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Finding Information – Harry Potter vs. Muggle World!

Finding Information – Harry Potter vs. Muggle World!. "But why's she got to go to the library?" "Because that's what Hermione does. When in doubt, go to the library." -- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 14. The Internet: The Basics. Origin of the Internet

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Finding Information – Harry Potter vs. Muggle World!

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  1. Finding Information – Harry Potter vs. Muggle World! • "But why's she got to go to the library?" "Because that's what Hermione does. When in doubt, go to the library." • -- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 14

  2. The Internet: The Basics • Origin of the Internet • The Web vs. the Internet • Clients and servers • Connecting to the Internet

  3. The Origin of the Internet • ARPANET: • Advanced Research Projects Agency Network • Funded by the US Government in the 1960s • Allowed computers at leading universities and research organizations to communicate with each other over great distances

  4. The Internet vs. The Web • Internet – part of the system that is primarily hardware infrastructure (telecommunications, routers, servers, disk drives, etcetera) • Web - part of the system that contains intellectual property in many multimedia formats (test files, graphic files, sound files, video files, etcetera) INTERNET WWW

  5. Client and Server • Client computer: • Users connect to the Internet • Request data and Web pages • Server computers • Store Web pages and data • Return the requested data to the client

  6. Navigating the Web: Web Browsers • Computer software • Graphical • Enables Web navigation • Popular browsers: • Internet Explorer • Netscape Navigator

  7. Browser Toolbars

  8. Getting Around the Web • Web sites • URLs • Hyperlinks • Favorites and Bookmarks

  9. Web Sites • Web site: • Collection of related Web pages • First page known as Home or Index page • Web page: • HTML document • Text and graphics • Unique address • Hyperlinks Home page Related pages

  10. URL • URL: • Uniform Resource Locator • Unique Web page address Protocol identifies the means of access Domain name contains the host and top-level domain Path identifies the subdirectories within the Web site URL http:// www.nytimes.com/ Pages/cartoons/

  11. Current Top-Level Domains .aero Members of the air transport industry .biz Businesses .com Can be used by anyone .coop Cooperative associations .edu Degree granting institutions .gov United States government .info Information service providers .mil United States military .museum Museums .name Individuals .net Networking organizations .org Organizations (often nonprofits) .pro Credentialed professionals

  12. Country Codes • http://www.norid.no/domenenavnbaser/domreg.html

  13. Hyperlinks • Provide access to other Web pages • Specially coded text or graphics • Cursor becomes a hand with finger pointing upward

  14. Favorites and Bookmarks • List created of favorite Web pages • Easy method of returning to Web pages • Internet Explorer uses Favorites • Netscape uses Bookmarks

  15. Tabbed Browsing Multiple pages in same browser window

  16. Search Engines • User keys word or phrase in search box • “Spider” or “Web Crawler” program scans web pages • Results are indexed and sent to the client

  17. Popular Search Engines • AlltheWebwww.alltheweb.com • AltaVista www.altavista.com • Dogpilewww.dogpile.com • Excite www.excite.com • Google www.google.com • Ask www.ask.com

  18. Internet Searches See class handout

  19. Using your Favorite Search Engine… • What is the strongest truth potion in the Harry Potter series? • Are Shetland Sheepdogs really miniature collies? • What are the differences between a debit card and a credit card? • Who was Vice President of the US when James Polk was President of the US? • What was the first thing that Arnold Schwarzenegger was famous for? • Describe the “chocolate diet.” • Name at least two manufacturers who have created parallel parking cars. • How did the crew of the star ship “U.S.S. Voyager” get trapped in the Delta Quadrant (in the Star Trek Voyager TV Series?) • When Daffy Duck played the “Scarlet Pumpernickle,” what Orczy character was being spoofed? • Google your name – what do you find?

  20. Subject Directories • Web pages organized by topics and subtopics

  21. Popular Subject Directories • CompletePlanetwww.completeplanet.com • Lycos www.lycos.com • MSN www.msn.com • Open Directory Planet www.dmoz.org • Yahoo! www.yahoo.com • Librarian’s Index to the Internet www.lii.org

  22. Subject Directories vs Search Engines… When should you use one over the other?

  23. Evaluating Web Sites • Who is the author of the article or Web site sponsor? • What audience is the site geared toward? • Is the site biased? • Is the information current? • Are links available?

  24. Evaluating Web Sites • There are several websites that teach how to evaluate websites! Check out… • http://hanlib.sou.edu/searchtools/searchtips.html • http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/resources/special_initiatives/wa_resources/wa_teachers/tipsheets/search_internet_effectively.cfm

  25. Online Annoyances • Spam • Cookies • Adware/Pop-ups • Spyware • Malware • Phishing and Hoaxes

  26. Spam • Junk e-mail • Avoid spam: • Separate e-mail account • Spam filters • Antispam practices

  27. Cookies • Text files stored on client computers when visiting Web sites • Used on return visits to Web sites • Unique ID number • Personal information remembered • Privacy risk

  28. Adware and Pop-Ups • Adware • Programs that download on your PC when you install/use other software • Enable sponsored ads to appear in your browser window or as pop-up • Pop-ups can be eliminated • Pop-up blockers • Anti-pop-up software

  29. Spyware • Added as a program piggybacked with a requested program • Gathers information, usually about surfing habits • Antivirus software doesn’t detect it • Spyware removal programs are required

  30. Malware • Software that has a malicious intent • Spyware is a form of malware • Other forms are viruses, worms, and Trojan horses • Designed to render a computer useless or penetrate it completely

  31. Phishing and Hoaxes • Phishing • Phony communication that attempts to scam someone into revealing personal information • Often looks very official • Hoaxes • Contain information that is untrue • May request that people send money http://www.hoax-slayer.com/ http://www.snopes.com/

  32. Summary Questions • What is the origin of the Internet? • What is a Web browser? • What is a URL and what are its parts? • How can I use hyperlinks and other tools to get around the Web? • How do I search the Internet using search engines and subject directories? • What are cookies? • How can I avoid online annoyances?

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