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Equality in Action: Developing our new Equality Plan

Equality in Action: Developing our new Equality Plan. What is an Equality Plan?. It clearly states the Council’s commitment to equality, diversity and human rights.

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Equality in Action: Developing our new Equality Plan

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  1. Equality in Action: Developing our new Equality Plan

  2. What is an Equality Plan? • It clearly states the Council’s commitment to equality, diversity and human rights. • It shows how we are meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 as a Council, a Licensing Board and an Education Authority. • It identifies key priorities for achieving improved equality outcomes across the Council.

  3. What is the Equality Act 2010? • The purpose of the Equality Act is to ensure that everyone, whether at work or in using a services has the right to be treated fairly. • Find out more detail about the Act here http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/legal-and-policy/equality-act/

  4. Who does the law protect? • It protects people from discrimination on the basis of certain characteristics. These are known as protected characteristics. • Age • Disability • Sex • Gender Reassignment • Race • Pregnancy and maternity • Sexual Orientation • Marriage and civil partnership (employment and vocational training only)

  5. What responsibilities does the Council have? • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act. • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

  6. What does the new Equality Plan need to take account of? • The Requirements of the Equality Act 2010 • The impact of Self Directed Support • Reducing Budgets • The impact of Welfare Reform • Ageing and changing population • Attitudes: What’s it got to do with me? • Shifting expectations • Changing economic climate • Legal Challenges

  7. How did we develop the plan? • Considered East Lothian’s Population • Spoke to people to get a picture of the likely experiences of equality groups • Spoke to voluntary sector organisations who work with equality groups • Looked at research into the issues affecting equality groups • Looked at good practice from other councils and organisations.

  8. What are Equality Outcomes? ‘results intended to achieve specific and identifiable improvements in people’s life chances’

  9. What long terms outcomes are in the Equality plan? • East Lothian Council is a positive workplace for all employees • East Lothian Council services will meet the needs of all those in the community • In East Lothian we live healthier, more active and independent lives  • Fewer people are the victim of crime, disorder and abuse in East Lothian • All of East Lothian’s young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens • Everyone in East Lothian has access to quality sustainable housing • Fewer people experience poverty in East Lothian • East Lothian has strong, vibrant communities where residents have a sense of belonging

  10. What short term outcomes are in the plan? East Lothian Council is a positive workplace for all employees • East Lothian Council will be a workplace free of harassment and discrimination • Equality will be embedded through equal pay and a range of flexible working policies.

  11. All of East Lothian’s young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens • Close the gap in literacy rates between boys and girls in primary school • Reduced exclusion rates for boys in school • Reduced incidence of identity based bullying in youth settings e.g. homophobia • All children who require additional support have the right support in place

  12. In East Lothian we live healthier, more active and independent lives • People live healthier, more active and independent lives in their own homes and communities for as long as possible • People have more choice and control over the services that they access. • Increased positive mental health and well being

  13. Everyone in East Lothian has access to quality sustainable housing • People with particular needs are able to get and sustain their choice of housing, including independent living • More new housing is built, with a higher proportion of appropriate and affordable housing

  14. Fewer people are the victim of crime, disorder and abuse in East Lothian • Reduced incidence of violence against women • Reduced incidence of hate crime • Increased confidence in reporting hate crime • East Lothian Communities get on well together

  15. East Lothian has strong, vibrant communities where residents have a sense of belonging • East Lothian Communities have a sense of belonging • East Lothian Communities get on well together

  16. Fewer people experience poverty in East Lothian • The life chances of people at risk of falling into poverty, or already living in poverty, are improved

  17. East Lothian Council services will meet the needs of all those in the community • Equality is embedded into all aspects of the Council’s work • East Lothian Council has increased knowledge and competent to deal with equality issues. • East Lothian Council Procurement Practices ensure equality is a core part of the tendering process

  18. To achieve these outcomes we will need to: • Increase our knowledge of equalities issues • Understand the experiences of those living in our communities • Understand the impact of our services and the decisions we make • Promote choice and control for people who use our services • Work in partnership to tackle issues such as hate crime and violence against women • Be a good and fair place to work • Ensure we take our responsibility to foster good relations serious • Celebrate diversity and challenge negative attitudes

  19. We want your views: • Are these the right outcomes for our equalities work? • Are there other priorities which should be included? • What actions by the Council would help to achieve these outcomes? • What can we do to foster good relations in the community?

  20. Next Steps • March 2013: Finalise Equality Plan based on feedback from the consultation • April 2013: Council to agree the Equality Plan • 2013-2016: Implement the Equality Plan with ongoing consultation and engagement with stakeholders.

  21. Keep in Touch • Rebecca Spillane Equalities Officer equalities@eastlothian.gov.uk 01620 827134 • http://www.eastlothian.gov.uk/info/751/equality_diversity_and_citizenship/835/equality_and_diversity • Facebook: search for East Lothian Diversity Network

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