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Revolutionary War Research. by Cheryl Zhang and Sarah Jeffries. Europe’s view of the colonies. Europeans viewed colonies as their property They existed in order to serve their home nation The colonies produced crops, and goods A place where goods could be sold
Revolutionary War Research by Cheryl Zhang and Sarah Jeffries
Europe’s view of the colonies • Europeans viewed colonies as their property • They existed in order to serve their home nation • The colonies produced crops, and goods • A place where goods could be sold • Control by governors, appointed by crown • Appointed all judges, and all other officials
Colonies view of Europe • Many of the inhabits of the colonies had came to the Americans to escape persecution for religious or extreme political views • As a result, there was a higher concentration of radical thinkers in the Americas than in Europe • Many of the colonists have never visited Europe • Considered themselves Americans, Not Europeans • Their loyalty was to their colony, not to their distant mother country • They were tired of restrictions placed on the by England • Restrictions favored England, and made life difficult for the colonies • Some restrictions didn’t allow trade with other nations
Stamp act • British tax on American colonists • Passed March 22nd, 1765 • Instituted on November 1st , 1765 • Every newspaper had to have a stamp • The stamp cost money • One of the most unpopular taxes passed by the British government • Britain made a lot of money from the stamps • It was also the first real step in colonists drive toward independence • After the French and Indian war British government had many debts • The war was expensive • Britain suddenly inherited Canada • Tax collectors weren’t popular in America • Many colonies had a legislator that was made of elected officials • They made recommendations to the governor • Colonists formed the Stamp Act Congress, which met in New York to discuss how to respond to the tax • Those people were made up of 27 delegates, from 9 colonies • They wrote the declaration of rights and grievances • In the declaration, they claimed that the colonists had the same rights as people living in Britain • They also claimed that the colonists had the right to speak out against unfair taxes and they had the right to representation in the government • Repealed act on March 17th, 1766 • Stamp act congress gave model for continental congress
Tea act • Colonists couldn’t buy tea unless it came from the British east India company • Britain wanted to give it more business • Led to Boston tea party • Colonists thought it was extremely unfair • Britain lowered the price of the tea, so it was way below the price of other tea • The tax was passed in 1773 • Britain allowed east India to sell tea without the usual tax • Many colonists earned a living by smuggling , so the plan back fired • The sons of liberty got so angry that they planned the Boston tea party boycott • This act united the colonies
Boston tea party • December 16th, 1773 • Ships arrived in Boston harbor on November 29, 1773 carrying tea • Sons of liberty disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians • Paul Revere , Patrick Henry, John Hancock, Samuel Adams • Because they were disguised, they could claim they were innocent • Went aboard three British full of tea in the Boston Harbor • The Dartmouth, the Eleanor, and the Beaver • Dumped 342 crates full of tea overboard • The ships weren’t being unloaded because the angry colonists of Boston threatened not to buy or use the tea • Other tea companies weren’t happy about the tea act either • The British government was very angry • Led to the intolerable acts, one closed the port of Boston entirely • Similar events occurred in MD, NY, and NJ in the next few months • Symbolic act • Example of how far Americans are willing to go to speak out for their freedom
Intolerable Acts • In 1774, Parliament passed a series of laws in response to the Boston Tea Party • Also known as the Coercive Acts or the Punitive Acts • The Intolerable Acts included • The Quartering Act • The Quebec Act • The Massachusetts Government Act • The Currency Act • The Administration of Justice Act • The Boston Port Act
Boston Massacre • In 1766, Parliament passed a decree that reaffirmed their right to pass laws regarding the colonies • In 1767, they put a taxes on glass, lead, paper, and tea • In order to enforce the laws, British Officials requested military troops to aid them • On Monday, March 5, 1770, a small group of colonists were taking out their frustration by taunting and throwing snowballs at soldiers • Earlier that night, a boy named Edward Gerrish accosted an officer in King street for a payment due his master • When it became vocal, British Sentry, Private White, left his post outside the customs house to club the boy • Gerrish soon returned with a group of boys who pelted White with snowballs, ice, and trash • The commotion brought the Officer of the day, Captain Thomas Preston, who came to soldier’s aid with a corporal and 8 other soldiers • The mob grew in size and continued throwing things at the British Soldiers • Captain Preston ‘s order of ‘Don’t Fire’ was misinterpreted • The soldiers opened fire, killing 5 people including Crispus Attucks, an African American • 6 more people were injured • 6 soldiers were proven innocent • 2 were found guilty and were punished • The news spread quickly • After the funerals of the 5 men, Bostonians gathered at the Old South Church to demand that the British troops be removed from the city • The event was celebrated as Massacre Day until 1783, when it was switched to the 4th of July • Great Britain was forced to repeal the taxes • Parliament left a tax on tea to show they were still in charge