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Prepare for the Ham Radio Technician Class exam with this PowerPoint presentation. Learn sub-element 8 of 10, including modulation modes and satellite operations. Study hints and effective strategies are provided to help you succeed.

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  3. Hi-Landers Ham Class Instructed by Rich Bugarin W6EC

  4. Sub-element 8 of 10

  5. Ham Radio Technician Class Exam preparation Power Point created by Rich Bugarin W6EC. Effective July 1, 2018 and is valid until June 30, 2022. Please send suggested changes to this presentation to: w6ec@thebugarins.com

  6. Study Hints • I suggest you read each question and only the correct answer. Read through the complete question pool at least three times before you attempt taking a practice exams. For higher impact and better results read the correct answer first then the question and again the correct answer. • The key to passing the exam is to get the most questions correct using the above method the correct response will often jump out at you on test day even if you don’t remember the question.

  7. Text Color • Black: Original/Official questions and information in original format (unaltered). • Red: Original information text color simply changed to highlight subject. • Blue: Notes and information added by Rich (W6EC).

  8. SUBELEMENT T8 – Modulation modes; amateur satellite operation, operating activities, non-voice and digital communications • [4 Exam Questions - 4 Groups]

  9. T8A – Modulation modes; bandwidth of various signals; choice of emission type • #27 of 35

  10. T8A01 Which of the following is a form of amplitude modulation? A. Spread-spectrum B. Packet radio C. Single sideband D. Phase shift keying

  11. T8A02 What type of modulation is most commonly used for VHF packet radio transmissions? A. FM B. SSB C. AM D. PSK

  12. T8A03 Which type of voice modulation is most often used for long-distance (weak signal) contacts on the VHF and UHF bands? A. FM B. DRM C. SSB D. PM

  13. T8A04 Which type of modulation is most commonly used for VHF and UHF voice repeaters? A. AM B. SSB C. PSK D. FM

  14. T8A05 Which of the following types of emission has the narrowest bandwidth? A. FM voice B. SSB voice C. CW D. Slow-scan TV

  15. T8A06 Which sideband is normally used for 10 meter HF, VHF and UHF single-sideband communications? A. Upper sideband B. Lower sideband C. Suppressed sideband D. Inverted sideband

  16. T8A07 What is the primary advantage of single sideband over FM for voice transmissions? A. SSB signals are easier to tune B. SSB signals are less susceptible to interference C. SSB signals have narrower bandwidth D. All of these choices are correct

  17. T8A08 What is is the approximate bandwidth of a single sideband voice signal? A. 1 kHz B. 3 kHz C. 6 kHz D. 15 kHz

  18. T8A09 What is the approximate bandwidth of a VHF repeater FM phone signal? A. Less than 500 Hz B. About 150 kHz C. Between 10 and 15 kHz D. Between 50 and 125 kHz VHF ham (2 Meter) uses narrow spacing of 12.5 KHz

  19. T8A10 What is the typical bandwidth of analog fast-scan TV transmissions on the 70 cm band? A. More than 10 MHz B. About 6 MHz C. About 3 MHz D. About 1 MHz

  20. T8A11 What is the approximate maximum bandwidth required to transmit a CW signal? A. 2.4 kHz B. 150 Hz C. 1000 Hz D. 15 kHz CW uses the least bandwidth of all transmission modes so pick small

  21. T8B - Amateur satellite operation; Doppler shift, basic orbits, operating protocols; control operator, transmitter power considerations; telemetry and telecommand; satellite tracking • #28 of 35

  22. T8B01 What telemetry information is typically transmitted by satellite beacons? A. The signal strength of received signals B. Time of day accurate to plus or minus 1/10 second C. Health and status of the satellite D. All of these choices are correct

  23. T8B02 What is the impact of using too much effective radiated power on a satellite uplink? A. Possibility of commanding the satellite to an improper mode B. Blocking access by other users C. Overloading the satellite batteries D. Possibility of rebooting the satellite control computer

  24. T8B03 Which of the following are provided by satellite tracking programs? A. Maps showing the real-time position of the satellite track over the earth B. The time, azimuth, and elevation of the start, maximum altitude, and end of a pass C. The apparent frequency of the satellite transmission, including effects of Doppler shift D. All of these answers are correct

  25. T8B04 What mode of transmission is used for satellite beacons? A. RTTY B. CW C. Packet D. All of these choices are correct

  26. T8B05 What is a satellite beacon? A. The primary transmit antenna on the satellite B. An indicator light that that shows where to point your antenna C. A reflective surface on the satellite D. A transmission from a satellite that contains status information

  27. T8B06 Which of the following are inputs to a satellite tracking program? A. The weight of the satellite B. The Keplerian elements C. The last observed time of zero Doppler shift D. All of these answers are correct

  28. T8B07 With regard to satellite communications, what is Doppler shift? A. A change in the satellite orbit B. A mode where the satellite receives signals on one band and transmits on another C. An observed change in signal frequency caused by relative motion between the satellite and the earth station D. A special digital communications mode for some satellites

  29. T8B08 What is meant by the statement that a satellite is operating in "mode U/V"? A. The satellite uplink is in the 15 meter band and the downlink is in the 10 meter band B. The satellite uplink is in the 70 cm band and the downlink is in the 2 meter band C. The satellite operates using ultraviolet frequencies D. The satellite frequencies are usually variable

  30. T8B09 What causes spin fading of satellite signals? A. Circular polarized noise interference radiated from the sun B. Rotation of the satellite and its antennas C. Doppler shift of the received signal D. Interfering signals within the satellite uplink band

  31. T8B10 What do the initials LEO tell you about an amateur satellite? A. The satellite battery is in Low Energy Operation mode B. The satellite is performing a Lunar Ejection Orbit maneuver C. The satellite is in a Low Earth Orbit D. The satellite uses Light Emitting Optics

  32. T8B11 Who may receive telemetry from a space station? A. Anyone who can receive the telemetry signal B. A licensed radio amateur with a transmitter equipped for interrogating the satellite C. A licensed radio amateur who has been certified by the protocol developer D. A licensed radio amateur who has registered for an access code from AMSAT

  33. T8B12 Which of the following is a good way to judge whether your uplink power is neither too low nor too high? A. Check your signal strength report in the telemetry data B. Listen for distortion on your downlink signal C. Your signal strength on the downlink should be about the same as the beacon D. All of these choices are correct

  34. T8C – Operating activities: radio direction finding; radio control; contests; linking over the Internet; grid locators • #29 of 35

  35. T8C01 Which of the following methods is used to locate sources of noise interference or jamming? A. Echolocation B. Doppler radar C. Radio direction finding D. Phase locking

  36. T8C02 Which of these items would be useful for a hidden transmitter hunt? A. Calibrated SWR meter B. A directional antenna C. A calibrated noise bridge D. All of these choices are correct

  37. T8C03 What popular operating activity involves contacting as many stations as possible during a specified period of time? A. Contesting B. Net operations C. Public service events D. Simulated emergency exercises

  38. T8C04 Which of the following is good procedure when contacting another station in a radio contest? A. Sign only the last two letters of your call if there are many other stations calling B. Contact the station twice to be sure that you are in his C. Send only the minimum information needed for proper identification and the contest exchange D. All of these choices are correct

  39. T8C05 What is a grid locator? A. A letter-number designator assigned to a geographic location B. A letter-number designator assigned to an azimuth and elevation C. An instrument for neutralizing a final amplifier D. An instrument for radio direction finding

  40. T8C06 How is access to an IRLP node accomplished? A. By obtaining a password which is sent via voice to the node B. By using DTMF signals C. By entering the proper Internet password D. By using CTCSS tone codes

  41. T8C07 What is meant by Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) as used in amateur radio? A. A set of rules specifying how to identify your station when linked over the internet to another station B. A set of guidelines for contacting DX stations during contests using internet access C. A technique for measuring the modulation quality of a transmitter using remote sites monitored via the internet D. A method of delivering voice communications over the internet using digital techniques

  42. T8C08 What is the Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP)? A. A technique to connect amateur radio systems, such as repeaters, via the internet using Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) B. A system for providing access to websites via amateur radio C. A system for informing amateurs in real time of the frequency of active DX stations D. A technique for measuring signal strength of an amateur transmitter via the internet

  43. T8C09 How might you obtain a list of active nodes that use VoIP? A. By subscribing to an on line service B. From on line repeater lists maintained by the local repeater frequency coordinator C. From a repeater directory D. All of these choices are correct

  44. T8C10 What must be done before you may use the Echolink system to communicate using a repeater? A. You must complete the required Echolink training B. You must have purchased a license to use the Echolink software C. You must be sponsored by a current Echolink user D. You must register your call sign and provide proof of license

  45. T8C11 What name is given to an amateur radio station that is used to connect other amateur stations to the Internet? A. A gateway B. A repeater C. A digipeater D. A beacon

  46. T8D – Non-voice and digital communications: image signals; digital modes; CW; packet radio; PSK31; APRS; error detection and correction; NTSC; amateur radio networking; Digital Mobile/Migration Radio • #30 of 35

  47. T8D01 Which of the following is a digital communications method? A. Packet radio B. IEEE 802.11 C. JT65 D. All of these choices are correct

  48. T8D02 What does the term APRS mean? A. Automatic Packet Reporting System B. Associated Public Radio Station C. Auto Planning Radio Set-up D. Advanced Polar Radio System

  49. T8D03 Which of the following devices is used to provide data to the transmitter when sending automatic position reports from a mobile amateur radio station? A. The vehicle speedometer B. A WWV receiver C. A connection to a broadcast FM sub-carrier receiver D. A Global Positioning System receiver

  50. T8D04 What type of transmission is indicated by the term NTSC? A. A Normal Transmission mode in Static Circuit B. A special mode for earth satellite uplink C. An analog fast scan color TV signal D. A frame compression scheme for TV signals

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