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Edward P. Shafranske Carol A. Falender Traci Bank Pepperdine University

This article discusses the importance of a supervision agreement in addressing inadequate supervision and improving supervisees' competence. It explores the components of the agreement and offers strategies for implementation.

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Edward P. Shafranske Carol A. Falender Traci Bank Pepperdine University

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  1. Implementing a Competency-based, Transtheoretical Approach to Clinical Supervision: The Supervision Agreement Edward P. Shafranske Carol A. FalenderTraci Bank Pepperdine University

  2. Why An Agreement? • Supervisees reported inadequate supervision • characteristics of not knowing what the expectations were for supervision • Not knowing what evaluation would be used • Not having a supervisory relationship/alliance • Not receiving ongoing feedback • Receiving multiculturally insensitive supervision

  3. The Supervision Agreement Is a Formalization of the Alliance Collaborative, mutually defined goals and tasks of clinical training developed Clarification of specific knowledge, skills, and values assembled to form specific clinical competencies Learning strategies and evaluation procedures Introduction to diversity of all three Transparency in evaluation and feedback

  4. Clarity in the training goals and the collaborative identification of the means to achieve the goals establish a context for the development of an alliance/relationship out of which an emotional bond will develop and the training goals will be achieved.

  5. The Learning Cycle (Falender & Shafranske, 2016) The Learning Cycle Shafranske & Falender, in press

  6. Review of the Contents of the Agreement • See your handout

  7. Supervisee Self-assessment • Prior to beginning, the supervisee self-assesses on a competence measure (we use Competencies Benchmarks (Fouad et al., 2009) (See handout for sample) • A supervisor task will be to assist the supervisee in developing goals and tasks related to the self-assessment, and to provide targeted feedback to the supervisee about the goals, achievement, and readiness for new ones

  8. Task 1: Transforming Supervisee Self-Assessment to Goals • Consider a supervisee you are working with OR consider the vignette on the next slide and role play the process of considering the self-assessment and translating it to two goals

  9. Supervisee is an intern, very experienced, and eager to begin supervision. She describes that an issue with her previous supervision was that she received little to no feedback and that she feels she needs significant work on dealing with clients who have been traumatized—and her own response to it. She has done reading and knows that her response may be over-involvement and would love supervision on that

  10. What if supervisee self-assessment goals do not appear to be accurate to supervisor? • Role of reflective feedback re: supervisee self-assessment

  11. Your supervisee self-assessed as being above her level of training expectation on everything. However in her third week of training she is two weeks behind in paper work. • How could feedback be framed?

  12. What Parameters of Agreement are Salient to the Vignette? • Consider the various parameters? • Relationship? • Strains? • Diversity/Multiculturalism? • Performance standards/requirements? • Legal/ethical/regulatory? • Others?

  13. Making the Agreement Your Own • Consider aspects of your setting and which parameters of the supervision agreement would be most effective • List those on the back of your handout • Consider facilitating factors and barriers to implementing the agreement • Consider other factors you would include in your agreement

  14. Discussion and Questions

  15. References • American Psychological Association. Board of Educational Affairs. (2014) Guidelines for clinical supervision for health service psychologists. Retrieved from: http://www.apa.org/about/policy/guidelines-supervision.pdf • American Psychological Association (2015). Guidelines for clinical supervision in health service psychology. (2015). American Psychologist, 70(1), 33-46. doi:10.1037/a0038112 • Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards. (2015). Supervision guidelines for education and training leading to licensure as a health service psychologist. Retrieved from: http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.asppb.net/resource/resmgr/Guidelines/Final_Supervision_Guidelines.pdf • Falender, C. A. & Shafranske, E. P. (2016). Supervision essentials for the practice of competency-based supervision. American Psychological Association.

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