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With the EasyEat Feeder, you can elevate your pet's mealtime! Our raised feeding bowls are made to look excellent in any home and enable your pet to eat in a more natural position for improved digestion. This fashionable yet useful item is ideal for maintaining the health and happiness of your four-legged pet because it is made from strong, contemporary materials. Get yours right away and introduce EasyEat to your pet!<br>For more information visit us at www.easyeatofficial.com<br>
EasyEat Raised Feeding Bowl ForDogs www.easyeatofficial.com
AboutUs TheEasyEatdogfeedstationisthehealthierandbestchoiceforyour petsthanthetraditionalandraisedbowls.Ourinnovativedesignnot only gives your pet a fantastic eating experience but also turns into a beautiful interior decorationpiece. The EasyEat is a veterinarian-approved feeder that assists and prevents BOAS, acid reflux, IVDD, digestion, fast eaters, postural problems, cleft palates, arthritis or joint pain, disabled dogs, andmany otherconditions!
Benefits of EasyEat PetFeeder Betterdigestion:Dogsaremorelikelytoingestlessairwhentheyeatfromhigherfeeders,whichcanreduce bloating, gas, and other digestivedisorders. Less strain on the joints and muscles: Raised feeders can benefit larger dogs, older dogs, older breeds, and dogswitharthritisorotherjoint/muscleproblemsbyminimizingtheamountofbendingorstoopingnecessary toreachtheirfoodandwaterbowls. Cleanerfeedingarea:Raisedfeederscanassistkeepfoodandwaterofftheground,minimizinglitter,and facilitating canine wastecleanup. Betterposture:Dogsarelesslikelytostraintheirneckandbackmuscleswhentheyeatfromhigherfeeders, whichcanresultinbetterpostureandlessdiscomfort. Morecomfortablefordogswithcertainconditions:Raisedfeederscanbeespeciallybeneficialfordogsthat have megaesophagus or other conditions that make it difficult for them to swallow food since the elevated position can assist food flow down more easily. Raised feeders are more comfortable for dogs with certain conditions.
The EasyEat CharityInitiative TheEasyEatCharityInitiativeisagroupofselectedanimalrescueswhowesupportbygiving1%ofourprofits and donated EasyEats to help aid the rescue dogs. We want to continually support these charities whilst addingtoourinitiativealongourjourney. CurrentlytheInitiativesupportsthefollowingcharities: French Bulldog Saviours www.frenchbulldogsaviours.com Return to RescueCampaign The Return to Rescue Campaign gives our customers a chance to help our charity initiative partners by donating their EasyEat to the charity initiative once they are finished with it. All our customers have to do is returnthefeedertouswithalittlenoteandwewillthendistributeittoourpartners.
ThankYou Contactus: 15 Thepaddocks,Whitegate, Cheshire, CW8 2DD,UK support@easyeatofficial.com www.easyeatofficial.com