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Investing in Technology for Evolving Education

Discover the most valuable reasons to invest in technology for education. Explore how technology can modernize teaching methods and save costs while enhancing student success. Embrace the digital era for better learning outcomes!

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Investing in Technology for Evolving Education

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  1. The Most Valuable Reasons Why to Invest In Technology. This presentation has been created for all you out there wondering why pay Technology’s big bucks.

  2. Reason # 3 Education must evolve! Education must stay current in order for students to succeed. The 21st century requires prepared students. As educators we must catch-up to our students’ technology levels. 21st century jobs require students to be fluent on technology. Typical test reviews are boring and technology can help with this issue.

  3. Education Must Evolve! Typical TAKS reviews are very, very, boring. Having students go through it in another manner will help test results.

  4. We must teach our students to be careful with the online world. Teaching everyday skills such as respect, responsibility, self management, and communication when searching online are a must for all teachers.

  5. Do You Remember When You Where A Student? • Think about sitting in the same spot for over one hour. Well this is what our students go through every day during TAKS reviews. Imagine our test results if students could interact during such reviews!

  6. Reason #2 Its all about money. Figures based on a school with 1,200 students: Over $800 on transparencies. Over $20,000 on paper. Over $200 on markers. Could Technology Actually Save Money?

  7. Its all about the $$$$$$ One of the worst news a Principal may get is: WE DO NOT HAVE PAPER! Why use so much paper when we can just scan items?

  8. Money is major reason why schools do not invest in technology. In reality, it should be the #1 reason why they should invest in it. Here we see a teacher who does not need transparencies any more. Savings of over $60 X Each Teacher = Big Savings

  9. Typical Teaching Is Expensive A typical 5th grade TAKS release test has about 60 pgs. If you multiply that times 150 students it gives you a total of over 9,000 sheets of paper. Now my question is this: How many times do you do this per year? Why instead of printing so many times this test don’t we just have students work on their own computers or on interactive white boards?

  10. Reason #1 Our Kids!!!! Student Success Is our #1 Goal!!! We should never not get new things due to price…. There is no price when it comes to student success.

  11. The Only True Teaching Success is When Our Students’ Succeed!

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