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안녕하십니까. European Politics of Smart Specialisation. ?. Armin Mahr , 3 April 2013, Gwangju. In my view ...
안녕하십니까 European Politics of Smart Specialisation ? Armin Mahr, 3 April 2013, Gwangju
In myview... smart specialisationis a predominantlypoliticalconcept, offering a timelypolicyframetomobiliseregionsandplacestowardsknowledge- and innovation-drivenstructuralchange.
Opening a politics bracket: ( ... • A conceptborn in a European Union context • linkedtothe Europe 2020 strategy • linkedto EU policiesandmeanwhileoccupying EU politicsat large • meanwhilesparkingtheinterestofmanyeconomiesworldwide • becauseofitspracticalandmobilisingappealas a policyinstrument? ...
1. Born in the EU • D.Foray, P.A. David and B.Hall • Smart Specialisation: The Concept • Knowledge for Growth: Proposals for science, technology and innovation • Ignition for a paradigmatic evolution: • Uniting research and innovation policies • Uniting R&I with regional policy • Smart specialisation and New Industrial Policy: 2 sides of the same coin
2. The EU 2020 Strategycontext • Smart, • Sustainable, • Inclusive Growth forthe Union, formemberstates – andforregions • Flagship Initiatives: • Innovation Union • 34 commitments (Nr 24: S3 Strategies) • Fundinginstruments: • European Structuraland Investment Funds 2014-20 • Horizon 2020 Comprehensivesystemofannualreporting, monitoringandmeasuring
Source: Innovation Union Scoreboard 2013 Matching Innovation performance & R&D expenditure in the business sector as % of GDP
Ad Implementing a concept in a fundingpolicyintervention: European Structuraland Investment Funds 2014-20 (draftregulation) Armin Mahr, 3 April 2013, Gwangju 5 Armin Mahr, 3 April 2013, Gwangju
3. Smart Specialisationchallengingpoliticsat all levels • Broad horizontal involvementof EU services • Verticalinvolvementof all levelsofgovernment • Compulsoryinvolvementofstakeholders /experts/ entrepreneurs • Research and Innovation StrategiesforSmart Specialisation (RIS3)ascentralinstrumentsforimplementationandmonitoring
4. A place-basedconceptwith international spill-over potential • Smart specialisationfosteringcohesion in EU accession countries, preparingformembership • The European Union as a policylabortoryopportunityfor OECD partners (with mutual benefit!) • UNECE and World Bank propose smart specialisationtoemergingeconomies • The EU‘schoiceofgrowthdimensionsfeelsrightandtimely • Challengesare global, proximitycountswoldwide • Politics in searchofnewlogicsforpolicyinterventions(multi-level governance, a globalisedenvironment still needsplacesandspacesofreference)
5. Whatis in forpolitics? Whatis in foryou? • Regionscannotbefrontrunners in everyindustry/STI field: evidence-base andoriginalitycount/ limited resourcesneedto find therightinvestmentplace: moreeffectiveallocationofresources, reductionoffragmentation/duplication • Smart specialisationis a policyprocesswheretoughchoicesbecomemore transparent: Choicesarerisky but jointpolicyrisk-sharing • Creation of synergies between public support mechanisms for R&D and innovation, industrial promotion and human capital and training in order to leverage private investments, boosting business opportunities and attracting foreign investment: joint financial risk-sharing
5. Whatis in forpolitics? Whatis in foryou? • Smart specialisationis not aboutanyspecialisation in a setofindustriesor STI fields, itconsiderswhereexistingstrengths in onesectorsuggest potential in theother: industryandacademianeedtobecomeempoweredpolicyentrepreneurs • Smart specialisationis not aboutinnovationseverywhereorlotterybets; no golden way. Innovation is multi-dimensional, foreveryplacethereareseveralgames: an educatedguessisbased on a history, monitoringandevaluation • Smart Specialisationsare not madeforeternity: Itispartofthestrategyprocesstoassesswhetheratany time mysystemisabletogenerate, discover, detectandrealiseopportunities in a global value-chaincontext. Are poltics/industry/academia fit tospecialise? Isittheright time forthatspecialisation? Time matters.
Ad 5. RIS3 opportunitiesforplace-basedinterventions(entrepreneurialdiscovery / open governance) • Green Growth: onlysustainableis smart – Eco-innovation & Energyefficiency • Digital agenda: enablingknowledgeflowswithinandacrossregions – connectedregions • Clusters for regional growth: businessecologiesthatdriveinnovation • Innovation-friendlybusinessenvironmentsfor SMEs: goodjobsin internationallycompetitivefirms • Socialinnovation: new organisational formstotacklesocietalchallenges • Strongerfocus on financialengineering: newfundingmodels, not onlygrants • Lifelong Learning in researchandinnovation: supportknowledgetriangle(edu/research/inno) anduniversity-enterprise cooperation • Key Enabling Technologies: systemic potential toinducestructuralchange • Research infrastructure/centresofcompetence: supporttowidediffusionofleadingedge R&D results • Creativityandculturalindustries: innovationbeyondtechnologyand outside manufacturing • Public procurementformarket pull: pre-competitive PP to open newinnovationfriendlymarketniches
Usefuldocuments The European Commission‘sS3 platformatthe Joint Research Centre, Sevilla, Spain: http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu Download yourRIS3 KEY fromthe Austrian ERA portal: www.era.gv.at andgetstartedwith Smart Specialisation.
고맙습니다 Andhow smart isyourregion? armin.mahr@bmwf.gv.at