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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter “Ohio Chapter of the Year!”. General Body Meeting April 19, 2008. Meeting Call to Order Adoption of the Agenda House Keeping Reminder Minutes of Previous General Body Meeting – Read Silently Correspondence Officer’s Reports
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter“Ohio Chapter of the Year!” General Body Meeting April 19, 2008
Meeting Call to Order Adoption of the Agenda House Keeping Reminder Minutes of Previous General Body Meeting – Read Silently Correspondence Officer’s Reports President First Vice President Second Vice President Third Vice President Financial Secretary Treasurer Committee Reports Scholarship Ebony Fashion Fair Financial Fortitude Ways & Means Delta Academy New Business Cincinnati Youth Collaborative Donation Request National Convention Ad Request Announcements Ritualistic Closing Ohio Chapter of the Year!”General Body MeetingApril 19, 2008ORDER OF BUSINESS Note:Italic and shadowed items are reports containing recommendations and will require action
General Body Meeting Minutes March 2008 The March meeting was called to order at 10:30am. A quorum was present with 18 financial members and 1 non-financial/ visiting sorors. Sor Elsie Brown moved to adopt the agenda. Seconded. Motion passes. The February General Body Meeting minutes were read silently. Motion to accept the minutes by Sor. Elsie Brown. Seconded. Motion carries. Correspondence Sor. Charlotte McKenzie gave her report. See the Correspondence Binder for updates. Several Ad Requests (see new business) President Sor. Veronica Chapman gave her report. Several sorors attended the Freedom’s Sisters Gala that featured 20 prominent women that have made historical contributions to our country. Of the 20, 8 sorors are part of this historical traveling event. The local website has been completed so sorors can access and download information. Represented the chapter at Delta Days. The official nominating slate has been received for national officers. Violets to all sorors, especially to the Founders Day committee for their outstanding work. Local, state, regional and national updates 1st Vice President Sor. Tina Welch gave the report. Overview of the program activities as well as upcoming events and updated chapter calendar. Soror Camille Woods taking on the role as Chair of Delta GEMS during Soror Tikica Benjamin’s maternity leave. Soror Kim Hull taking over as Chair of the Scholarship Committee Program proposals have been submitted for our 2008-2009 sorority year. We will review in April and vote on in May. 2nd Vice President Sor. Danelle Carter gave her report. This is Sisterhood Month. Soror Carter challenged each of us to commit to our chapter and get to know a soror we may not know well. Second challenge is to make phone calls and reclaim inactive sorors in the city and also communicate more with our Delta Dears. Soror Carter will be making a motion to move forward with preparation for membership intake. Soror Marena Brown was featured as our Unsung Soror for the month of March
General Body Meeting Minutes March 2008 ….continued • 3rd Vice President • Sor. Vickie Fairley gave her report. All sorors are being encouraged to get involved in all upcoming fundraisers. The Golf Outing will take place on Saturday, May 17. Violets to Soror Ebonie Byndon who put together the PowerPoint presentation at the Founders Day celebration. Soror Byndon also collecting items for our history. Soror Camille Woods is working on Minerva’s Pen, and Soror Lacosta Moore is updating our website. Pictures are needed from 2007-2008, including the day and month. • Financial Secretary • Sor. Ligaya West gave her report. Dues are being collected for 2008-2009. Currently, 127 financial members. See financial packet for report. • Treasurer • Sor. Gayle DeBrossard gave her report. Ads and Contributions amount increased due to Cotillion Ads, contributions, and returned check from Omega Psi Phi. This year it was voted by Executive Committee to split proceeds 70/30 to Scholarships/Chapter. Soror Chapman gave an overview. Soror Tina Welch moved to adopt the motion. seconded. Motion carries. See financial packet for report. • Committees • Scholarship: Soror Kim Hull gave her report. Plans are being made for a workshop in the Fall. 30 applications have been received. • Financial Fortitude: Soror Michelle Story Stewart gave her report. Tax tips were given. A Budget form is available to help manage expenses. • Ways and Means: Soror Lisa Rowell gave her report. The Golf Outing will take place on Saturday, May 17. Items are needed for the great goodie bags that will be given to golfers. Start to solicit golfers and teams to make this a sold out event. • Unfinished BusinessNone
General Body Meeting Minutes March 2008 ….continued • New Business • It has been recommended to move the May meeting to Thursday, May 15, 6:30pm. Moved by Soror Danielle Pankey, seconded by Soror Maurine Allen. Motion carries. • AKA request for sponsorship of their Centennial Celebration. Motion to contribute $100. Seconded. Motion carries. • Ad request from Queen City Chapter of The Links, Inc. for their program booklet. Motion by Soror Danelle Carter to contribute $100. Seconded by Soror Maurine Allen. Motion Carries. • Announcements • .Ads for the Debutante Cotillion are due. • Sor. Kim Hull moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Soror Vickie Fairley. Motion carries. • Meeting adjourned at 12:15 pm followed by the Ritualistic Closing. • ___Stacey Fulgham_______________ ______ ___________________ • Stacey Fulgham Veronica Chapman • Recording SecretaryPresident
Correspondence ReportApril 19, 2008 Greetings, Sorors! Thank you for keeping our Chapter connected to one another and the community. Please review the guidelines listed below that will help in our correspondence process. • All committee meetings, updates, announcements, etc. that you would like included in the upcoming CAC Weekly Update should be submitted to me each week, no later than Sunday, 5:00pm, dst_cincinnati_alumnae@yahoo.com. You must write your own submission in its’ entirety. This will insure inclusion of any early week meetings, as the Update will be emailed during the early part of each week. If you have an exception/emergency, feel free to call me at 513-258-3799. • Please submit your info in the format as you would like for it to appear in the update. Your info should be inclusive, in standard type, and brief. Include pertinent info such as date, time, location, contact person, email, phone number, etc. Only minor editing will be done. • Keep in mind that NOT EVERY FLYER/ATTACHMENT CAN BE INCLUDED. Therefore, submit your info as bullet points that can be included in the body of the update or send an attachment that is small in capacity. • Please UPDATE YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS, EMAIL, PHONE NUMBERS, ETC. with our Sergeant at Arms as you sign in for the Chapter Meeting. Also, if you have information that is currently not on file for another Soror, please provide it to us. We need correct information so that we can keep you in the communication loop of CAC. • Your suggestions and comments are welcome. Remember, ALL SUBMISSIONS SHOULD ONLY BE SENT TO THE CHAPTER EMAIL ADDRESS: dst_cincinnati_alumnae@yahoo.com. Thank you Sorors! Correspondence: Information received from the Hamilton County Job and Family Services Adoption and Foster care. If you are interested or would like more information, contact Erika D. Respress at 513-946-7583.
Correspondence Report continued….. Request/Ads/Donations: • Financial request from Cincinnati Youth Collaborative (CYC) for a tax deductible donation to assist with their mentoring program. The amounts are$100, $250, $500, $750 and other. • Ad request from National Headquarters for the 2008 National Convention Program Booklet. Ad prices are $750/full page color; $600/full page black & white; $500/half page color; $350/half page black & white; $200/quarter page black & white, no picture. For all ads with picture, add $50. Due by Friday, April 18. Submitted in the spirit of Delta, Charlotte McKenzie Corresponding Secretary
Presidents ReportApril 19, 2008 • Greetings Sorors! • The Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter is on the MOVE. Just this month we are hosting the Debutante Cotillion Ball, Delta GEMS/Academy Retreat, Scholarship Interviews, and Bishop Vashti McKenzie. We’re also planning the Golf Outing and kicking off planning for our 2008 Ebony Fashion Fair and all with grace and elegance. Violets to you for being the Wind Beneath our Wings. • Local Updates • Represented the chapter at the Center for Closing the Health Gap conference Faith Breakfast featuring Soror Vashti McKenzie as the Keynote Speaker. • Along with the VPs and Financial officers, participated in the Budget & Finance Committee meeting to plan the FY08-09 Budget. • Met with Cheryl Hill, President of Cincinnati Queen City Alumnae Chapter to discuss Service Area requirements. • Met with Councilmember Cecil Thomas regarding Ebony Fashion Fair Show sponsorship. • Represented the chapter at the AKA, Sigma Omega chapter Brunch and Fashion Show on Saturday, March 29th.
Presidents Report cont’d.April 19, 2008 • National Update • Participated in Midwest Region Leadership Team Retreat in Louisville, KY, April 4 – 6. • National Update • Received Thirty-two proposed Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws. • Violets • Delta Academy/Delta GEMS for submitting excellent nominations on behalf of the chapter for the National Exemplary program awards and Presidential Academy. Yours in Delta,Veronica L. Chapman
First Vice President Report Sorors can you feel the excitement in the air? We are wrapping up our 2007/2008 program year with three major events/activities this month: 2008 Debutante Cotillion Ball, Delta Academy & GEMS annual college retreat, and Scholarship interviews. In May and June we will award our scholarships and conduct year end activities for all the youth programs. We would like to thank sorors for their continued support as we prepare our program proposal for next year and document our current year program success for potential national Delta award recognition. The program committee is looking forward to another remarkable year of service to our community. The Delta Academy committee chaired by Sorors Marena Brown and Candace Higgins wrapped-up the iSpace (robotics) educational component on April 5th and started the Lights! Camera! Action! component on the 5th as well. The girls were excited about both activities and enjoyed the interaction with the guest speakers. The Academy is still looking for speakers with a background in broadcast journalism (TV, radio, or online web casting) for their sessions involving filming and editing video with Media Bridges on May 10 and June 7. If you are willing to volunteer or know of someone who might, please e-mail dstdelta_academy@yahoo.com or call Soror Candice Higgins at 740-707-0682 (cell) or 513-829-1085 (home). You are invited to participate in the Academy’s upcoming activities: • April 19th thru 20th - Annual College Retreat, Indiana University • April 26th – Great American Cleanup, service event, location TBD • May 10th – Lights! Camera! Action! the 1st education component with Media Bridges Corryville Rec., 12-3pm. The GEMS committee is very enthusiastic about the Annual College Retreat which will take place on this coming weekend April 19th thru 20th at Indiana University. Soror Camille Woods chairperson and the committee have some great activities planned for the young ladies so they are able to experience a little bit of college life and start the process of determining the type of college they would like to attend in the future.
First Vice President Report Sorors Shawnda DeRamus and Marviette Dale co-chair persons and the cotillion committee are very excited about tonight’s ball: 2008 Debutante Cotillion “Black Butterflies: Soaring to Unlimited Possibilities” Saturday, April 19th Northern Kentucky Convention Center Doors open at 5:30PM. Soror Kim Hull committee chairperson and the scholarship committee have identified 15 candidates that meet the scholarship award criteria and are currently conducting interviews. We look forward to 2007/2008 scholarship award winner announcement at the May general body meeting. The Financial Fortitude committee chaired by Soror Michelle Story-Stewart will share volume-3 of the “Big Bucks” financial fortitude newsletter answering sorors questions regarding investing in 401k plans and savings - safe places to stash cash. The Social Action committee has been working with Queen City Alumnae to schedule our first political issue awareness form and we decided to partner with the Community Action Agency (CAA) for their annual legislative agenda breakfast. The local, state, and national legislative agendas will be shared during a breakfast on Friday, May 23rd from 8:30AM-10AM, CAA Jordan’s Crossing. Sorors will be serving as hostesses and potentially introduce some of the speakers. Our second political form is targeted for the August timeframe and we are currently in need of sorors to help plan the event. If you are interested please join the next planning call on Tuesday, May 6th, 7PM, conference call #: 641-715-3200 passcode 830698 . We are also identifying opportunities where the chapters can become involved in voter registration activities, i.e. Hamilton County Board of Election Volunteers for community events/festivals, Community Action Agency, etc. The Black Family Reunion and Macy’s festivals are two major events that we would like to target.
First Vice President Report……..continued Sorors thank you for submitting your program proposals. The program and fundraising proposals are in a separate packet which details the program purpose, the 5-point thrust that is addressed, the estimated revenue/expenses/profit, and proposed budget amount for 2008/2009. Please take a moment to review as we will be voting on this information at the May 15th sorority meeting. Thanks again for your support of the program committee! Yours in Delta Tina A. Welch First Vice President
Second Vice President Report • Membership Intake Recommendation In considering the feedback from chapter members it is my recommendation that we review the feasiblity of proceeding with MIT during the 2008-2009 sorority year. • It’s that time of year again to recognize our dynamic Sorors for their contributions to the chapter. Please prepare to complete nomination forms for the Violet and Fortitude awards. All submissions will need to be received by the May Sorority meeting (May 15, 2008). Included in your packet are the forms. Please send all forms to danellecarter2@yahoo.com. The criteria is listed below: • VIOLET AWARD • To be eligible for the Violet Award, one must be: • Nominated by a member of Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter • Over the age of 50 • An active member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority for over twenty years • A financial member of Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter in the current Sorority year • Committed to the steadfast support of chapter projects and programs • A representative of strength, wisdom and commitment to the Delta Nine Cardinal Virtues as evidenced through her conduct and demeanor • FORTITUDE AWARDTo be eligible for the Fortitude Award, one must be: • Nominated by a member of Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter • A financial member of Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter in the current Sorority year • Have consistent involvement in a broad spectrum of Chapter projects and programs • Show commitment to and unsung support of Chapter projects and programs • Promote sisterhood and unity within the Chapter • Exemplify Delta’s Nine Cardinal Virtues through her conduct and demeanor • Demonstrate outstanding leadership of a chapter project or program • -OR- • Be responsible for the conception or initiation of a project or program that fosters Delta’s public service goals • -OR- • Demonstrate perseverance and unrelenting dedication to a Chapter project or program in spite of adversities
Violet AwardNomination Application • Name of Nominee: • Nominee’s Address: • Nominee’s Place of Employment: • Nominee’s Work Phone: • Nominee’s Home Phone: • Year’s involved in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority: • Year’s involved in Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter: • Does the Nominee know of your Nomination? Yes_________ No_________ • Please provide a brief explanation of why you feel this nominee should receive the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter Violet Award. Attach a biography if possible. (Attach additional sheets if necessary).
Fortitude AwardNomination Application • Name of Nominee: • Nominee’s Address: • Nominee’s Place of Employment: • Nominee’s Work Phone: • Nominee’s Home Phone: • Year’s involved in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority: • Year’s involved in Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter: • Does the Nominee know of your Nomination? Yes_________ No_________ • Please provide a brief explanation of why you feel this nominee should receive the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter Fortitude Award. Attach a biography if possible. (Attach additional sheets if necessary).
Second Vice President ReportContinued • If you are celebrating a 25-year or 50-year anniversary in Delta, please notify me no later than Monday, May 5, 2008. • Our National President has issued a National Call to Service and want to reclaim a minimum of 2008 inactive Sorors by the 49th National Convention. The Cincinnati Alumnae chapter has already stepped up to the charge. Sorors please strive to reclaim at least one inactive Soror this year! Sisterly, Danelle 2nd Vice President
Delta Sigma Theta SororityCincinnati Alumnae ChapterThird Vice President’s Report – April 2008 Greetings Sorors from the Resources Management Committee Team. Violets to all for continuing to share your unique gifts and amazing spirit to accomplish the work of CACDST. See our April updates below. • Ways & Means Committee: Soror Lisa Rowell • Third Annual Golf Outing – May 17, 2008 at Walden Ponds!! • Support by soliciting players and sponsors and donating goodies for golfers. • Full report from Soror Rowell. • Historian ~ Soror Ebonie Byndon • Looking for pictures, articles and items of historical interest. Also seeking committee members. • Contact Ebonie at 513-283-3066 or ebyndon2003@yahoo.com for more info. • Journalist ~ SororsLynadius Joseph & Camile Woods • Preparing our Minerva’s Pen Newsletter. • Send submissions for the next edition via e-mail to informcac@gmail.com or regular mail to Soror Camille Woods at P.O. Box 19955 Cincinnati, OH 45219. Poems, guest columns, committee updates, announcements, and photos are welcomed. • Web Mistress ~Soror LaCosta Moore • Updating website! Click www.cacdst.org for happenings • Send updates to Soror Mackey at ltmackey@gmail.com • Publicity ~ Soror Cassandra Bolden • Disseminating information on chapter programs and accomplishments.
Delta Sigma Theta SororityCincinnati Alumnae ChapterThird Vice President’s Report cont’d • Audit ~ Soror Mary Coleman • Maintaining our internal controls and financial structure. • Custodian ~ Sorors Sandra Wiggins & Olivia Montgomery • Coordinating with Cotillion Committee for 4/19 event. • Chaplain ~ Soror Wanda Owens • One day at a time. “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Matthew 6:34 from Come Away My Beloved by Frances J. Roberts • Dial-a-Delta ~ Sorors Melba Morgan & Pearline Singletary • Committee staffed and ready to serve. • Parliamentarian ~ Soror Esther Cash Mills • Do you know the basic rules? • Sergeant at Arms ~ Soror Maurine Allen • Professional attire must be worn during meetings. • Housing Management ~ Soror Glenda Leonard-Wilkinson • Coordinating our housing feasibility study. YID Soror Vickie D. Fairley Third Vice President
Scholarship Committee ReportApril 2008 The deadline for the scholarship applications was January 31, 2008. Completed applications were to be received or postmarked to the Chapter’s P.O. Box 37285 by January 31, 2008. There were a total of 40 applications received for consideration. Several applications were deemed ineligible due to receiving scholarship materials past the 1/31deadline; GPA fell below the required 2.75 or inadequate information was presented in the packet. The committee has worked very diligently to meticulously review and evaluate all applications using established guidelines. Applications were scored and ranked in the following areas, (Academic, Leadership, Community Service, Essay and Letters of Recommendations) in which 15 scholarship finalists were invited to interview as a final step in the process. Interviews were conducted Thurs., April 10th and Thurs. April 17th. Candidates not considered for an interview have been personally notified via mail correspondence. The Chapter is prepared to grant three scholarship awards in the amount of $2,500.00 and a final award in the amount of $2,500 from the Delta Gateway Foundation. As a result the Scholarship Committee is extremely pleased and excited about the ability to award $10,000 this year to four very deserving young scholarship recipients. The four winners will be notified by May 1, 2008 and will be invited to attend the upcoming golf outing on May 17th as well as the June Luncheon in order to showcase their accomplishments to our sponsors and sorors! Final Data per the December 1st College Preparation Workshop The expenses and final breakdown of the 120 attendees that attended the December 1st College Prep Workshop held at the Community Action Agency from 1-5pm is included per the final report: Grades 7-9 25 Grades 10-12 45 Parents/Guardians 18 DST CAC Sorors 15 Partners (Ques, NSBE, Queen City) 15 Misc (4th graders) 2 Scholarship Committee: Maurine Allen, Tina Bowen, Ester Cash-Mills, Angela Cook, Minnie Everette, Reynell Frazier, Celeste Goodloe, Tekeia Howard, Kim Hull Co- Chair, Gail McCullum, Daniel Pankey, Michelle Rogers, Nikki Taylor, Jackie Turner, Rhonda Twitty, Deatria Walker
Committee Observations: • We were pleased with the overall attendance and parental involvement. We projected to have up to 80 attendees and exceeded this participation goal. • General and concurrent topic sessions included: College Essay writing, Interview Techniques, Mock Interviews, Application Basics, ACT/SAT Test Taking Tips, Top Ten Careers, FASFA, and collegiate & parent panels. • The assistance from our workshop partners: DST Queen City, the men of Omega Psi Phi and NSBE members was helpful in the planning for this event and actual coordination and attention to miscellaneous tasks during the day. • Refreshments/ food was the greatest expense for the day as copy cost were minimal while most presenters brought copies of their presentations. In addition, several sorors made donations to mitigate expenses. • Workshop evaluations were very favorable and there were very few recommendations for improvement. Of those participants, who completed evaluations, 100% of the attendees indicated they would recommend this workshop to others. • Many thanks to each and every soror and particularly the scholarship committee members who assisted in many ways as we prepared for this year’s workshop.
Scholarship Dec.1st College Prep Workshop FINAL EXPENSE REPORT Committee: Scholarship Date: April 2008
Ebony Fashion Fair ReportApril 19, 2008 Greetings Sorors! We are off and running, making plans to bring another spectacular presentation of the 51st anniversary Ebony Fashion Fair! Thank you again for all of your wonderful sisterly support that made our hosting a true success in 2007. This year’s event will take place on Friday, October 31 at the Duke Energy Center in downtown Cincinnati. • We have another opportunity to make a great impression on the city of Cincinnati and surrounding areas. Calling all Deltas to gather up your guests and put your lists together so that we can make this a sellout event! Invite your family, friends, other organization affiliates, coworkers, church members, hair salons, manicurist, etc. for support of this Chapter event. It takes a whole chapter to make this the true success it can be. Let’s showcase our chapter to the city of Cincinnati and surrounding areas. Tickets are $75 (VIP reception/6:00pm & show), $50 Show only (8:00pm), and $25 for students (21 and under with valid school ID). Each ticket includes a one year subscription to Ebony or 6 month subscription to Jet, plus a chance to win great prizes! Ebony will give to the highest ticket seller special recognition and a chance to win an all expense paid trip for you and a guest to a U.S. city of your choice, once the tour concludes in 2009. Also, as a very special bonus, we are offering to pay local dues for the top ticket seller in our chapter!! The second ($50) and third ($25) place winners will receive DELTA DOLLARS. WOW!! Sorors, this is exciting! Thank you in advance for your support. For questions, feel free to call 258-3799 or charmac10@yahoo.com
Ebony Fashion Fair Report ….continued Submitted in Sisterhood, Charlotte McKenzie, Chair Committee Members: Aisha Abernathy Tekeia Auster Howard Cassandra Bolden Tina Bowen Marena Brown Kyndal Burton Danelle Carter Veronica Chapman Marviette Dale Gayle DeBrossard Shawnda DeRamus Vickie Fairley Stacey Fulgham Margaret Horton Kim Hull Katelyn Jackson Carmen Jett Crystal Kendrick Edna Keown Jennifer Lewis Thornton LaCosta Moore Gail McCullom Malinda McReynolds Julia Montier Ball Nancy Moody Jovan Moore Melba Morgan Wanda Owens Donna Pickard Lisa Rowell Vanessa Sams Candie Simmons Karla Stewart-Tyson Michelle Story-Stewart Jackie Turner Tina Welch Ligaya West
Ways and Means/Golf Outing ReportApril 19, 2008 The date is May 17, 2008 at Walden Ponds Golf Course with a 1:00 shot gun start. This year we will start on TIME. We ask Sorors to bring items from their companies to the next meeting for our goody bags for golfers. We also ask Sorors to begin recruiting golfers to play. Food will be provided by The Dukesters Restaurant. Our next meeting will be held Tuesday, April 22, 2007 at 6:30 pm at Donatos in Tri-County on Kemper Road. Contact Soror Lisa Rowell at (513) 260-3323 or e-mail at lrowell@current.net. Respectfully Submitted: Soror Lisa Rowell, Ways and Means Chair
Delta Academy – April 2008 Committee Report We have been busy pursuing more Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Self-Esteem! This report summarizes the key activities of Delta Academy for Winter 2008. Learning Module 2 We completed our second Learning Module – iSPACE – Robotics. Over three sessions, participants had to build and program robots to successfully complete certain tasks. • January 12th • Speaker – Bev Ketron, iSPACE Ohio • Attendance – 32 DA attendees, 6 Sorors • February 9th • Speaker – Isaac Higgins, Computer Programming Consultant • Attendance – 32 DA attendees, 5 Sorors • March 8th • cancelled due to weather • April 5th • Speaker – Soror Dorcedar Glover, GE Aviation • Attendance – 25 DA attendees, 6 Sorors
Delta Academy – April 2008 Committee Report… continued Other Activities National Nominations – made submissions for the Presidential Delta Academy (Jahmila Pettis) and Exemplary Delta Academy programs. Done! College Retreat (w/Delta GEMS) – this weekend! April 19-20. Community Service Event – The Great American Cleanup. April 26, 9AM – 12noon, meet at the Corryville Recreation Center. Learning Module 3 – Lights! Camera! Action! We officially started this learning module in April and it will continue through June. Partnering with Media Bridges, we developed a course in which DA participants will write, film, and edit short videos on socially relevant topics. Projects may be televised on cable access! Violets To the Delta Academy Committee - Sorors Marena Brown, Candice Higgins, Chanda Higgins, Michelle Rogers, and Carmen Jett. We are having a stellar year! Also, many thanks to everyone who has supported Delta Academy’s program and activities – Dorcedar Glover, Jennifer Lewis-Thornton, Rhonda Twitty, Yvonne Coursey, Maurine Allen, and Krystal Hardy. Respectfully submitted, Marena Brown and Candice Higgins 2007-2008 Delta Academy Chairs