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Governance and inspection

Understand governance and inspection guidelines for maintained schools and academy trusts. Ensure proper financial oversight and accountability while supporting educational performance and strategic direction.

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Governance and inspection

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  1. Governance and inspection Mike Sheridan, Regional Director, London October 2016 Governance and inspection

  2. Governance and inspection

  3. True or false? The governance handbook is only for the governors, headteachers, clerks and others with an interest in the governance of maintained schools. Governance and inspection

  4. False The governance handbook is also for members, trustees, local governors, principals, clerks and others with an interest in governance of academy trusts and multi-academy trusts. Governance and inspection

  5. True or false? Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent is one of the three core functions of all governing bodies. Governance and inspection

  6. True Plus ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction and holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff. Governance and inspection

  7. True or false? Boards should play a strategic role and avoid routine involvement in operational matters. Governance and inspection

  8. True School leaders have the operational role. Governance and inspection

  9. True or false? All governors should have an understanding of the financial cycle and the legal requirements of the school on accountability and spend. Governance and inspection

  10. True All governors should ideally have a basic understanding of the financial cycle and the legal requirements of the school on accountability and spend. But, the board should ensure it has at least one governor with specific, relevant skills and experience of financial matters. Governance and inspection

  11. True or false? The headteacher decides the format regular reports to governors should take. Governance and inspection

  12. False The board, not the headteacher, should determine the scope and format of headteacher’s reports. Governance and inspection

  13. Governance and inspection Meeting those responsible for governance Governance and inspection

  14. School inspection handbook, para 85 Inspectors will always seek to meet those responsible for governance during the inspection. This will usually include maintained school governors or academy trustees (including sponsor representatives, where they exist). However, in a multi-academy trust, the board of trustees may have established a local governing body to which it may have delegated certain functions. In some other cases, there may be a local governing body that is wholly advisory, with no formal governance responsibilities delegated to it. Inspectors should ensure that meetings are with those who are directly responsible for exercising governance of the school and for overseeing its performance. Governance and inspection

  15. School inspection handbook, para 86 The contribution of governors to the school’s performance is evaluated as part of the judgement on leadership and management. As with the meetings between inspectors and pupils, parents and staff, meetings with those responsible for governance should take place without the headteacher or senior staff. Governance and inspection

  16. Governance and inspection Inspectors will consider… Governance and inspection

  17. School inspection handbook, para 141 Engagement with parents, carers, stakeholders and agencies Challenge re pupil premium Create a culture of high expectations, aspirations and scholastic excellence Challenge re primary PE and sport funding Fulfilment of core statutory functions Challenge re Year 7 catch-up funding Challenge re progress of groups of pupils Keep pupils safe from dangers including radicalisation Challenge re teaching, learning and assessment Commitment to own development Promote equality and foster understanding Use of performance management Governance and inspection

  18. Governance and inspection Inspectors will consider whether governors… Governance and inspection

  19. School inspection handbook, para 148 • work effectively with leaders to communicate the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school and develop a culture of ambition • provide a balance of challenge and support to leaders, understanding the strengths and areas needing improvement in the school • understand how the school makes decisions about teachers’ salary progression and performance Governance and inspection

  20. School inspection handbook, para 148 • performance manage the headteacher rigorously • understand the impact of teaching, learning and assessment to the progress of pupils currently in the school • ensure that assessment information from leaders provides governors with sufficient and accurate information to ask probing questions about outcomes for pupils Governance and inspection

  21. School inspection handbook, para 148 • ensure the school’s finances are properly managed and can evaluate how the school is using pupil premium, Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium, primary PE and sport funding, and special educational needs • are transparent and accountable, including in recruitment of staff, governance structures, attendance at meetings and contact with parents Governance and inspection

  22. Governance and inspection Governors, have you checked that…? Governance and inspection

  23. your details are on Edubase • all the required elements about governance are on your school’s website • the single central record up to date and that regular checks are in place • your scheme of delegation is published on your academy/ school’s website • you have a full knowledge of the impact of pupil premium, PE and sport and Year 7 catch-up funding in your school • your evaluation of the school’s effectiveness is based on hard evidence? Governance and inspection

  24. Governance and inspection Useful references Governance and inspection

  25. HMCI’s monthly commentary, November 2015 21st century governance needed for 21st century schools: www.gov.uk/government/speeches/hmcis-monthly-commentary-november-2015 Governance and inspection

  26. Changes in the 2016 school inspection handbooks: https://educationinspection.blog.gov.uk/2016/08/23/latest-school-inspection-handbooks-published/ Governance and inspection

  27. What maintained schools must publish online: www.gov.uk/guidance/what-maintained-schools-must-publish-online What academies, free schools and colleges should publish online: www.gov.uk/guidance/what-academies-free-schools-and-colleges-should-publish-online Governance and inspection

  28. Statutory policies for schools: www.gov.uk/government/publications/statutory-policies-for-schools Governance and inspection

  29. Ofsted on the web and on social media www.gov.uk/ofsted http://reports.ofsted.gov.uk www.linkedin.com/company/ofsted www.youtube.com/ofstednews www.slideshare.net/ofstednews www.twitter.com/ofstednews Governance and inspection

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