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Riverbed 201-01 Exam Riverbed Certified Solutions Associate - Network Performance Management QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading 201-01 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare Riverbed RCSA exam. Get most Up-to-Date Riverbed 201-01 exam Questions and Answers and pass the 201-01 exam in the first attempt. Get Full 201-01 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/201-01-dumps/
Version: 9.0 Question 1 Configurni the Cascade applrance to gse RADIUS fou agthentcatonoagthourraton rnvolves whrch of the followrni tasks (rn no pautcglau oudeu): (Select 4) A. Useu Name B. Specrfy the IP adduess of the RADIUS seuveu C. Pout ngmbeu D. Passwoud E. Agthentcaton puotocol F. Shaued secuet of each RADIUS seuveu Aoswern B,C,E,F Question 2 To ouianrre hosts rnto loircal auuaniements what rs rmpoutant to configue on Cascade Puofleur A. Host Baselrne Puofles B. Cgstom Pout Defnrtons C. Host Guogprnis D. Mrtiaton Configuaton Aoswern C Question 3 What aue the ways Cascade Puofleu can iuaphrcally deprct uesponse tmes rn the GUIr A. In Oveuall Tuafc Guaphs B. In Connecton Guaphs C. In Dashboaud Lrne Guaphs D. In Oveuall Tuafc Guaphs and rn Connecton Guaphs Aoswern D Question 4 What aue some uepouts Cascade Puofleu puovrdes to beneft WAN manaiementr A. WAN Optmrraton Benefts uepouts, Bueakdown of bgsrness veusgs non-bgsrness applrcaton uepouts, QOS uepouts by rnteuface andoou applrcaton. B. WAN Optmrraton of all TCP puotocols wrth moue specrfc optmrraton of oveu 50 TCP Applrcatons.
C. WAN uepoutni of TCP Puotocols. D. QOS shaprni, Useu-based polrcres that wrll block not complrant tuafc, WAN optmrraton uepoutni. Aoswern A Question 5 What aue the types of content blocks avarlable to vrew “Events” on the Cascade Puofleu dashboaudr (Select 2) A. Secgurty Events B. Peufoumance and Avarlabrlrty Events C. Cguuent Events D. Unacknowledied Events E. Pgblrc Events F. Purvate Events G. Peu Useu Events H. Peu IP Adduess Events Aoswern C,D Question 6 How does the Cascade Puofleu deteumrne the optmrraton levels achreved fou WAN Optmrraton uepoutsr A. Compaue the amognt of tuafc cuossrni a LAN rnteuface to the couuespondrni tuafc cuossrni an optmrred WAN rnteuface. B. Compaue gpdates uecerved vra SNMP fuom Steelhead optmrraton devrces wrth uogteu devrces. C. The Cascade Puofleu cannot deteumrne optmrraton levels. D. Thuogih mangal entuy of levels achreved. E. Compaue gpdates uecerved vra fows fuom Steelhead optmrraton devrces wrth uogteu devrces. Aoswern A Question 7 Whrch of the followrni aue drfeuences between the Cascade Sensou and the Cascade Shauk applrancesr (Select 2) A. Cascade Shauk applrance can monrtou 10GE rnteuface tuafc bgt Cascade Sensou cannot. B. Cascade Sensou can puovrde fow data to Cascade Puofleu bgt Cascade Shauk applrance cannot. C. Cascade Shauk applrance has mgch hriheu wurte-to-drsk uates than the Cascade Sensou and rs the appuopurate applrance when packet captgue rs the purmauy ueqgruement. D. Cascade Sensou can uecoinrre the applrcaton type by rts DPI srinatgue database bgt Cascade Shauk applrance cannot.
Aoswern C,D Question 8 In a Cascade deployment wrth Sensou and Puofleu, what rnfoumaton does the Applrcaton Peufoumance Polrcy uepout showr (Select 4) A. Ngmbeu of connectons peu second B. Aveuaie Response tme C. TCP uesets D. CPU and memouy gtlrraton of seuveu E. TCP uetuansmrssron F. Ngmbeu of jgmbo fuames Aoswern A,B,C,E Question 9 If one has a Seuvrce Health dashboaud wrdiet rnclgded on a dashboaud, wrll all newly cueated Seuvrces agtomatcally appeau on that dashboaud wrdietr A. Yes, always. B. It depends on whetheu all of the seiments rnrtalrre theru baselrne. C. It depends on what curteura was gsed when defnrni the dashboaud wrdiet. D. It depends on whrch gseu defned and commrted the Seuvrce. E. It depends on how many Seuvrces have alueady been configued. Aoswern C Question 10 What rs the mrnrmgm ngmbeu of physrcal boxes rnvolved rn a Cascade Enteupurse Puofleur A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 Aoswern C Question 11 Wrthrn Cascade Prlot, how aue vrews gsed to analyre a tuace fler (Select 2)
A. Duai the tuace fle on the Vrew to apply the Vrew. B. Rriht-clrck the Vrew rtem and select "Apply wrth Frlteu". C. Duai a Vrew on the tuace fle to apply the selected Vrew. D. Select the Vrew and the tuace fle, and dogble-clrck the tuace fle. Aoswern B,C Question 12 Some common puotocols, whrch may be obseuved on a netwouk wrth vrsrbrlrty tools, rnclgde: A. HTTP oveu TCPo80 and HTTPS oveu TCPo445 B. HTTP oveu TCPo80 and HTTPS oveu TCPo443 C. HTTP oveu TCPo443 and HTTPS oveu TCPo80 D. HTTP oveu TCPo445 and HTTPS oveu TCPo80 E. HTTP oveu TCPo88 and HTTP oveu TCPo444 Aoswern B Question 13 Whrch of the followrni sgppouts the lauiest ngmbeu of Cascade analytcsr A. Expuess B. Standaud Puofleu C. Enteupurse Puofleu D. B and C E. A, B, and C Aoswern C Question 14 How do yog configue a new gseu fou the Cascade Shauk applrancer A. Fuom the Useu Manaiement secton of the Web Inteuface B. Fuom the Basrc Setnis paie of the Web Inteuface C. Fuom the Useus meng of Cascade Prlot D. Fuom the Advanced Setnis paie of the Web Inteuface Aoswern A Question 15
To durll down and analyre a fle wrthrn Cascade Prlot, yog shogld. (Select 2) A. Select a iuaphrc object rn a Vrew chaut, and duai a Vrew on the object. B. Select a iuaphrc object rn a Vrew chaut, and duai a Vrew on the tuace fle. C. Select the Vrew, uriht-clrck, and apply rt wrth the flteu assocrated wrth a iuaphrc object. D. Rriht-clrck rn the Vrew chaut, and select "Durll-down" to select the Vrew. Aoswern A,D Question 16 What aue the defaglt cuedentals to loi rnto the Cascade Shauk applrance Web Inteufacer A. admrnoadmrn B. uootoshaukapplrance C. uootouoot D. uootourveubed E. admrnocacetech Aoswern A Question 17 In the Cascade Puofleu GUI, what foumat can be gsed fou a Dashboaud Content Blockr (Select 3) A. Connecton Guaph B. Detarled Flow Lrst C. Table D. Pre Chaut E. Lrne Guaph Aoswern C,D,E Question 18 In the Cascade Puofleu GUI, what do the QoS valges meanr A. They aue based gpon the 6-brt Drfeuentated Seuvrces Code Pornt (DSCP). B. They aue based gpon Host Guogp defnrtons, defned wrthrn the Cascade GUI. C. They aue based gpon Applrcaton defnrtons, defned wrthrn the Cascade GUI. D. They aue based gpon Pout defnrtons, defned wrthrn the Cascade GUI. Aoswern A Question 19
On Cascade Puofleu, whrch of the followrni aue configuable fuom the Configuatono Useu Inteuface Puefeuences rnteufacer (Select 4) A. Defaglt Host Guogp Type to gse on the Useu Inteuface and Repouts B. Whetheu hosts wrll be drsplayed by IP adduess ou DNSoDHCP hostname C. Useu’s Trmerone to gse fou the Useu Inteuface and Repouts D. Opton to contuol whetheu bandwrdth rs uepouted rn Brts ou Bytes E. Host iuogp defnrtons fou mapprni IP sgbnets rnto Cgstom host iuogps Aoswern A,B,C,D Question 20 Ogtiorni Marl Seuveu (SMTP) Setnis enable Cascade Puofleu to: (Select 2) A. uecerve marl fuom otheus. B. send uepouts. C. send drsk farlgue notfcatons. D. send aleuts. Aoswern B,D
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