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Spontaneous Healing of Intracranial Dural Fistula

Spontaneous Healing of Intracranial Dural Fistula. Z. Jamaleddine , R Labbioui , F. A El Quessar Department of radiology Cheikh Zaid hospital RABAT- MOROCCO. OBSERVATION. Patient 53 years Installation of a rapidly progressive  cerbellar syndrome with vertigo,

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Spontaneous Healing of Intracranial Dural Fistula

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  1. Spontaneous Healing of Intracranial Dural Fistula Z. Jamaleddine, R Labbioui, F. A El Quessar Department of radiology Cheikh Zaidhospital RABAT- MOROCCO

  2. OBSERVATION • Patient 53 years • Installation of a rapidly progressive cerbellar syndrome with vertigo, • Gait and speech disorder.

  3. MAY18th 2010: • Initial arteriography was performed,  • AVF. • External carotid unexplored.

  4. June 5th 2010: • A second angiogrphy • An significant slowdown of the fistula   • No abnormality of the external carotid angiograms.

  5. December 9th 2010: • The last inspection was performed after 6 months, normal.

  6. Discussion • Spontaneous recovery is rare, • Few cases reported in the literature. • Several assumptions: • Thrombosis of the sinus drainage. • Cerebral hemorrhage with mass effect of hematoma. • Vasospasm . • Post angiography.

  7. The majority of spontaneous recovery of interest to the type I (table), the sudden disappearance of the symptoms and spontaneous is the most common clinical presentation. Alain Luciani,Emmanuel Houdart,CharbelMounayer,Jean-Pierre Saint MauriceandJean-Jacques Merland, Spontaneous Closure of Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas: Report of Three Cases and Review of the Literature, American Journal of Neuroradiology 22:992-996 (5 2001).

  8. Conclusion • Spontaneous closure of the dural fistula is a rare event and are interested mainly type I fistulas, the sudden disappearance of symptoms is the usual clinical presentation. 

  9. References: • Will Adams; Peter Whitfield, ACNR • VOLUME 7 NUMBER 3 • JULY/AUGUST 2007. • Alain Luciani,Emmanuel Houdart,CharbelMounayer,Jean-Pierre Saint MauriceandJean-Jacques Merland, Spontaneous Closure of Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas: Report of Three Cases and Review of the Literature, American Journal of Neuroradiology 22:992-996 (5 2001). • E. Houdart, J.-P. Saint-Maurice , R. Chapot J.-J. Merland, Fistules artérioveineuses durales intracrâniennes, Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale 17-490 , (2003). • P. TABRIZI, R.F. SPETZLER, C.MCDOUGALL, F.C.ALBUQUERQUE, Cerebral Dural arteriovenous Fistula, Interventional Neuroradiology9 (Suppl 2): 101-102, 2003.

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