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The Innovation Week on R.E.S. PV Systems Engineering and the other RES T.E.I. of Patras with participation of other 13 European Universities. The Innovation and Entrepreneurial Spirit Co-financed by Greece and the E.U. European Social Fund Prof. S.Kaplanis. Welcome
The Innovation Week on R.E.S.PV Systems Engineering and the other REST.E.I. of Patras with participation of other 13 European Universities The Innovation and Entrepreneurial Spirit Co-financed by Greece and the E.U. European Social Fund Prof. S.Kaplanis
Welcome Welcome to Patra to this joint International event on RES with emphasis on PV systems and the Innovative & Entrepreneurial spirit. History It started as Summer School since 2002-3 with the support of the SOCRATES Program. In total more than 20 European Universities have contributed to its success. This year we celebrate its 10th Anniversary
Recognition It received an Award by the E.C. in a European Competition, as a very important and influential Initiative, in 2007-8 Also, it is acknowledged as a high Quality Course in Europe and the only one delivered in Greece, concerning PV Training
Present Status • An Initiative under the Unit of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, co –funded by the E.S.F. of the E.U. and the Greek State within the scope of the Operational Programme for Education and Lifelong Learning
2. R.E.S. Importance • Solar Energy : Huge Electromagnetic Radiation 1.7x 10^17 W with a wide spectrum: • It is like the Heart in a body: as it creates-causes Wind- Energy, Hydro cycle, Biomass…… but of low density as, Solar Radiation Intensity = 1000 W/m2 at solar noon in a clear sky • There is a need for Intelligent systems to convert to other useful forms of Energy towards Sustainability
Merits: abundant and environmentally clean. • Requirements: Conversion to Thermal , Electricity, Chemical, even Mechanical • Targets: Design such Converters, ( solar collectors, PV cells) and conversion systems • Management of the Energy System with R.E.S. in it • Increase the conversion efficiency and cost-effectiveness
Energy Demand : Electricity- Power Heat, space heating Fuel – Transport • Notice: Rational Uses of Energy and Power Waste are main issues for management and progress. • ( Cogeneration)
Final Energy Consumption by Households in EEA in mtoe • 1985 1990 1995 2000 • BE 9.16 8.34 9.32 10.8 • GR 2.81 3.23 3.35 4.50 • IRL 2.13 2.17 2.19 2.50 • PT 2.46 2.29 2.99 2.70 • SE 9.65 6.84 7.78 8.20 • AU 6.99 6.77 7.04 4.80
Unit consumption per Dwelling (toe/dwel)- Unit consumption for space heating (toe/dwel)1 toe=41.8 GJ • 1985 1990 1995 2000 BE 2.35/1.99 2.58/2.18 2.7/2.6 --- GR 0.83/0.18 1.0/0.2 1.01/0.16 1.1/0.15 IRL 2.15/1.61 2.4/1.8 2.1/1.57 2.3/ 1.7 PT 0.40/0.26 0.53/0.34 ----- ------ SE 2.2/ 1.1 2.2/1.2 2.05/1.04 2.1/1.1
The RES potential for every region is a MUST to be assessed • A campaign for RES, with studies per se is imperative ( see Intelligent Energy for Europe) • 1. Assessments • 2.Solar Energy map • 3.Wind Energy map • 4. Hydro potential • 5. Biomass estimation • 6. Waves • 7. Waste treatment
Cogeneration • Poly-generation • Energy Storage • Hybrids • New sources • others • These are main areas of interest for RTD
3. Legislation Renewable Energy Road Map: • To assess the share of RES in the energy mix and the progress made towards the 20% of the total energy consumption from RES by 2020 • Measures to be taken to promote RES in the electricity, bio-fuels and Heating &Cooling • COM(2006) 848 final , 10.01.2007
Current Contribution (2005) Energy Electricity Biomass 66.1% 15.8% Hydro-Power 22.2% 66.1% Wind Power 5.5% 16.3 % Geothermal 5.5% 1.2% Solar Power 0.7% 0.3% ( Thermal & PV) Notice: Heating & Cooling accounts for 50% approx. of the fuel energy consumption. No Legislation to promote. Studies required for the impact to national economies
For 2010 the target was: • A 10% of the gross domestic energy consumption to come from RES. But…. • High costs and no- sensitization on the impact of fossil fuels to Health and environment • Administrative problems, where decentralization of energy production is involved • Special discriminatory rules are posed governing grid access. • Inadequate info to suppliers, customers, installers
1. Directive 2001/77/EC • To promote electricity consumption from RES. If all m.s. met the target set, then by 2010 the share of RES in electricity would be 21% 2. Directive 2003/30/EC biofuels(5.75% by 2010) 3. Directive 98/70/EC on Fuel Quality…to be amended to include bio-fuels 4. Competitive and Innovation Framework Programme. C.I.P. 2007-2013 where environmental and RES technologies are invited to play a role……new jobs creation
5. The Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund COM( 2006) 583 final 6. Directive 2005/32/EC Eco-design reqs for energy saving products 7. Directive 2002/91/EC on the Energy performance of Buildings ( OJ L 1(04.01.2003) 8. Renewable Energy: White Paper laying down a Community Strategy and Action plan 9.Green Paper: A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy [COM (2006) 105 final] 10. Directive 2006/32/EC on energy end-use efficiency and energy services and Directive 2005/32/EC establishing a framework to set ecodesign reqs for energy using products
The RES Laboratory of the TEI of Patra is active in RES Education-Training-RTD • Education: Offers courses in the 3rd and 4th year to Mech. Engineers students • 3rd year: Solar Energy assessment, Management, Applications, Solar thermal engineering, Passive solar Buildings
4th Year • PV technologies, Sizing and Solar Buildings. • Wind Energy assessment, & Technologies, • Hybrid Systems • Fuel Cells • Training Short Training by course, by placement, e-training, LdV projects to develop material
Collaborations schemes : E&T , RTD • National range • European: ERASMUS, LdV, TEMPUS • International: Egypt, ISR • FP5 :ADEPT Project on “ eco-design of products” • FP6: CRISTAL Project on “Renewables”
RES Lab. interests and activities • Solar Thermal, PV, Hybrids, Intelligent energy Buildings • Integration of solar technologies elements in the buildings shells: energy facades, energy roofs, walls, Space heating • Concentrating Parabolic collectors • PV generators integrated in building shells, hybrids, grid tied
PV + Thermal • Simulation studies • Solar energy roofs coupled with floor or wall heating • Natural ventilation of energy buildings • Comfort studies in buildings, introduction of solar cooling principles to save energy • Sizing of PV systems. New cost-effective ways • PV+Wind Hybrid systems…..production of H2 and feed to Fuel Cells plant • Intelligent Buildings …predictive load management • Tele-monitoring and tele-management of RES
Promotion Free evening classes Visiting staff, MSc and Ph D students web site: solar-net.teipat.gr etc • Plans to: • European M.Sc on RES: partners already: Gr, CY, ISR, IT, ES, CZ, PL, DE BG,RO, other associate partners:ES,DE,UK,SE,PT,SE
4. Our Initiative • This is a joint initiative which brings University actors, Enterprises and Social Partners, from various countries together to a Forum of ideas, designs and products for elaboration, Forging a spirit of collaboration for Innovations and Intelligent Application on RES.
5. Outcomes • The CD to be handed to you will have an ISSN no. • The speakers are invited, if they like, to prepare a scientific paper based on their ppt presentation, and submit it to us. This will be reviewed as there is an agreement with the International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, indexed by Scopus, to publish a special issue to include the reviewed papers.
6. Joint Product • A group of Professors of this International event were invited to contribute to a Book on Renewable Energy Systems to be published this year by NOVA Science Publishers, N.Y. Title: Renewable Energy Systems: Theory, Innovations and Intelligent Applications.
7. Expectations : Needs, Problems, Solutions The rational management of renewable sources is getting more and more necessary and demanding. Emphasis has to be given for a harmonic chain process of : Production Consumption Offer Power Demand Source Load
Target : The most cost-effective type of energy in relation to the Consumer /loads (types and load characteristics) widely Accessible and Available • The last 30 years after the energy crisis, the innovations in products and applications based on R.E.S. are multiplied and developing, mainly with the introduction and combination of new technologies
Broader and general target: • Clean environment • Abundant and Cheap Energy, • Meeting the energy loads, • where, when, the proper type. • Quality in life, Continuous Development, • Job creation, • Competitiveness, • Less dependence… Independence, • Recognition , • Power, • Production of Goods –Wealth-Welfare
Problems: • Fluctuations on energy availability; see the case of Solar andWind Energy, • Also, low energy density • RES are abundant everywhere and costless; • However, Inertia is observed in the implementation of R.E.S. , in large scale plants and applications
Need for: 1.Education and Training at any level; seein http://solar-net.teipat.gr CDA : Solar Energy : Technology and Management 1.1 provided for Engineers, Τechnicians, Market, Individuals, Institutions, Authorities, 1.2 Continuous and Updated, serving the Technology Transfer, the innovations development and cost-effective applications
2. Participation in international networks and partnerships joining various activities. • 3. Development of S.M.Es and other Institutions to support and develop R.E.S. applications, beyond the small scale lab. or basic research. • 4.Policy Decision Makers to be in Synergy with R.E.S. and the identified needs .
The 30% of the energy demand... due to buildings. Therefore , • Integration of R.E.S. technology and elements into the building shells • Intelligent energy buildings coupled to web services. • Energy Roofs and Facades • Space Heating and Cooling supported by R.E.S.
Hot water industrial use • Hybrid systems • Agricultural applications for example . • Crop Drying, WaterPurification,Greenhouse , Air conditioning, Pumping , Irrigation, Lighting of Buildings and Streets • Space heating • Energy storage
Solutions- Tools • Solar -thermal systems with various types of solar collectors • Hot water or other type of fluid • PV Generators • PV – Thermal ...., Power & Heat production from the same PV array
PV and wind turbines or a conventional energy source, • PV andFuel Cells • Poly-generation.
Aim of the efforts • To maximize the Useful Energy (gain) • To minimize cost/unit : installation, operation, service and maintenance • Reduction of loses • Increase of Yield, kWhe/kWp • High P.R. value of the system
Cost – effective Sizing of the R.E.S. units, • Reliable and competitive operation • All those are issues to be managed only inter - disciplinary • Mind the…“System Inertia ” • Measure the Impact and the added value to of this event to its constituents and the social partners
SOLAR COLLECTORS Types of collectors Stationary Sun tracking Thermal analysis of collectors Performance Applications Solar water heating Solar space heating and cooling Refrigeration Industrial process heat Desalination Solar thermal power systems
Acknowledgement • Ministry of Education • E.S.F. of the E.U. • The Operational Program on Education and LLL • The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit • The speakers who came from far away to contribute, • Our sponsors: Euro Bank, Solar Cells S.A. Aleo, OTE, GEFYRA S.A. and finally the persons behind the curtains, invisible who have done so much work, taking up all the tasks off my shoulders