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My Early Childhood Educators Passionate Creed. Assignment Cover Sheet. Roseanne Pickering PIPI 7931 – Being and Becoming: Teacher as Professional. My Philosophy. My Philosophy is developed from who I am, my development of knowledge and practice over the past years.
My Early Childhood Educators Passionate Creed Assignment Cover Sheet Roseanne Pickering PIPI 7931 – Being and Becoming: Teacher as Professional
My Philosophy • My Philosophy is developed from who I am, my development of knowledge and practice over the past years. • I teach out of my character and my personality, my nurturing and playful nature, my love for relationships, challenges and responsibility. • I am marked with Gods love and compassion, I want to share this with others as I work alongside families to raise up the following generations.
Image of the Child Respected Powerful Involved Potential Preparedness Engaging Curious Active agents & go researchers Commutative Rich in experiences Unique Amazement Competent & Capable • Establishing • Relationships Constructingtheir learning Desires to gain knowledge Protagonist of their own learning
Role of the Teacher On going reflection Teacher as researcher & Collaborator To be very open To document & capture conversation To question and extend To reflect & support To observe & listen To gather with the children Be apart of a team Respecting children’s work & the process To know each child individually, Act as a resource for the children & Partners to the process of learning.
Being and Becoming: Teacher as Professional A professional educator is one that has integrity, authenticity and is transparent. Shows genuine love and cares for those around her, he takes up responsibility and is filled with motive, determination and has a positive attitude.
Being and Becoming: Teacher as Learner • Educators need to be ‘ready, willing and able to engage profitably with learning’ (Claxton & Carr, 2004, p. 87). Gracious Secure Teachable
Being and Becoming: Teacher as Nurture • A nurturing teacher is one who knows each individual child; she knows their abilities, interests and passions. A nurturing teacher is one that supports the child and their families, they show love and compassion; they are able to support child’s emotional well-being and are prepared for the unexpected.
Being and Becoming: Teacher as Christian Educator • Jesus is a model for all those who are called to teach (Pazmino, 2001). Jesus had time for people; he showed unconditional love, encouraged and supported those he taught. “Make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.” As a Christian educator it is my ambition to live as Jesus did, I want to be strong in my faith and I want my students to know I have a genuine love for them, I want to meet their needs, provide encouragement and support them through all stages of growth and development.
Being and Becoming: Teacher as Servant Leader Servant Leader characteristics: • Displays a caring love for others • Others best interest at heart • Growing and developing those around me • Accepting obligation • Has desire for accountability • Always listening • Genuine humility of heart
Relationships • I believe relationships are one of the upmost important foundations of early education. Children learn through positive, responsive and reciprocal relationships with people, places and things (Ministry of Education, 1996). • It’s important teachers strive to create all relationships in the best interest of the children and their families, as I believe when strong relationships are formed it empowers young children to explore confidently and freely and sets the foundations for later in life.
Parents and Child Fostering Relationships Community Centre and Staff The Relationship Triangle
Family/Whanau • “When the family, and its knowledge of the child, is viewed as an integral part of the learning community, strong, responsive, reciprocal relationships can then be formed between the family and the centre, supporting the child’s sense of belonging” (Jones, 2006. p. 28) • These relationships can be achieved by regular communications, parent days, making connections with children’s interests and home environment, family walls, learning stories and funds of knowledge.
Staff Interaction • I believe staff need to have an open understanding, reciprocal relationships and two-way communication for a team to run smoothly. • A team needs to share a similar philosophy and know they each have a valued place within the a centre.
Environment • I see the environment as being one that that educates and mirrors the ideas, values, attitudes and cultures of those that live in it. An environment that promotes relationships, provides challenges, choices and activities and has potential for sparking all kinds of social, affective and cognitive learning (Edwards, C,P., Gandini, L., Forman, J, E.,1998).
Outdoor Space • Construction • Imagination • Discovery • Exploration • Challenging • Natural Elements • Sustainable • Quite Space • Opportunity
Resources • Children and teachers have access to many resources, keeping in mind not all resources have to be the newest equipment but can be creativity home or centre made. I believe that one man’s trash can be another man’s treasure. • Resources should be maintained and safety checks for equipment should be done regularly. • The resources should be accessible and at a height for children, whilst other resources should be stored safely for teachers to use.
Positive Guidance • I believe teachers should be equipped with tools to provided all children with guidance as they develop physically and socially. Redirection Empowerment Collaboration
Nutrition and Safety • Centres should be well equipped and following current regulations for safely. I believe it is important for teachers to have a understanding of current polices and practices that will effect the daily environment. • Its important children are brought up on a nutritious diet, centres providing food consult parents on what they are serving and take opportunities to discuss with children healthy options.
Curriculum • Te Whaariki • Planning and Assessment • Learning though Play • Policies and Practices • Multiculturalism and Diversity • Creative Arts
Planning and Assessment • Planning, assessment and evaluation is an on-going (Sutton, 1997) task that should be happening throughout our classroom to see and develop learning opportunities and to set goal we can aim for making the process objective as possible (Sutton, 1997). Noticing Recognising Responding
Learning through Play • “Play is a tool for learning and practitioners who acknowledge and appreciate this can, through provision, interaction and intervention in children’s play, ensure progression, differentiation and relevance in their development.” (Moyles J, 1996)
Polices and Practices • “Polices should be seen as playing a key role in promoting shared beliefs and values, they should underpin day-to-day practices and be a baseline for everyday decisions. “ (Jones, C, A., & Pond, L. 2008) • Regulations, philosophies and polices influences the practices within an early childhood setting. • As an educator I need to understand and partake in regular changes, and updates of these influence. I also want to share a similar philosophy with those in which I work with.
Multiculturalism and Diversity • I believe teachers need to be aware of diversity and multiculturalism in the classroom, we need to be equipped with knowledge and tools on how we can best include all children and their families no matter what their background. • I believe centres need to equipped with resources and areas for children to explore other cultures.
Creative Arts • Children are never too young to start exploring art in many different mediums and forms. The benefits of art exploration are wide, ranging from physical cognitive development. • Art gives children the opportunity to develop friendships and social skills, it allows children to express emotion and often create ‘original’ ideals. • Creative arts should be available for children to do on a daily-bases with teachers finding ways to extend activities and interest, focusing more on the process and development rather than the final product.
Reference List Page One • Almon, J (2009.) The Vital Role of Play in Early Childhood Education. Ann S. Epstein • Balkin, A. (2000). What is Creativity? What is it not? Music Educator’s Journal, 90(5). 35-39. • Brownlee, P. (2007). Magic Places. Auckland, New Zealand: Play centre Federation. • Carr, M. (2001). Assessment in Early Childhood Settings. Waikato, New Zealand: SAGE Publications Ltd. • Clyde, J. A., Miller, C., Sauer, S,. Liebert, K., Parker, S., & Runyon, S. (2006). Teacher and children inquire into Reggio Emilia. Language Arts, 83(3), 215-226.
Reference List Page Two • Daly, E,. Byers, E,. & Taylor, W. (2004). The handbook for early years managers: Early years management in practice. Jordan Hill, Oxford: Heinemann Education Publishes. • Drummond, M.J., Rouse, D., & Pugh, G. (1993). Making assessment work. England: Nottingham Group and National Children’s Bureau. • Edwards, C. P., Gandini, L,. Forman, G. E,. (1998). The hundred languages of children: the Reggio Emilia approach. Greenwhich, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group • Freeman, N.K., & Knopf, H.T. (2007). Learning to speak with a professional voice: Initiating preservice teachers into being a resource for parents. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 28,141-152.
Reference List Page Three • Gailer, S. (2010). Being Professional: First, do no harm! The First Years: Nga Tau Tuatahi. New Zealand Journal for Infant and Toddler Education, 12(2), 19-24. • Gandini, L. 1998. “Education and Caring Spaces” in Edwards, C., Gandini, L., & Forman, G. The Hundred Languages of Children. Greenwich, CT: Ablex. • Hedges, H. (2009). Children's interests: From play to funds of knowledge as an analytic framework.Playcentre Journal, 136, 20-23 • Hendrick, J, (1997). First steps towards teaching the Reggio Way. Upper Saddle River: NJ: Prentice Hall. • Hughes, R. (2010). Where is the love? Putting love at the heart of early childhood teaching. The First Years: Nga Tau Tuatahi. New Zealand Journal for Infant and Toddler Education, 12(2), 25-28.
Reference List Page Four • Jones, C, A., & Pound, L. (2008). Leadership and management in the year years: from principles to practice. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press • Jones, C. (2006). Continuity of learning: adding funds of knowledge from the home environment. Early childhood folio, 10, 27-31 • Jones, C. (2006). Continuity of learning: adding funds of knowledge from the home environment. Early childhood folio, 10, 27-31 • Marshall, T. (1991). Understanding leadership: Fresh perspectives on the essentials on new testament leadership (pp. 114-129). Chichester, UK: Sovereign World.
Reference List Page Five • Mayesky, M. (2012). Creative activities for children, (10th ed.) Melbourne, Australia: WadworthCengage Learning. • Ministry of Education (1996). Te Whāriki: He whārikimātauranga mo ngamokopuna o Aotearoa: Early childhood curriculum. Wellington, Learning Media. • McFarland, L., Saunders, R., & Allen, S. (2009). Reflective practice and self-evaluation in learning positive guidance: Experiences of early childhood practicum students. Early Childhood Educ J, 36, 505-511. • McFarland, L., Saunders, R., & Allen, S. (2008). Learning and teaching positive guidance skills: Lessons from early childhood practicum students. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 29, 204-221
Reference List Page Six • Morris, D. (2010). Child, how children think, learn and grow in the early years. London, UK: Hamlyn • New Zealand Teachers Council: Code of ethics. Retrieved from http://www.teacherscouncil.govt.nz/ethics/index.stm • Nixon, L. (n.d.). Jesus: the master teacher. Retrieved from http://www.outbackpatrol.com.au/masterteacher.htm. • Norsworthy, B., with BTI teacher education team members. (2009). Conceptual framework for the BTI Diploma in Teaching (ECE) programme. Tauranga, NZ: Bethlehem Tertiary Institute.
Reference List Page Seven • Pazmino, R. (2001). Jesus the Master Teacher, Jn Anthony, M. J. (Ed). (2001). Introducing Christian education: Foundations for the twenty-first century. Grand Rapide: Baker Academic. pp. 111 – 124 • Sharp, C. (2004, Autumn). Developing young children’s creativity: what can we learn from research? Topic, 32, 5-12. • Spears, L. C. (2005) The understanding and practice of servant leadership. Retrieved from: http://www.regent.edu/acad.global/conference/servant/home.shtml • Sutton, R. (1997). The learning school. Salford, UK: Sutton Productions. • Swartz, K. L. (2006). Funds of knowledge and culture. In J. Rowsell (Ed.), Family literacy experiences (pp. 36-51). Markham, ON: Pembroke Publishes