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Speech Disorders in Children

The Speech disorders are common in children. Some parents detect the speech disorders and some parents won't detect the speech disorders. However, it is very much necessary to identify this problem in your child. Read this PPT now to know more.

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Speech Disorders in Children

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Speech Disorders in Children By Ear Guru

  2. Speech Disorders • The problem of speech disorders is the problem in communicating while speaking with anyone. • Speech disorders in children are common, tips are passed on from mother to daughter. Some are scientifically proven while some create misunderstandings. • There are plenty of myths and misunderstandings related to speech disorders in children. • There is a complete and right treatment available for speech disorders. • Speech disorders especially in children should not be ignore because this may create some serious issues in future.

  3. Starting Age of the Child The starting age of child matters a lot. If the child is not properly communicating according to the age and growth then it needs proper attention. Sometimes many parents ignore the stutters of the child but if proper attention not paid then serious issues can be occurred.

  4. Very Small Kids • The small kids are not ready for any kind of test. • It is very difficult to examine them. • So, detecting any issue or problem in child is one of the toughest task. However, there are many Doctors who gives some injection to the kids so that they can become unconscious. After that they can perform the test. • Speech disorders in children are not easy to detect.

  5. Child With Speech Disorder

  6. Small Child With a Speech Therapist

  7. Boys are slower than Girls

  8. Solution • You can see this video also y top experts: • https://youtu.be/Ogi7wX7q_YU • IN above video the complete solution has been introduced to the problem.

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