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Influential people in US Wildlife Management. What did they do to help establish Wildlife Management in the U.S.?. Who Am I?. I studied the birds of North America. I am well known for paintings depicting birds in their natural surroundings. There is a society named after me. Who Am I?.
Influential people in US Wildlife Management What did they do to help establish Wildlife Management in the U.S.?
Who Am I? • I studied the birds of North America. • I am well known for paintings depicting birds in their natural surroundings. • There is a society named after me.
Who Am I? • I am known as an explorer, naturalist and writer. • I grew up on a farm in Wisconsin. • I am known for my study of the land areas that are NOW known as Yosemite and Sequoia National parks in California.
Who Am I? • I used my power to influence wildlife conservation. • Under my leadership, there were 5 national parks established. • I am considered the “father of the conservation movement” in the U.S.
What Act? • Limited killing of dolphins to 112,000 per year • Enacted in 1972 • Marine Mammal Protection Act
What program? • Provided for areas of wildlife habitat on farms near crops • Established in 1985
What Act? • Protected burros and horses on publicly owned land • Established in 1971
Who Am I? • I promoted the conservation of forest lands in the U.S. • I also wrote a book called “The Fight for Conservation”. • I was considered the first “forester” in the U.S.
Who Am I? • I was a writer and cartoonist who took great interest in conservation and natural resources. • I used cartoons to promote wildlife. • I designed the first migratory bird hunting stamp.
Who Am I? • I wrote a novel entitled “Sand County Almanac”. • I was a pioneer in applying ecology to wildlife management. • I was a native of Iowa, and I stressed the importance of education in wildlife management and biology.
Who Am I? • I grew up on an reptile preserve. • I created tv shows to help educate the public about reptiles. • My amazing feats with wildlife brought me fame, and death.
What year? • President Grant set aside land that would later become Yellowstone National Park; helped protect wildlife.
What year? • Lacey Act – Game and Wild Bird Preservation Act – prohibited transporting kiled game across state lines and required permits to have exotic animals.
What Year? • Pelican Island Refuge established in Florida; first wildlife refuge.
What year? • Weeks-McClean Act: protected migratory waterfowl and song birds from being hunted during closed season.
What year? • Bald Eagle Act; protected bald eagles
What year? • Fish and Wildlife Service formed; consolidated efforts in wildlife conservation
What year? • The Land and Water Conservation Act; created a fund to buy land and water having scenic and recreational value and to protect endangered species.
What year? • The Wilderness Act; set up a wilderness preservation system to keep some areas untarnished.
What year? • Endangered Species Act; provided a comprehensive plan to protect endangered and threatened species.