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Since 2001, the Ohio Mental Health Network for School Success has been working to achieve improved educational and developmental outcomes for children, particularly those at emotional or behavioral risk. Through ongoing efforts and forums, the network promotes the crucial link between mental health and school success. Join the network and support our mission!
Ohio Mental Health Network for School Success • Since 2001 • Ohio Department of Mental Health • Ohio Department of Education • Center for School-Based Mental Health Programs at Miami University (http://www.units.muohio.edu/csbmhp) Mission To help Ohio’s school districts, community-based agencies, and families work together to achieve improved educational and developmental outcomes for all children — especially those at emotional or behavioral risk and those with mental health problems.
Ohio’s Mental Health, Schools, and Families Shared Agenda Initiative http://www.units.muohio.edu/csbmhp/sharedagenda.html Phase 1 Statewide forum for leaders of mental health, education, and family policymaking organizations and child-serving systems (March 3, 2003) Phase 2 Six regional forums for policy implementers and consumer stakeholders (April-May, 2003) Phase 3 Legislative forum involving key leadership of relevant house and senate committees (October 9, 2003) Phase 4 Development and release of Shared Agenda report Phase 5 Ongoing policy/funding advocacy and technical assistance to promote attention to the crucial links between mental health and school success
Legislative Forum On Mental Health and School SuccessCreating A Shared Agenda In OhioOctober 9, 2003
Phase 5: An Immediate Legislative Outcome Senate Bill 2 Section 3319.61(E) (effective June 9, 2004) “The standards for educator professional development developed under division (A) (3) of this section shall include standards that address the crucial link between academic achievement and mental health issues.”
Phase 5 Mental Health and School Success: Ongoing Efforts in Ohio • Network participation in planning and implementation of Ohio’s across-agency Access to Better Care (ABC) Initiative: • Designed to increase and improve behavioral healthcare for children and families • Focusing on prevention, early intervention and treatment services • Ongoing alignment with Positive Behavior Support Initiative in Ohio
Phase 5 Mental Health and School Success: Ongoing Efforts in Ohio Network’s new SAMSHA-funded: School-Based Mental Health Effective Practice Integration Council (EPIC)