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Monitoring and Evaluation of Smart Specialisation Strategy. Krzysztof Mieszkowski JRC.IPTS, S 3 Platform 28 th May 2014, Sandomierz. March 2014. Outputs, results and impact in relation to programming, monitoring and evaluation. Indicators
Monitoring and Evaluation of Smart Specialisation Strategy Krzysztof Mieszkowski JRC.IPTS, S3 Platform 28th May 2014, Sandomierz
Outputs, results and impact in relation to programming, monitoring and evaluation
Indicators • Outputs are the direct products of programmes; they are intended to contribute to results • Result indicators are variables that provide information on some specific aspects of results that lend themselves to be measured. • Monitoring • Monitoring of outputs means to observe whether intended products are deliveredand whether implementation is on track • Monitoring also observes changes in the result indicators (policy monitoring) • The values of result indicators, both for baselines and at later points in time, in some cases can be obtained from national or regional statistics. In other cases it might be necessary to carry out surveys or to use administrative data, such as registry of enterprises or unemployment benefit recipient data.
Evaluation • Change in result indicator ═ contribution of intervention + contribution of other factors • Impact is the change that can be credibly attributed to an intervention. "Effect of an intervention" or "contribution of an intervention" are alternative expressions for this idea. • Impact evaluation – capturing effects • Did the public intervention have an effect at all and if yes, how big – positive or negative – was this effect. The question is: Does it work?Is there a causal link? This is the question counterfactual impact evaluations aim to answer. • Why an intervention produces intended (and unintended) effects. The goal is to answer the “why and how it works?” question. To answer this question is the aim of theory-based impact evaluations.
Clear objectives and selection of result indicators Result indicators shall meet certain quality criteria. They should be (CPR, annex XI): responsive to policy: closely linked to the policy interventions supported. They should capture the essence of a result according to a reasonable argument about which features they can and cannot represent; normative: having a clear and accepted normative interpretation (i.e. there must be agreement that a movement in a particular direction is a favourable or an unfavourable result); robust: reliable, statistically validated; timely collection of data: available when needed, with room built in for debate and for revision when needed and justified. Each result indicator requires a baseline value
Output indicators shall cover all investment priorities of a programme (art. 27.4(b), 96.2(b) CPR). As explained in section 1.1, they should be derived from the intervention logic of the programme, expressing its actions. Output indicators from the list of common indicators may be insufficient to reflect the actions of a certain programme; in this case it is necessary to identify programme specific output indicators. Common indicators are designed to aggregate information in a Member State and across Member States. They reflect frequently used investments of the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund. Common indicators reflect the actions, not the objectives of a programme or of regional policy. Actions reflected in common indicators are not more important than others. Member States shall use indicators from the list of common indicators whenever appropriate (art. 6, ERDF regulation; art. 5, CF regulation; art. 16, ETC regulation; see annex 1). "When appropriate" means, for example, if a programme does not support the construction of roads, the corresponding common indicators "kilometres of new roads" is not applicable.
Monitoring and evaluation systems of regionalOPs ≠ monitoring and evaluation systems of S3s. • Why? • S3 is a top (regional) level (refers to regional economy, regional innovation system) dealing with broader scope of issues. • Several OPs and sources of funds (regional, national, inter-regional, and EU – public and private) might be used to implement the strategy; also non-financial tools and actionscanbe considered. • But • OPs should reflect policy-mixes developed in S3 processes and should consider actions to reach the S3 strategic objectives seriously. • Because of that • The OP monitoring system should be also considered as a source of monitoring and evaluation information for S3.
RIS3 guide – Key steps for developing a RIS3 Step 1 – Analysis of regional context/potential Step 2 – Governance Step 3 – Vision for the future Step 4 – Selection of priorities Step 5 – Policy mix Step 6 – Monitoring and evaluation 11
Step 6 – Integration of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms Mechanisms integrated in the strategy: • Monitoring to verify the correct and efficient implementation of activities • Evaluation to verify whether and how strategic goals are met Importance of ex-ante setting of measurable targets and output/ outcome indicators
So what do we need? The policy-mix (objectives and adequate instruments) The roadmap and milestones (a need for time and mid-term objectives) The chosen indicators (measuring the progress in reaching the strategic objectives) Monitoring mechanism (monitoring processes and products of them) Governance structure (who is doing what, responsibility)
Monitoring of improvement in innovativeness of a region – Regional Innovation Scoreboard
Ramy definiujące inteligentne specjalizacje regionu w wymiarze naukowym, edukacyjnym i gospodarczym
Raportymonitorujące • Badania postaw przedsiębiorczości => bazy danych • Możliwość przeprowadzenia badania pogłębionego • Cykliczność badania pozwala znaleźć różnice – dynamiki dla określonych czynników • Instrument szybkiego reagowania • http://www.isr.parp.gov.pl/
Database of Andalusiancompanies La Central de Balances de Andalucía (CBA) es un sistema de información concebido como instrumento para conocer la realidad y la evolución de la empresa andaluza a través de sus cuentas públicas. Creada en el año 1992 por la Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía (entonces denominada Instituto de Fomento), en su proceso de desarrollo ha contado con la decisiva colaboración de Unicaja mediante sus sociedades Analistas Económicos de Andalucía e Instituto de Análisis Económico y Empresarial. En el año 2006 se integran la CBA y la Central de Balances de Actividad Empresarial en Andalucía, elaborada por el Instituto de Estadística de Andalucía, en virtud de un convenio firmado por sus instituciones promotoras. De esta forma, los resultados agregados de la CBA pasan a formar parte de la estadística oficial de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía. http://www.centraldebalancesdeandalucia.es/ CBSO Andalusia (CBA) is an information system designed as a tool for understanding reality and the evolution of the Andalusian company through its public accounts. Created in 1992 by the Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalusia (then Institute of Development), in their development process has had the decisive collaboration of Unicaja by their societies Economic Analysts of Andalusia and Institute of Economic and Business Analysis. In 2006, the CBA and the CBSO Entrepreneurial Activity in Andalusia, developed by the Institute of Statistics of Andalusia, under an agreement signed by their sponsoring institutions are integrated. Thus, the aggregate results of the CBA become part of the official statistics of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.
Monitoring and Evaluation - Lithuania • To followupactivites in projects and programmes • Learning for future • Butalsotoadapt and change areas of focus • Stakeholders engaged in governance structure • MOSTA in Lithuania
Integration of monitoring and evaluation mechanism – Lower Austria standardised pilot Cockpit: Monitor of results andregional effects In–process monitoring and ex-post evaluation External evaluations Enterprise Dialogue incl. online questionnaire RIS NÖ Large scale questionnaire BSC Balanced Scorecard Methodology CIS extension for regional data bi annual NÖ Innovations index and other studies National complete R&D inventory count bi annual 32
Stakeholder Engagement &Intervention • Requirement within BSC to have an ongoing strategy reviewing process • External • - Enterprise Dialogue with minister and top management representatives – once a year • - thematic small dialogues with ministers on demand • - RIS Steering Committee – once a year • - Online Large Scale Questionnaire – every 5 years • - Bi-annual meetings with key stakeholders (chamber of commerce, federation of industries) • - Steering committee of Clusters • Internal • - Top-level: Bi-annual strategy meetings (top management + minister) • - Programme Level: Bi-annual BSC reviews • Inputs lead to changes/adaption of strategy