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Project Name : OTESP Short Description : Open Transport Efficiency Services P latform

Project Name : OTESP Short Description : Open Transport Efficiency Services P latform Project Manager: Fredrik Cederstav End Gate: March 2014 Budget: 6 MSEK Partners/ Suppliers : . Actors :. Vehicle data. Fordons- tillverkare. Logistik leverantör. Pick- up. Delivery.

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Project Name : OTESP Short Description : Open Transport Efficiency Services P latform

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  1. Project Name: OTESP Short Description: Open Transport Efficiency Services Platform Project Manager: Fredrik Cederstav End Gate: March 2014 Budget:6 MSEK Partners/Suppliers:

  2. Actors: Vehicle data Fordons-tillverkare Logistikleverantör Pick-up Delivery Trp data Freight data Åkeri IB Transport bättre informationsbearbetning…

  3. Scope:1. Build an openTelematicsplatform and prepare for field test of a ”virtualhauler” ofupto 40 Vehicles. PlatformcompatibleregardlessofTelematic system or brand. Minimum three brands for ”proofofconcept”. Usecases:A. Volvo Trucks with integration enginetoDynafleet online (upto 30 vehicles)B. Scania Trucks withintegr. toScanialink (upto 6 vehicles)C. Other VW pick up trucks withFleetech hardware (1-5 vehicles)2. Create ”Åkarweb” with real-time transport optimization in cooperationwith IB Transport. Link CO2reports per parcel (per delivery or per kg/ton).3. Define Business model for the openplatform and each partners role in this Eco-system.4. Parallell workwithtwoother R&D services; Loadcapacity and Drowsy Driver. TBD.

  4. Finance:2011Vinnovapayment: 875.000 SEKActualWBS: 703.333 SEK 2012Vinnovapayment: 1.250.000 SEKActual WBS: 1.583.550 SEK (June 30th)2013Vinnovapayment: 875.000 SEKActual WBS: -

  5. Datainsamling Fordonsekonomi C. FleetStar Normaliserad & aggregreradfordons-data B. FleetControl OptidevsÅkarweb (TM4) Åkeri FTU Scania A. DHL Trafikledning Dynafleet Online Dynafleet Volvo FTU=3rd party

  6. Timeplan VACATION Integration Scania API DevelopÅkarweb Installation Dynafleet – MRC 477 Budget Meeting IB trp Field test 1 w1232 w1250 w1228 w1222 Integration Volvo (API) Vinnova Develop Eco-protocol per goodsconcept ContractFleetch

  7. Timeplancont. 2013 VACATION Report Field test 1 (cont.) Field test 2 Business canvas w1332 w1350 w1328 1302 Integration New services Dissemination/Film Develop Eco-protocol per goods (cont.) Transport efficiency, Eco-data etc Project End March 2014 ?

  8. Budget 2012:BudgetVinnovaVTEC: 890.000 800.0003P: 391.000 325.000LSP: 0 125.000SUM: 1.281.000 1.250.000DHL: 31.025 0Optidev: 70.000 0Fleetech: 77.000 0 IB Transport: 7.500 0 *financedby 3P *

  9. Thankyou.

  10. BACK-UP

  11. IntegrationsmotorEn ny integrationsmotor utvecklas för hämtning av data från Dynafleet Online till FleetControl. Denna integrationsmotor ska fungera parallellt med befintligt system. Integrationsmotorn ska utvecklas som en Windowstjänst (eng. Windows Service) och därmed ha funktion för kontinuerlig drift dygnet runt.Tjänsten har två huvudflödenSynkronisering av fordons- och förarlistor för respektive åkeri/kontoLäsning och lagring av data för respektive fordon/förare tillhörande åkeri/kontoNedan beskrivs översiktligt de två huvudflöden tjänsten behöver utföra. Kontouppgifter för respektive åkeri läggs in manuellt i FleetControl-databasen, resten bör kunna ske automatiskt.

  12. Societal Benefits/ Samhällsnytta: • Goodexampleofcooperationbetweenfreight cluster actors and OEM (slide10). • Improvingprofitability for Hauliers and logistic companies in Sweden. • Showingpotential in cuttingfuelcostsand unnecessary transports. • Reducing CO2-emissions by 30% to 2020. • Improvingsafety and security for drivers.

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