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Microbial Infections of the Urinary and Reproductive System. LEARNING OBJECTIVES. At the end of this lecture the students will be able to: Identify the common microbial infections involving the urinary and reproductive system
LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this lecture the students will be able to: • Identify the common microbial infections involving the urinary and reproductive system • Differentiate which specific pathogens that are responsible for the development of the disease in the specific system • Outline the various signs and symptoms • Describe the treatments involved.
OUTLINE Microbial Diseases of the Urinary System • Review of the structure and function • Normal flora • Bacterial Diseases: • Cystitis • Pyelonephritis • Leptospirosis Microbial Diseases of the Reproductive System • Review of the structure and function • Bacterial Diseases: • STD • Gonorrhea • Nongonococcal urethritis • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease • Syphilis • Viral • Genital Herpes • Genital Warts • Fungal • Candidiasis • Protozoan • Trichomoniasis
Structure and Function of the Urinary System • The urinary system regulates the chemical composition and volume of blood and excretes nitrogenous waste and water. • Urine is transported from the kidneys to the ureters to the urinary bladder and is eliminated through the urethra. • Valves prevent urine from flowing back to the urinary bladder and kidneys. • The flushing action of urine and the acidity of the normal urine have some microbial value.
Normal Flora • Urinary bladder and upper urinary tract sterile • Urethra - low normal flora • Vagina • Low pH and estrogen stimulate glycogen • Lactobacilli digest glycogen produce acid products. Therefore low pH inhibits unwanted growth. • Pre menstrual and post menopause low estrogen and different flora • If >1,000 bacteria/ml or 100 coliforms/ml of urine indicates infection
Microbial disease of the Urinary SystemBacterial Diseases CYSTITIS • is a common inflammation of the urinary bladder in females • Symptoms: dysuria (difficult, painful, urgent urination) and pyuria • More common in females due to proximity to GI tract and shorter urethra • Common causes: E. coli and Staphylococcus saprophyticus • Treatment: Trimethropin- sulfamethoxazole
PYELONEPHRITIS • About 25% untreated cases of cystitis progress to pyelonephritis • This is an inflammation of one or both kidneys which generally results in bacteremia; potentially a life-threatening condition • When chronic, scar tissue forms in the kidneys and severely impairs functions • Symptoms: fever and flank or back pain • In females, this is a complication of the lower urinary tract infections. • Causative agent: E. coli • Treatment: begins with intravenous, extended-term administration of a broad-spectrum antibiotics ( second or third generation cephalosporin).
LEPTOSPIROSIS • Primarily a disease of domestic or wild animals but can be passed to humans and sometimes cause severe kidney or liver disease. • Causative Agent: spirochete Leptospirainterrogans • Humans become infected by contact of urine-contaminated water or soil or sometimes with animal tissue • Pathogen enters through minor abrasions • Symptoms: headache, muscular aches, fever, kidney failure a possible complication • Treatment: Doxycycline
Structure and Function • The reproductive system produces gametes for reproduction and in the female, supports the growing embryo. • The female reproductive system consists of two ovaries, two uterine tubes, the uterus, cervix, vagina and the external genitals. • The male reproductive system consists of two testes, ducts, accessory glands, and the penis, seminal fluid leaves the male body through the urethra.
Microbial Diseases of the Reproductive SystemBacterial Diseases Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs ) • diseases of the reproductive system transmitted by sexual activity • this term has been replaced by Sexually Transmitted infections because many persons infected do not have apparent signs or symptoms. • Prevented by condoms • Treated with antibiotics if bacterial
GONORRHEA cause by Neisseria gonorrhoeae • Attaches to oral or urogenital mucosa by fimbriae • “catch a ride on sperm” • Female to male - 30% • Male to female - 60 - 90% • Females may be asymptomatic; males have painful urination and pus discharge (80% of time) • Treatment with antibiotics • Untreated may result in • PID - abdominal infection - pain and scarring • Ectopic pregnancy • Reduced fertility and Sterility (~25%) • Ophthalmianeonatorum
Nongonococcal Urethritis (NGU) • Also known as nonspecific urethritis (NSU) • is an inflammation of the urethra not caused by Neisseria gonorrhea • May be transmitted to newborn's eyes • Symptoms: include painful urination and a watery discharge
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease • Bacterial infection of the female pelvic organs, particularly the uterus, cervix, uterine tubes or ovaries. • Caused by: N. gonorrhoeae, C. trachomatis • Can block uterine tubes • Symptoms: • The major symptoms are lower abdominal pain and abnormal vaginal discharge • Other symptoms: as fever, pain in the right upper abdomen, painful intercourse, and irregular menstrual bleeding can • when caused by chlamydial infection, may produce only minor symptoms or no symptoms at all, even though it can seriously damage the reproductive organs.
SYPHILIS • Causative agent: Treponema pallidum ( a gram-negative spirochete) • Primary Stage: initial sign is a small, hard-based chancre, or a sore appearing at the site of infection 10-90 days following exposure • Secondary: Skin and mucosal rashes • Latent period: No symptoms
Tertiary: occurs only after an interval of many years from the onset of the latent phase. • In the third stage large degenerative lesions called gummas form on the skin, bone and nervous system as a result of hypersensitivity reactions. • Other symptoms include mental retardation, blindness and physical instability. This is a gumma that has formed on the hand of a patient in the tertiary stage of syphilis • Congenital: Neurological damage • Primary & secondary stages treated with penicillin
Viral Disease of the Reproductive Systems GENITAL HERPES • Herpes simplex virus 2 (Human herpesvirus 2) or HHV 2 • Symptoms: • Burning vesicular rash • Recurrences from viruses latent in nerves (80%) • Usually recurrences are progressive reduced • Neonatal herpes transmitted to fetus or newborns • Suppression: acyclovir or valacyclovir
Genital Warts • Caused by human papillomaviruses • Some human papillomaviruses that cause genital warts have been associated with cancer of the cervix • Treatment: Imiquimod to stimulate interferon • HPV 16 causes cervical cancer and cancer of the penis • DNA test to detect cancer-causing strains • Vaccination against HPV strains • Gardasil
Fungal Diseases Candidiasis • Caused by Candida albicans • Very common 50% of women by age 25 have at least one office visit - 75% of women at least one occurence • Grows on mucosa of mouth, intestinal tract, genitourinary tract • NGU in males • Vulvovaginal candidiasis – characterized by lesions that produce itching and irritation • Predisposing factors – pregnancy, diabetes, tumors and broad-spectrum antibacterial chemotherapy • Diagnosis by microscopic identification and culture of yeast • Treatment: clotrimazole or miconazole
Protozoan Diseases TRICHOMONIASIS • Trichomonas vaginalis is frequently a normal inhabitant of the vagina in women and the urethra in many men • Pathogen can be found in the semen or urine of male carriers. • Usually sexually transmitted. • Results when normal acidity of the vagina is disturbed causing the protozoan to overgrow the normal microbial population of the genital mucosa • Protozoan infection results to accumulation of leukocytes leading to profuse, greenish yellow discharge characterized by a foul odor. • the discharge is accompanied by irritation and itching • Treatment: oral metronidazole, administered to both sex partners
References: • Engelkirk, P.G., Engelkirk, J.D. (2015). Burton’s Microbiology for the Health Sciences 10thEd.Wolters Kluwer Health, Philadelphia, USA. • Tortora, G.J., Funke, B.F. (2015). Microbiology: An Introduction. Pearson Publication. ISBN-13:978-0321929150. ISBN-10:0321929152. • Tortora, G.J., Funke, B.R., and Case, C.L. (2013) Microbiology: An introduction. 11th ed. Pearson publishers NY.