine Guidance (AMG) Workflow: • Generating finished top surface. • Exporting a TIN or LandXML file • Generating 3D line lines. • Generating Pavement, Subbase and Subgrade surfaces.

  50. Steps: Creating Finished Top Surface • Open file ..\Session 9\MasterStreetDesign.dgn • Select the corridor, hover and click Properties from the context menu. • Change the Design Stage to Final Top Mesh. • In the 3D model, select the Final Top Mesh. • Select the Create from Elements tool and data point to accept the selection. • Arrow up or down to Feature Type = Graphic Breakline • Edge Method = Remove Slivers • Feature Definition = Design_Triangles • Name = TopFinished • Data point to accept

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