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Notes on HYSPLIT4_SV Simulations Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012. Mark Cohen NOAA Air Resources Laboratory, Silver Spring, MD, USA Paul Bartlett St. Peters College, Newark, NJ, USA. HYSPLIT-format meteorological data prepared for these simulations.
Notes on HYSPLIT4_SV Simulations Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012 Mark Cohen NOAA Air Resources Laboratory, Silver Spring, MD, USA Paul Bartlett St. Peters College, Newark, NJ, USA
HYSPLIT-format meteorological data prepared for these simulations Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
36km North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) • Subgrid (shown) extracted from full NARR grid for this project • Why a subgrid? Less data to transfer & computational efficiency • July 2007 – Jan 2011 (for simulations from 2008-2010) • Converted to HYSPLIT format • Monthly files with 3 hr temporal resolution • Each monthly file ~650 MB • 43 months (July 2007 – Jan 2011) ~ 27 GB Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
TO DO TEST RUNS, MUST INSTALL “basic” HYSPLIT first, so that you have graphical utilities, etc. Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
An installation package for “basic” HYSPLIT has been placed on the FTP site under the following folder: PLAIN_HYSPLIT4_INSTALLATION To do the various installations, you will need administrative privileges on the computer. Use default install locations if you can. First install utilities, in the following order. TCL (ActiveTcl8. Ghostscript (gs863w32.exe) Ghostview (gsv49w32.exe) ImageMagick (ImageMagick-6.6.1-5-Q8-windows-dll.exe) Then install the HYSPLIT program (HYSPLIT_win32R.exe) You can always download latest PC version from: https://ready.arl.noaa.gov/HYSPLIT.php Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
First, try to do one initial test Run Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
USING BINARY MODE, download folder from the FTP site: hysplit4_SV_feb_2012 Open up a DOS Window Navigate to c:\ hysplit4_SV_feb_2012\working_SV To see batch files present, type: dir *.bat [return] Install Notepad++ or Some Other Text Editor with Context-Highlighting Examine SET_SV_007.bat [open it up in an editor; don’t double click on it!] Adjust the “environment” [ENVR==2] … see the next page Once you’ve done this, return to the DOS window (working_SV) Try to run the first test by typing: run_test_1 then hit return If it all works, you will see the program running, and when done, you will end up with the following directory: C:\hysplit4_SV_feb_2012\HYSPLIT_RESULTS\testing\test_run_1\ Navigate to this directory from Windows Explorer and examine the files there Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
For your installation, the directories may be the same as shown below. But if they are not, edit them the text below to correspond to your situation rem *********************************************************************** if %ENVR%==2 ( rem right now same as ENVR=1, but, can be customized for any given local rem environment, on anyone's particular computer rem *********************************************************************** rem directory for overall run and set batch files (do NOT include back slash at end) SET master_work_dir=C:\hysplit4_SV_feb_2012\working_SV rem here is the base directory for met data; individual datasets are subdirectories of this rem met data home directory - do NOT include backslash, will be included later SET met_home=C:\hysplit4_SV_feb_2012\metdata rem reaction concentration data directory (DO include back slash at end) SET conc_data=C:\hysplit4_SV_feb_2012\gridded_chem_data\1999_global_EMEP_data\ rem directory for concplot, con2asc (do NOT include back slash at end) SET conc_exec_dir=C:\hysplit4_SV_feb_2012\exec_release_v23a if %debug_release%==debug SET hycs_exec_dir=C:\hysplit4_SV_feb_2012\exec_debug_v23a rem HYPSLIT-SV executable directory (do NOT include back slash at end) if %debug_release%==release SET hycs_exec_dir=C:\hysplit4_SV_feb_2012\exec_release_v23a rem HYPSLIT-SV executable directory (do NOT include back slash at end) ) rem ************************* rem end of ENVR=2 rem ************************* Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
Ok… hopefully, if you double click on the file test_run_1_MEXICO_totrun.ps you will get something that looks like the image below • If you can’t open the postscript file, maybe ghostscript and ghostview were not installed properly? Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
There are a lot of other files, and we will examine them shortly… But for now, lets just make sure that this initial run worked. If you got the postscript image on the previous page, it worked! If not, we will have to figure out what is going on… Don’t worry, usually the problems are relatively easy to find and fix. A “pre-computed” version of the output from this test is provided, in the directory “pre_computed_testing” Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
HYSPLIT produces output as postscript files (.ps). These can be viewed with GhostView, but they are not very convenient to use. For example, they can’t easily be imported into PowerPoint or MS-Word. If you have ImageMagick installed, you can “convert” the postscript file to a jpg (or other format) using the following command from the DOS command line: convert -density 300 test_run_1_MEXICO_totrun.ps name.jpg (where “name” can be anything you want… ) If the program “convert” was not found, check your PATH, and either change your PATH or copy the program “convert.exe” from the ImageMagick directory to someplace in your PATH. On my computer, the “convert” program is at the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageMagick-6.6.1-Q8\convert.exe Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT MET DATA In order to minimize download time and facilitate initial testing, only a minimum set of met files have been included in the hysplit4_SV_feb_2012 folder that you have downloaded from the FTP site. In fact, only “two” files have been included: One NARR_MX_36km file, for Jan 2008: C:\hysplit4_SV_feb_2012\metdata\NARR_MX_36km NARR_MX_2008_JAN.bin And one NCEP/NCAR Global Reanalysis file, for Jan 2008: C:\hysplit4_SV_feb_2012\metdata\GLOBAL_2p5 RP200801.gbl Additional files are available on the FTP site, and in order to carry out runs for time periods other than Jan 2008, you can download these from the FTP site. Remember to use BINARY MODE. You should put any additional files you download in the same folders as the two files above. The full set of NARR_MX_36km met files is in the FTP folder: NARR_MX_met_data The full set of Global_Reanalysis met files is in the FTP folder: Global_MX_met_data Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
Receptors Used for Initial Test Simulations (on the following page is a map of the receptors that we have set up so far) Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
Preliminary Point and Area Receptors Used for Initial Test Simulations Baja west coast Monterrey urban cattle* Monterrey agricultural cattle Nuevo Leon Baja California Chihuahua Yucatan GOM grid cell #9 Nuevo Leon GOM grid cell #10 Sinaloa El Vizcaino Biosphere Celestun Biosphere GOM grid cell #8 Jalisco Yucatan Veracruz Lake Chapala Distrito Federal Colima Calakmul Biosphere Chiapas Veracruz Agriculture Montes Azules Biosphere (see inset lower right) Chiapas Dioxin Air Monitoring Site Lake Mirimar (inside Montes Azules)* Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012 * Receptor is too small to see at this scale
Source Locations and Preliminary Point and Area Receptors Used for Initial Model Simulations Baja west coast Monterrey urban cattle* Monterrey agricultural cattle Nuevo Leon Baja California Chihuahua 5 Yucatan GOM grid cell #9 Nuevo Leon GOM grid cell #10 Sinaloa El Vizcaino Biosphere GOM grid cell #8 Celestun Biosphere Yucatan Jalisco 1 4 3 2 Veracruz Lake Chapala Distrito Federal Colima Calakmul Biosphere Chiapas Veracruz Agriculture Montes Azules Biosphere (see inset lower right) Dioxin Air Monitoring Site Chiapas Lake Mirimar (inside Montes Azules)* Source Locations for initial test runs Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012 * Receptor is too small to see at this scale
Simulation parameter files written by SET batch file as HYSPLIT_SV inputs • Problems with run? These are good place to look, as errors might be apparent here… Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
Files written at “beginning” of HYSPLIT_SV simulation • Problems with run? These are good place to look, as errors might be apparent here… Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
“postscript image results” files produced after the HYSPLIT_SV simulation • These are produced using settings and choices established in the RUN and SET files; most of the settings are “hardwired” in the SET batch file but can be edited. • These files can get pretty big if the temporal_hrs setting is too small for long runs. Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
… continued… “postscript image results” files produced • Current settings for all of the above maps are to show “deposition”. However, concentrations can also be shown, if this is desired. Recommendation would be to change the SET file to add another call to CONCPLOT with slightly different settings, to tell CONCPLOT to produce map(s) of concentration rather than deposition. Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
“summary results” files for deposition flux to point receptors produced after HYSPLIT_SV simulation • These are produced by a specialized program after HYSPLIT-SV is completed Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
“summary results” files for air concentrations at point receptors produced after HYSPLIT_SV simulation • These are produced by a specialized program after HYSPLIT-SV is completed • One file for each point receptor in the simulation • There is reasonably complete header information in these files, but you can easily determine which file you “want” by looking at the receptor numbers in the “.clt” file Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
“summary results” files for area receptors produced after HYSPLIT_SV simulation • These are produced by a specialized program after HYSPLIT-SV is completed Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
“raw results” files produced during HYSPLIT_SV simulation Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
“binary raw results” files produced during HYSPLIT_SV simulation Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
Some diagnostic files written during HYSPLIT_SV simulation • Aside from the first file (msg), these should probably be ignored for now… Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
Some diagnostic files written during HYSPLIT_SV simulation • these should probably be ignored for now… Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
Some diagnostic files written during HYSPLIT_SV simulation • These are potentially interesting, but can be safely ignored for now… Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
Some diagnostic files written during HYSPLIT_SV simulation • This is potentially interesting, but would need some effort to interpret and/or /utilize it… Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
Files with information about the distribution of PUFF ages and sizes • They only contain information about the puffs, i.e., there is no information about pollutant mass in the Global Eulerian Model (GEM) component, if that was included in the run Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
A SET OF INITIAL TEST RUNS FOR: 2,3,7,8-TCDD 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 2,3,7,8-TCDF and OCDD Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
If desired, several other test runs can be done. DOS Batch files for these test runs are also provided in the working_SV directory. These runs have also been “pre-computed”, and all the results are available at the FTP site under the folder: “ADDITIONAL_pre_computed_test_runs”. • A set of 168-hr runs from std pts 1 thru 5, with each batch file containing separate runs for 2,3,7,8-TCDF, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF, and OCDD, with a time step of 60 minutes: • run_stdpt_1_168hr.bat • run_stdpt_2_168hr.bat • run_stdpt_3_168hr.bat • run_stdpt_4_168hr.bat • run_stdpt_5_168hr.bat • A set of 672-hr runs from std pts 1 thru 5, with each batch file containing separate runs for 2,3,7,8-TCDF, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF, and OCDD, with a time step of 30 minutes: • run_stdpt_1_672hr.bat • run_stdpt_2_672hr.bat • run_stdpt_3_672hr.bat • run_stdpt_4_672hr.bat • run_stdpt_5_672hr.bat • A set of runs showing an example of parameter variation, a process that should be explored further as the project proceeds. In this case a series of 672-hr runs from std pt 2 for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, for different values of “maxpar”, the maximum number of puffs allowed in the simulation at any one time. In all the simulations above, a value of 10,000 was used for “maxpar”. Here a series of runs is done with values of 1000, 2000, 5000, 20000, and 50000, to compare with the run done earlier with maxpar=10000 • run_stdpt_2_tcdd_672hr_maxpar.bat Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
SOME KEY PARAMETERS to CONSIDER Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012
To be completed… Mexico City Workshop, Feb 2012