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Chapter 11 The Twenties. 1919-1929. Chapter Introduction. This chapter will cover the economic boom and government policies of the 1920s. It will discuss changes to American culture that arose from the consumer revolution, new technology, and the Harlem Renaissance. .
Chapter 11 The Twenties 1919-1929
Chapter Introduction This chapter will cover the economic boom and government policies of the 1920s. It will discuss changes to American culture that arose from the consumer revolution, new technology, and the Harlem Renaissance. • Section 1: A Booming Economy • Section 2: The Business of Government • Section 3: Social and Cultural Tensions • Section 4: A New Mass Culture • Section 5: The Harlem Renaissance
11 Section 1 • Objectives • Explain the impact of Henry Ford and the automobile. • Analyze the consumer revolution and the bull market of the 1920s. • Compare the different effects of the economic boom on urban and rural America.
How did the booming economy of the 1920s lead to changes in American life? • During the 1920s, the American economy experienced tremendous growth. Using mass production techniques, workers produced more goods in less time than ever before. • The boom changed how Americans lived and helped create the modern consumer economy.
Did You Know? The automobile changed the landscape and architecture of America. The landscape was filled with paved roads. New houses were built with a garage or a carport and a driveway, making lawns much smaller. New industries and buildings that grew as a result of the automobile included gasoline stations, repair shops, campgrounds, public parking garages, motels, and shopping centers.
The 1920s were a time of rapid economic growth in the United States. Much of this boom can be traced to the automobile.
During the 1920s, Americans enjoyed a new standard of living. • Wages increased and work hours decreased. • Mass production, or large scale product manufacturing usually done by machinery, increased the supply of goods and decreased costs. • The Greater productivity led to the emergence of new industries.
Before 1920, only wealthy people could afford cars. By applying innovative manufacturing techniques, Henry Ford changed that. His affordable Model T became a car for the people.
Ford made the Model T affordable by applying mass production techniques to making cars. • A moving assembly line brought cars to workers, who each added one part. • Ford consulted scientific management experts to make his manufacturing process more efficient. • The time to assemble a Model T dropped from 12 hours to just 90 minutes.
The assembly line, used by carmaker Henry Ford, greatly increased manufacturing efficiency by dividing up the operations into simple tasks that unskilled workers could perform. • Ford’s assembly-line product, the Model T, sold for $850 the first year but dropped to $490 after being mass-produced several years later. • By 1924 the Model T was selling for just $295.
Ford also raised his workers’ pay and shortened their hours. With more money and more leisure time, his employees would be potential customers. By 1927, 56% of American families owned a car.
Ford changed American life with his affordable automobiles. Small businesses such as garages and gas stations opened. • The petroleum industry expanded tremendously, and the isolation of rural life ended.
Road construction boomed, and new businesses opened along the routes. • Other car-related industries included steel, glass, rubber, asphalt, gasoline, and insurance. • Workers could live farther away from their jobs. • Families used cars for leisure trips and vacations. • Fewer people traveled on trolleys or trains.
The 1920s saw a consumer revolution. Using installment buying, people could buy more. New products flooded the market. Advertising created demand.
More disposable income made innovations affordable. • From electric razors to frozen foods and household cleaning supplies to labor saving appliances, Americans used his or her new income to make life easier. • By 1919 the Post Office had expanded airmail service across the continent with the help of the railroad. In 1927 Charles Lindbergh took a transatlantic solo flight which gained support in the U.S. for the commercial flight. By the end of 1928, 48 airlines were serving 355 American cities.
Higher wages and shorter workdays led to an economic boom as Americans traded thrift for their new role as consumers. • American attitudes about debt shifted, as they became confident that they could pay back what they owed at a later time. • Advertising was used to convince Americans that they needed new products. • Ads linked products with qualities that were popular to the modern era, such as convenience, leisure, success, and style.
By the early 1920s many businesses hired professional managers and engineers. The large number of managers expanded the size of the middle class. • In the 1920s, unions lost influence and membership. Employers promoted an open shop, a work place where employees were not required to join a union, • Welfare capitalism, where employees were able to purchase stock, participate in profit sharing, and receive benefits, made unions seem unnecessary.
Why did Americans' attitudes toward consumerism change during the 1920s? • (Higher wages and shorter workdays led to an economic boom as Americans traded thrift for their new role as consumers. American attitudes about debt shifted, as they became confident that they could pay back what they owed at a later time. Advertising was used to convince Americans that they needed new products. Ads linked products with qualities that were popular to the modern era, such as convenience, leisure, success, fashion, and style. The ads promised consumers selfimprovement, happiness, and self-fulfillment.)
Rising stock market prices also contributed to economic growth. • Throughout the 1920s, a bull market meant stock prices kept going up. • Investors bought on margin, purchasing stocks on credit. By 1929, around four million Americans owned stocks.
During the 1920s, cities grew rapidly. Immigrants, farmers, African Americans, and Mexican Americans were among those who settled in urban areas.
Cities expanded outward, thanks to automobiles and mass transit systems. • More and more people who worked in cities moved to the suburbs. • Suburbs grew faster than inner cities.
While cities and suburbs benefited from the economic boom, rural America struggled. Farm incomes declined or remained flat through most of the 1920s.
American farmers did not share in the prosperity of the 1920s. Instead, prices dropped dramatically while cost to farmers technology increased. • During wartime, the government had encouraged farmers to produce more food for supplies needed in Europe. • Farmers borrowed money at inflated prices to buy new land and new machinery to raise more crops.
The farmers prospered during the war, because the government was buying their crops to support the war in Europe. • After the war, Europeans had little money to buy American surplus farm products. • After Congress raised tariffs, farmers could no longer sell products overseas, and prices fell. • President Coolidge twice vetoed a bill to aid farmers, fearing it would only make the situation worse.
Why were farmers left out of the economic prosperity of the 1920s? • (During wartime, the U.S. government had encouraged farmers to produce more for food supplies needed in Europe. Farmers borrowed money at inflated prices to buy new land and new machinery to raise more crops. Farmers prospered during the war. After the war, Europeans had little money to buy American farm products. After Congress raised tariffs, farmers could no longer sell products overseas, and prices fell. The farmers had technological advances that enabled them to increase production, but because there was no increase in demand, they were forced to lower prices.)
11 Section 2 • Objectives • Analyze how the policies of Presidents Harding and Coolidge favored business growth. • Discuss the most significant scandals during Harding’s presidency. • Explain the role that the United States played in the world during the 1920s.
Did You Know? • During the 1920s, Americans owned about 40 percent of the world's wealth. • Most historians rank President Warren G. Harding as one of the country's weakest presidents. They believe he failed as president because he was weak-willed and a poor judge of character.
How did domestic and foreign policy change direction under Harding and Coolidge? • Rather than pursue Progressive reform, Presidents Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge favored conservative policies that aided business growth. • Foreign policy during this time was largely a response to the devastation of World War I.
In 1920, when Warren G. Harding ran for president, most Americans wanted a return to simpler times. • His campaign slogan to return to normalcy, or a “normal” life after the first world war, made him very popular and he won the presidency. • He made a few distinguished appointments to his cabinet, but most appointments were given to his friends.
In 1920 Warren G. Harding was elected President, promising a “return to normalcy.” • Unlike Progressives, Harding favored business interests and reduced federal regulations. • His Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon was for low taxes and efficiency in government. • Mellon cut the federal budget from a wartime high of $18 billion to $3 billion.
Andrew Mellon, named secretary of the treasury by president Harding, reduced government spending and cut the federal budget. His measures reduced the federal debt by $ 7 billion between 1921 and 1929.
Mellon applied the idea of supply-side economics to reduce taxes. This idea suggested that lower taxes would allow businesses and consumers to spend and invest their won extra money, resulting in economic growth. As a result, the government would collect more tax revenue at a lower rate.
Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover sought voluntary cooperation between labor and business. Instead of relying on legislation to improve labor relations, Hoover got business and labor leaders to work together.
Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover attempted to balance government regulation with cooperative individualism. • Manufactures and distributors were asked to form their own trade associations and share information with the federal government’s Bureau of Standards. • Hoover felt this would reduce waste and costs and lead to economic stability.
Harding was a popular, fun-loving president who trusted others to make decisions for him. • Some advisors, such as Mellon and Hoover, were honest, capable, and trustworthy. • Others, including a group known as the “Ohio Gang,” were not so civic-minded.
His old poker-playing friends became known as the Ohio Gang. • Some members used their government positions to sell jobs, pardons, and immunity from prosecution. • Before most of the scandals became public knowledge, Harding fell ill and died in 1923.
Who were the Ohio gang? • President Harding’s old poker-playing friends became known as the Ohio Gang. • Some members used their government positions to sell jobs, pardons, and immunity from prosecution.
The Teapot Dome scandal became public. • In 1921, Fall took control of federal oil reserves intended for the navy in Wyoming. • He then leased those reserves to private oil companies.
Fall received bribes totaling over $300,000. • When the Teapot Dome Scandal ended with Fall being the first cabinet officer in history to be sent to prison.
Another Harding administration scandal involved Attorney General Harry Daugherty. • He refused to turn over files and bank records for a German-owned American company. • Bribe money ended up in a bank account controlled by Daugherty and he refused to testify under oath, claiming immunity, or freedom from prosecution, on the grounds that he had confidential dealings with the president. . • The new president, Calvin Coolidge, demanded his resignation.
Vice President Calvin Coolidge became president after Harding's death. • Coolidge distanced himself from the Harding administration. • His focus was on prosperity through business leadership with little government intervention. He easily won the Republican Party's nomination for president in 1924.
In August 1923, Vice President Calvin Coolidge became President. • Coolidge was a quiet, honest, frugal Vermonter. • As President, he admired productive business leaders.
Coolidge believed that “the chief business of the American people is business.” • Coolidge continued Mellon’s policies to reduce the national debt, trim the budget, and lower taxes. • The country saw huge industrial profits and spectacular growth in the stock market. • The middle and upper classes prospered, especially in cities.
How did Coolidge feel about business and government? • (Coolidge felt that business led to prosperity and that the government should not interfere.)
Not everyone shared in the era’s prosperity. • Farmers struggled as agricultural prices fell. • Labor unions fought for higher pay and better working conditions. • African Americans and Mexican Americans faced severe discrimination. Coolidge ignored such issues, believing it was not the federal government’s job to legislate social change.
By the 1920s, the U.S. was the dominate economic power in the world. The Allies owed the U.S. billions of dollars in war debts. The U.S. National economy was greater than that of Britain, France, and Japan combined. • Many Americans favored isolationism rather than involvement in international politics and issues.Americans want to be left alone to pursue prosperity. The U.S. was too powerful and interconnected in international affairs to remain isolated.
Under Harding and Coolidge, the United States assumed a new role as a world leader. • The Washington Naval Disarmament Conference limited construction of large warships. • The Kellogg-Briand Pact, signed by 62 countries, outlawed war. Much of U.S. foreign policy was a response to World War I’s devastation. But the U.S. refused to join the World Court.
Washington Naval Disarmament Conference • The Washington conference held in 1921 invited countries to discuss the ongoing post-war naval arms race. Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes proposed a 10-year moratorium or pause, on the construction of major new war ships. • The conference did nothing to limit land forces. Japan was angry that the conference required Japan to keep a smaller navy than the U.S. and Great Britain.
The Kellog-Briand Pact was a treaty that outlawed war. By signing the treaty, countries agreed to stop war and settle disputes in a peaceful way. • On August 27, 1928, The U.S. and 14 other countries signed the pact, and eventually 62 nations ratified it. • The treaty had no binding force, but was hailed as a victory for peace.