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EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT OF LEARNERS WITH SPECIFIC NEEDS. 4 TYPES OF LEARNERS WITH SPECIFIC NEEDS. • Students with specific learning disabilities (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysortographia, dyscalculia, etc.) • Students with behaviour disorders
4 TYPES OF LEARNERS WITH SPECIFIC NEEDS • Students with specific learning disabilities (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysortographia, dyscalculia, etc.) • Students with behaviour disorders (physical or verbal aggression, vandalism, gang membership, running away from school or home, poor concentration, etc.) • Handicapped or in other way disadvantaged students (students with a physical disability, hearing and visually handicapped students) • Extremely talented students (mathematically or verbally talented students)
WHAT IS IMPORTANT? • Individual education plan– it is created for learners with specific needs and it is made by the teacher at school, but it is neccessary to discuss it with specialists. It is important to have this plan before beginning of the school. • Cooperation with parents of the children – for telling them about progress of their children in the school or for discussing with them some problems if they are. • Cooperation withspecialists (psychologists and educationalists)– discuss with them some possibilities of teaching these types of children • Word evaluation ( it is neccesary to have agreement from the parents) – it is something like mark from the subject but it is written in words by the teacher. He/she describes knowledge and work of the pupil – positive and negative things. • Motivation –praise, encouragement, marks from subjects
STUDENTS WITH SPECIFIC LEARNING DISABILITIES • A learning disability is not a problem with intelligence. The source of the difficulty is in the brain. • Learning disabilities are problems that affect the brain's ability to receive, process, analyze, or store information. • These problems can make it difficult for a student to learn as quickly as someone who isn't affected by learning disabilities. • There are many kinds of learning disabilities. • Most students affected by learning disabilities have more than one kind. • Learning disabilities first show up when a person has difficulty in speaking, reading, writing, figuring out a math problem, communicating with a parent, or paying attention in class.
THE MOST COMMON LEARNING DISABILITIES DYSLEXIA –reading disability • People with dyslexia have trouble with recognizing or processing letters and the sounds associated with them. • It affects especially the speed and correctness of reading or understanding of the text (these people often do not know what they are reading). DYSGRAPHIA –writing disability • It affects legibility of writing, acquiring single letters and comprehending the relation sound-letter. • People with dysgraphia have trouble with control the many things that go into it - from moving their hand to form letter shapes to remembering the correct grammar rules involved in writing down a sentence.
DYSORTOGRAPHIA – spelling disability with specific mistakes • People with dysortographia cannot distinguish between hard and soft syllables, short and long vowels, sibilants, etc. • This disability depends on the nature and specific features of a language, it does not appear in all languages, it can be found in Czech. DYSCALCULIA – mathematical disability DYSMUSIA – musical skills disability DYSPINXIA – drawing abilities disorder DYSPRAXIA – coordination disability
ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING DISABLED INDIVIDUALS • The methods of testing should take turns and the texts should be preprinted, not in handwriting. • The teacher has to assess each learning disabled student individually, we cannot compare him/her with the classmates. • The assessment should concern every little success during an activity. • The teacher should avoid criticism and punishment and try to establish a positive, enthusiastic, and respectful atmosphere. • The teacher should encourage the student by positive environment (praise, smile, etc.). • The teacher should encourage student’s belief in himself and his own skills and abilities. • The teacher must assess what the student can do, not what he/she cannot do. • Every work of the student is used as a feedback for both – for the student and the teacher. It is suitable to analyze and correct mistakes together with the student. • The teacher should not correct tests with red pencil because it is a signal colour and the student could memorize the mistake. • It is better to evaluate these students verbally or when the teacher marks their works, he should take into consideration their learning problems.
ACTIVITY for students with specific learning disabilities • WORD / SENTENCE SCRAMBLE – practising vocabulary, word order FAMILY WORD SCRAMBLE FAMILY TALK ehfrta ________________ Unscramble the sentences below. 2. mehtor ________________ 1. you have? many do brothers How 3. hobrrte ________________ _____________________________ 4. maeirdr _______________ 2. single you Are married or ? 5. tuhgdaer _______________ _______________________________ 6. rseits _______________ 3. your family does live? Where 7. fmaiyl _______________ _____________________________ 8. tuan _______________ 4. uncle your divorced? Is 9. gandetohrrm _______________ ______________________________ 10. scunoi _______________
• MATCHING FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS Match family members to their description. brother-in- law, sister-in-law a) your parents´ brother and sister 2. uncle, aunt b) father and mother of the person you marry 3. cousin c) the man you marry / the woman you marry 4. husband, wife d) your uncle and aunt’s child 5. stepfather, stepmother e) the brother and sister of person you marry 6. nephew, niece f) your parents´ parents 7. father-in-law, mother-in-law g) your brother and sister’s children 8. grandfather, grandmother h) if your mother or father marries again, you have a..
(EXTREMELY) TALENTED STUDENTS How to recognize (extremely) talented students in the class: • they have different interests than their classmates have • they ask inquisitive questions • they have deep knowledge in certain areas (it needn´t agree with curriculum) • they are often bored (various types such as: dreaming, they are not concentrated, disturbing during lessons, he/she reads a lot, etc) • on the other hand they are able to extremely concentrate for a long period • they have tenacious memory • they have large (rich) vocabulary • talent often relates to less interest(s) in sports or physical activity and thanks to it these children are more often physically weaker ones • they are common victims of chicane
How to educate / work with (extremely) talented students • create an individual education plan (program), cooperation with parents and specialists (psychologists and educationalists) • offer them to choose elective subject(s) • offer them the broad range of spare-time activities • give him / her the opportunity to study some subjects with older students (in higher classes) – because they need faster procedure in certain subjects – such as: mathematics or foreign languages • give them a chance to represent school at various subjects’ competitions • give him / her individual homework that can develop their talent (type of “seminar papers”) • solving of problem tasks • group work – each student in the group has to do the same amount of tasks of various difficulty • talented students should help less talented students → they learn how to tolerate other ones in the class • acceleration = provide them to “skip of the year” after fulfillment of all the requirements
ASSESMENT OF THE (EXTREMELY) TALENTED STUDENTS → It goes together with educating and working with extremely talented students. • create an individual education plan (program) • extremely talented students do not need to be motivated very often by marks or appreciation but on the other hand motivation is important for them • they should not have any exceptions from marking, learning etc. • individualization (tailor-made approach) and individual evaluation (by the teacher) • students need feedback • students should evaluate their own work by themselves
LIMERICK = a limerick is a verse of five lines that tells a story, usually with a funny twist There was an old man of Madrid Who ate 65 eggs - yes, he did! When they asked, "Are you faint?" He replied, "No, I ain't - But I don't feel as well as I did!„ • The first line sets the scene and/or introduces the main character(s).There was an old man of Madrid • The second line rhymes with the first and may introduce a second character or indicate the action which is to bring on the crisis. Who ate 65 eggs - yes, he did! • The third and fourth lines are shortened to build tension. They introduce the second rhyme.When they asked, "Are you faint?" He replied, "No, I ain't – • The fifth and final line is the outcome and rhymes with lines one and two:But I don't feel as well as I did!"
HOW TO WRITE YOUR OWN LIMERICK: • For the first line, think of a name or a character that the limerick will focus on and a funny place that it might all take place. (Remember that the first, second and fifth lines each have 8 syllables and rhyme with each other) • For the second line, think of some situation or event that involves your characters. (Remember to make it rhyme with the first line) • Your third and fourth lines will help make the story more funny and exciting. Use them to describe how the situation got out of control or became ridiculous. (Remember, 6 syllables only and make them rhyme with each other, but use a different rhyme than on lines one, two and five) •The final fifth line acts as a resolution and tells the end of the story. (Be sure to rhyme it with lines one and two and that it has 8 syllables)
WORD SNAKE • a simple word game to start or finish a lesson • you can adapt it to any topic you are doing or one you want to revise • a word snake is simply a chain of words where the following word starts with the last letter of the previous word • this game is harder than it looks (teacher should offer students lots of help and support, or students can use dictionaries) Examples: Food Spinach – ham – melon – nuts – sausage – egg – garlic – cheese….. Animals Giraffe – elephant – tiger – rhinoceros – spider – rat – turtle …
DEVELOPING OF THE WORD(S) OR PHRASES • Dog My dog. My dog is Rex. My dog is big, black, …
BIBLIOGRAPHY • http://www.rvp.cz/clanek/588/434 (žáci s dyslexií a cizí jazyky, náměty na cvičení) • http://www.dys-baba.cz/ (názorné pomůcky pro uchopení slovíček a gramatiky) • http://www.esltower.com/VOCABSHEETS/family/family.html (word /sentence scramble, matching) • http://www.kckpl.lib.ks.us/ys/misc/HOWWRITE.HTM (limerick) • http://www.nadanedeti.cz/ • http://kidshealth.org/teen/diseases_conditions/learning/learning_disabilities.html (learning disabilities) • http://www.math.muni.cz/math/comenius/docs/Conference_Paper_Blazkova.pdf (kinds of learning disabilities)