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Slideshow about Prepare for the Mobilacalypse by Jeff Eaton
2 preparing for the mobilacalypse why mobile sites are doomed, why the future is made of structured content, and how to build without breaking the bank
4 hi. i’m @eaton! i’m with lullabot. we plan, design, build, and teach.
6 mo·bil·ac·a·lypse (n) 1) The tipping point that occurs when building for one channel locks out a majority of users, but building for many bankrupts you.
7 you might want to leave now if… ‣ You don’t manage or publish content ‣ You have infinite budget, unlimited staff ‣ You’re retiring in 2014 ‣ Otherwise? Stick around, tweet to #postmobile
8 change is here
9 1. Mobile users are here, now
10 ‣88% of U.S. adults have cell phones ‣47% use their phone for browsing ‣15% use their phone for most browsing ‣25% of teens & minorities, 45% of girls
11 1. Mobile users are here, now 2. They want the same stuff
12 ‣75% of mobile usage is home or office ‣90% split tasks between devices ‣65% shopped on phone, purchased on PC ‣68% avoid desktop if mobile doesn’t satisfy ‣15% of U.S. adults are “mostly mobile”
13 1. Mobile users are here, now 2. They want the same stuff 3. Building separate sites kills
14 “The challenge for most organisations in the long run won’t be maintaining multiple sets of frontend code or different templates. It will be maintaining variations of duplicate content. Karen McGrane: A Separate Mobile Site? No Forking Way
15 1. Mobile users are here, now 2. They want the same stuff 3. Building separate sites kills 4. Responsive design is overtaxed
16 ©2012 Lyza Danger — http://flic.kr/p/cfkULL
17 BMW iDrive system — http://www.bmwcoop.com.
18 Google Glass breaks every web site’s interaction model. Sigh.
19 Drupal.org on my living room television. No, seriously.
19 100 75 50 25 Time Warner Dish DirecTV Comcast XBox Live PlayStation 46m on XBox Live Drupal.org on my living room television. No, seriously.
20 1. Mobile users are here, now 2. They want the same stuff 3. Building separate sites kills 4. Responsive design is overtaxed 5. New channels keep coming
23 Apps Search Social Email Print Web Feeds APIs
24 “People don't want different content or less content. They imagine that their devices are different windows on the same content, not entirely different containers. Karen McGrane, A List Apart
25 mo·bil·ac·a·lypse (n) 1) The tipping point that occurs when having for one channel locks out a majority of users, but building for many bankrupts you. 2)The revelation of a new way to publish content
26 there is a solution
27 “Rather than thinking primarily about the final presentation — publishing web pages, mobile applications or brochures — an information- centric approach focuses on ensuring our data and content are accurate, available, and secure. Whitehouse.gov, Digital Government Blueprint
28 1. Manage one pool of content
30 NPR COPE Create Once Publish Everywhere
30 NPR COPE ‣ Desktop
30 NPR COPE ‣ Desktop ‣ Mobile
30 NPR COPE ‣ Desktop ‣ Mobile ‣ iPhone
30 NPR COPE ‣ Desktop ‣ Mobile ‣ iPhone ‣ Android
30 NPR COPE ‣ Desktop ‣ Mobile ‣ iPhone ‣ Android ‣ Partner
30 NPR COPE ‣ Desktop ‣ Mobile ‣ iPhone ‣ Android ‣ Partner ‣ Microsite
30 NPR COPE ‣ Desktop ‣ Mobile ‣ iPhone ‣ Android ‣ Partner ‣ Microsite ‣ Youtube
30 NPR COPE ‣ Desktop ‣ Mobile ‣ iPhone ‣ Android ‣ Partner ‣ Microsite ‣ Youtube ‣ Social
31 1. Manage one pool of content 2. Structure content for remixing
32 Story title subtitle shortTitle teaser miniTeaser slug text textWithHtml thumbnail storyDate pubDate audio audioDuration audioDescription audioMp3 image pullQuote relatedLink keywords organization listText correction Program Series Blog
33 Flexible chunks beat content blobs
36 1. Manage one pool of content 2. Structure content for remixing 3. Decouple content, presentation
37 http://api.npr.org/query? fields=title,teasers &format=NRML &id=170510189 &apiKey=MDEwNzg…
38 <story id="161551774"> <link type="html">http://www.npr.org/2012/09/21/16…</link> <link type="api">http://api.npr.org/query?id=161551774</link> <link type="short">http://n.pr/Sc6mZV</link> <title>Printing Solar Panels In The Backyard</title> <teaser> With crowd-sourced funding through Kickstarter, a team of inventors are building a Solar Pocket Factory: a machine designed to print micro solar panels. Co-inventor Shawn Frayne stopped by Flora Lichtman's backyard with a few pieces of the prototype to explain how the machine works. </teaser> <miniTeaser> A Kickstarter-funded project aims to build a machine to print micro solar panels. </miniTeaser> </story>
38 <story id="161551774"> <link type="html">http://www.npr.org/2012/09/21/16…</link> <link type="api">http://api.npr.org/query?id=161551774</link> <link type="short">http://n.pr/Sc6mZV</link> <title>Printing Solar Panels In The Backyard</title> <teaser> With crowd-sourced funding through Kickstarter, a team of inventors are building a Solar Pocket Factory: a machine designed to print micro solar panels. Co-inventor Shawn Frayne stopped by Flora Lichtman's backyard with a few pieces of the prototype to explain how the machine works. </teaser> <miniTeaser> A Kickstarter-funded project aims to build a machine to print micro solar panels. </miniTeaser> </story>
39 is this the scheduled WYSIWYG rant? yes. ‣With multichannel, WYSIWYG isn’t. ‣“Dreamweaver fields” kill reuse ‣Limit allowed tags, watch for abuse ‣Aim for rich text, not full HTML
40 1. Manage one pool of content 2. Structure content for remixing 3. Decouple content, presentation 4. Payoff?
41 “Having an API allows us to be highly efficient at building new platforms. We build the presentation, and the ‘data’ is already ready to go. In 12 months we doubled our online audience and launched 11 products, including a site redesign, with limited dev resources. NPR, What We Did Wrong: NPR Improves Its API Architecture
42 making it happen
43 So. Much. Work. This man just read a case study about COPE transforming NPR’s business, but he needs to redesign a florist’s web site.
44 1. Identify your assets