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Why Replace TCE & Chlorinated Solvents?

Why Replace TCE & Chlorinated Solvents?. Heidi Wilcox Surface Solutions Laboratory (SSL) Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI) University of Massachusetts Lowell. NEWMOA September 28 th , 2005. Overview. Who we are & what we do TURI & SSL DOES EVERYONE KNOW US ?

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Why Replace TCE & Chlorinated Solvents?

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  1. Why Replace TCE & Chlorinated Solvents? Heidi Wilcox Surface Solutions Laboratory (SSL) Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI) University of Massachusetts Lowell NEWMOA September 28th, 2005

  2. Overview • Who we are & what we do • TURI & SSL DOES EVERYONE KNOW US ? • Why TCE? • About TCE • Health • Environmental & WE regulations/thresholds • EPA/TURI Grant • Alternatives • Vapor degreasing drop-ins (solvents) • Aqueous • The Database & how SSL can Help!

  3. Toxic Use Reduction Institute • The Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI) researches, tests and promotes pollution prevention and alternatives to toxic chemicals used in Massachusetts industries and communities • Came out of TUR Act of early 1990’s • Sister agency to OTA • NON REGULATORY!!!!!!

  4. The Surface Solutions Lab (SSL) • TURI established the Surface Cleaning Laboratory • Now known as the Surface Solutions Laboratory (SSL) • Designed with the capability to evaluate the effectiveness of different cleaning chemistries and equipment for a variety of substrates and contaminants • The goal is to assist industry in the search for safer cleaning processes • By developing and promoting safer alternatives to hazardous solvents • A special focus on aqueous/semi-aqueous cleaners

  5. The Elimination of SolventExposure in Surface Cleaning • The focus of SSL is to replace hazardous solvents with a special focus on the halogenated hydrocarbons • 30% of trials have been to replace halogenated solvents • 30% were conducted to replace other hazardous solvents • Toluene, MEK, N-methyl-2-pyrollidone, etc. • Others were contaminant driven concerns

  6. TCE Grant- TURI/OTA EPA • Identify small, non-filing users of TCE (chlorinated solvents). Project is targeted at smaller businesses using chlorinated solvents, who may not have direct access to pollution prevention information & resources • Focus primarily on cleaning • Vapor degreasing, Immersion, Hand wipe & Others • Offer technical assistance to reduce or eliminate chlorinated solvent use • Offer compliance assistance with MACT standards • Disseminate information

  7. Why Focus on TCE? • In 2003 the Mass Toxics Use Reductions Program (TURA) initiated a High Priority Substances Strategy (HPS) • It recognized chemicals of greatest concern in the state & aimed to reduce or eliminate them • TCE is on the TURA more Hazardous Substances list • Chemicals on the HPS were chosen based on their potential fornegative impacts on human health and the environment & their LEVEL of use in Massachusetts


  9. It is Also …… • A man-made chlorinated solvent = C2HCl3 • A potentially dangerous health hazard • Identified as a high priority substance by TURA • Made the list because: • It was determined to be especially TOXIC • It was used in sufficient quantity in MA • Viable alternatives DO exist for most applications

  10. Work Environment Problems • Hazardous solvents have been & continue to be used in cleaning applications • These chemicals pose a series of health threats or hazards for exposed workers • There exists a need to control and/or replace/substitute/eliminate such hazards • Control features are not always fool proof • Can lead to worker & environmental exposures that will cost money

  11. Other Issues to Consider • Environmental accountability • Increasing regulation on toxic solvents • Disposal costs & other regulations • Community perception WE ARE HERE TO HELP INDUSTRY THRIVE & PROTECT WORKERS & THE ENVIRONMENT

  12. TCE Usage Patterns • 80% = Vapor degreasing • Fabricated metal parts • Some textiles • 5% intermediate product in organic chemicals or pharmaceuticals • 5% solvent for dry-cleaning, pre and post spotting and chemical extractor • 10% exported (EPA 2004)

  13. Sources of TCE Exposure Potential Exposure Routes • Breathing vapors at work, near a factory that makes or used TCE, off gassing from consumer products (adhesive, paint etc…) • Ingestionby eating contaminated food • Direct skin contact such as bathing or washing in contaminated water or direct • Drinking contaminated water (wastewater) Potentially 400,000 U.S. workers exposed annually (TCE fact sheet Lowell Center 2003)

  14. Workplace Exposure Limits • OSHA • PEL = 100 ppm TWA 8-hr wk shift • 200 ppm not to be exceeded during any 15 min. work period • 300 ppm for 5 minutes in any 2-hour work period • NIOSH • REL= 25 ppm TWA 10-hour work shift • ACGIH • REL=50 ppm TWA 8-hour work shift • 100 ppm as STEL (Short Term Exposure Limit)

  15. TCE Target Organs • Brain – headache, depression, coma • Heart – irregular heartbeat • Liver – acute chemical hepatitis cirrhosis • Kidney – tubular injury • Skin - dermatitis

  16. Health Effects of TCE Inhalation Exposure (handout) Breathing Small Amounts CNS effects sleepiness fatigue headache confusion dizziness poor coordination loss of concentration Other effects lung & skin irritation Breathing Large Amounts May Cause; impaired heart function unconsciousness death Large amounts for long period of time; (Chronic exposures) nerve damage kidney & liver damage

  17. Cirrhosis & Dermatitis http://www.osh.dol.govt.nz

  18. TCE Exposure & Cancer Risk • 9th Report on Carcinogens by National Toxicology Program (NTP) determined TCE to be an anticipated Carcinogen • International agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) determined TCE to be a probable carcinogen to humans • Animal studies -Liver, Kidney, Lung • Epi. Studies – Kidney, Liver, Cervix, Lymphatic

  19. TCE Release Patterns • TCE’s major environmental releases are; • AIR - emissions from vapor degreasing • Water - wastewater from metal finishing, paint and ink formation, electronics, textiles electronics component manufacturing and adhesive and rubber industries.

  20. Environmental Fate • Volatile & evaporates quickly into air during cleaning operations. Can break down into phosgene, a known lung irritant • Precipitation carries TCE to groundwater. TCE is listed as # 1 groundwatercontaminant & is in over 60% of Super Fund sites. • Atmospheric lifetime 1-2 weeks • Persistence in soil & ground water is longer & can have a half life up to 10 months

  21. What Participants Asked For • Drop in replacements for TCE in existing vapor degreasing equipment • Easiest for them, less time consuming • Recently spent money on machinery

  22. How to Find Drop-in Replacements for TCE? • Literature search • Look at viability • Chemically (VP, FP Surface Tension) (HANDOUT) • Environmentally (ODP, GWP, VOC) • Evaluate health risks (HANDOUT) • Contact Vendors for samples • Test chemistries • Develop testing matrix – soils & substrates • Immersion & Vapor degreasing trials

  23. Where there is a Will there is a Way! Our Homemade Vapor Degreaser

  24. Identified 20 alternative drop-in solvent degreasers Six Classes of Chemicals Hydrochlorofluorocarbon Hydrofluorocarbon Hydrofluroethers Bromopropane Volatile Methylsilioxanes Dichloroethylene Identified Drop-In Solvents Alternatives to Chlorinated Solvents *Replaced Solvents

  25. Health Comparison Handout

  26. Chlorinated SolventsTrichloroethylene (TCE)

  27. HydroChloroFluoroCarbonAGC Chemicals - AK-225 3 Rows and much less information know then about TCE

  28. HydroFluoroCarbonDuPont -Vertrel CCA, MCA, HD Degreaser C, Flux Remover C 3 Rows and much less information know then about TCE

  29. HydroFluoroEther3M - Novec HFE 7100, 7200 & 71DE 3 Rows and much less information know then about TCE

  30. N-Propyl BromideEnviroTech - Ensolv, Ensolv A; Petroferm – Lenium GS, ES; Kyzen – Metalnox M6960 3 Rows and much less information know then about TCE

  31. Issues withSolvent to Solvent Substitutions • Often deemed viable alternative due to less environmental regulations • Does this make them safer for worker? • Are we trading one problem for another? • nPB for TCE recent research ANA in Toronto (handout) • J. Majersik, MD, University of Utah • Severe human neurotoxin but less ODP • Possible interim step NOT a solution!

  32. What ARE the BETTER Solutions? • Aqueous Cleaners • Can be used diluted • Possibility of recycling and reuse of cleaner and water • Hopefully eliminates need for air permits due to solvents or hazardous waste disposal permits and the costs associated with both • Reformulate Cleaner – Green Chemistry • Process change • Eliminate contaminant to be cleaned • Eliminate cleaning all together • Change materials to avoid need for cleaning

  33. Aqueous & Semi Aqueous Alternatives to TCE

  34. SSL Testing on Aqueous Alternatives (handout) • Worked closely with over 20 companies trying to replace TCE in cleaning • A wide range of industries are represented by these companies • Aircraft • Electronics • General Mfr • Metal working • Optical • Plating

  35. Summary of Aqueous Alternatives Testing to TCE • 21 Vendors • 44 Products • 11 Product Classes

  36. Conducted over 100 experiments 11 Contaminant types Abrasives Buffing Compounds Coatings Fluxes Grease Inks Paints Cutting Fluids Lubricants Oils Waxes Contaminants Removed

  37. Alternative Cleaner Classifications

  38. Cleaning Varies from Case To Case • Process specific & pilot testing on potential replacement cleaning chemicals is recommended • Vendor information & alternatives database is available on line at www.cleanersolutions.org/SimpleSolutions/


  40. Barriers & Challenges More In Depth Information with Rich Bizzozero (OTA)

  41. Tools & Resources for TUR • Try it on your own • Talk to others industry • Use supply chain opportunities • Use SSL’s online Simple Solutions Database • Obtain a list of alternatives that are substrate, contaminant and equipment specific • Call & ask SSL/OTA/DEP for Help

  42. Questions????? Alternatives Assessment Information call 978 934 3133 Jason Marshall or Heidi Wilcox ************************************************* Hands-on Solvent Substitution Workshop Tomorrow 1:30 – 3:330 7B Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Surface Cleaning But Were Afraid to Get Your Hands Dirty!

  43. THE END THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME Now Jason Marshall

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