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Join the full-day open meeting on September 4 to discuss Neutrino Detector R&D proposals for EU-funded projects, highlighting innovative aspects and collaboration opportunities.
CERN 4/9/2019 , AIDA++ Open meetinghttps://indico.cern.ch/event/838460/Neutrino detectors EOIsTopic Convenors:Dario Autiero, Gabriella Catanesi, EwaRondio
Mandate of topic convenors: for the preparation of a new proposal for an EC-funded project on detector R&D as a follow-up of AIDA-2020, we received more than 160 Expressions of Interest (EoI) from the community. On September 4, we will hold a full-day Open Meeting at CERN to hear topical summaries of the input received. To prepare for this meeting, and to subsequently support the proposal preparation team in its further steps towards defining a work package structure, we are composing small teams of Topic Convenors. I would like to kindly ask you whether you would be available and willing to act as Topic Convenor for Neutrino Experiments. The main task for the beginning would be to prepare structured topical summaries of EoIs, to be presented by one of the Topic Convenors for the Open Meeting: • These summaries should be complete, all EoIs should be mentioned. • EoIs should be grouped by sub-topics, interconnections and possibilities for cooperation should be pointed out. • We explicitly do not want to down-select at this stage, but comments on infrastructure and strategic aspects are welcome, i.e. to what extent do the proposed projects address needs of a broader community than that of the submitter, and added value, and what is the relevance for the future particle physics projects. • Possibilities for Industry participation should be highlighted or summarized. • A total requested budget for the topic should be shown, if possible grouped by sub-topic ?? Please note that a Work Package (WP) structure will be defined only after the Open Meeting on September 4. We plan to then nominate WP Contacts, for which Topic Convenors are obvious candidates. We would like topical meetings with the community and submitters to start only at that stage, and not before the Open Meeting on September 4.
Some general considerations and statistics: • Neutrino physics is a very active and promising field for the future of particle physics with big international projects as DUNE and HyperK. The EOIs attributed to the neutrino detectors topic are all of good quality and witness the vitality of this sector • Several EOIs have also elements of strong innovation in detector developments, which should be a primary goal of AIDAxxx • 14 EOIs falling after a first attribution in the neutrino topic out of 163 total submitted • 11 Neutrino EOIs out of 14 have a budget close to task saturation (200K EU contribution) • The total budget (EU contribution) of the proposed EOIs is around 2.55 Meur, out of 10M which should cover all topics • Several partners appear in multiple neutrino EOIs • Same EOIs could have synergies and being grouped together • Same EOIs have also overlaps with other possible AIDA+++ WPs/topics (if they will be defined so in the new program): DAQ, Gas detectors, calorimetry
Neutrino detectors EOIs organization in sub-topics : • Given the 14 EOI which have been attributed to the neutrino topic we can identify 3 main sub-topics: • LAr R&D (connected to former WP8) • 5 EOIs, 850 k total EU contribution asked • Water Cerenkov R&D • 4 EOIs, 800 k total EU contribution asked • Near detectors R&D • 5 EOIs, 900k total EU contribution asked
DUNE DUNE near detectors DUNE far detectors HyperK HyperKintermediate WC
LAr R&D (connected to former AIDA2020 WP8 on large scale cryogenic detectors) • 5 EOIs, 850 k total EU contribution asked Addressing innovative aspects in large cryogenics detector readout, main applications in DUNE near and far LAr detectors but in general also for dark matter experiments and other application of noble liquefied gases detectors: Pixels readout Dual-phase readout Imaging and light readout Charge readout calibration As in WP8 synergies with gas detectors and software and reconstruction All EOIs have connection with industry but EOI-60 has a direct partner from industry (FBK)
Water Cerenkov R&D • 4 EOIs, 800 k total EU contribution asked Main applications in HyperK, EOIs addressing developments for the HyperK intermediate (and also Far) Water Cerenkov detector to be equipped with 3’’ PMTs grouped together (multi-PMTs): a) multi-PMT Mass Production b) multi-PMT Electronics: on board and data synchronization and distribution c) multi-PMT Tests in Europe Multi-PMT mass production alsoimplies contact withindustry
Near detectors R&D • 5 EOIs, 900k total EU contribution asked Main applications aimed to DUNE but also HyperK EOIs addressing developments for near detector needed for LBL experiments to measure unoscillated fluxes and control systematics (high pressure TPCs, high granularity calorimeters) DAQ and gas mixture for high pressure gas TPCs High pressure gas TPC with hybrid gas and light readout Sensitive elements for and scintillators for neutrino detectors Pertinent also to several former WPs of AIDA2020 such as Gas Detectors, Calorimetry, DAQ
LAr R&D (large cryogenic detectors) DUNEis a next-generation international accelerator-based neutrino oscillation Experiment based in the USAaiming to determining the neutrino mass hierarchy, discovering CP violation in the lepton sector and in general validating the 3 neutrino flavors paradigm. The detectors address also astro-particle physics topics DUNE is foreseen to have x4 10 kton far detector modules based on different technologies (2 single-phase, 1 dual-phase, 1 not yet defined) plus a fine grained near detector, based on various detector technologies, for the control of systematics. The proposed EOIs focus on innovative developments in large cryogenics detector readout, main applications in DUNE near and far LAr detectors but in general also of interest for dark matter experiments and other application of noble liquefied gases detectors: Pixels readout Dual-phase readout Imaging and light readout Charge readout calibration As in WP8 synergies with gas detectors and software and reconstruction All EOIs have connection with industry but EOI-60 has a direct partner from industry (FBK) All EOIs are quite innovative and high quality Possible synergies on light readout methods EOI-60 and EOI-88
LAr R&D (large cryogenic detectors) • EOI-49 Pixels Readout for Large Scale TPC for neutrino detection • Bern, Imperial College, Manchester • 200 keur 2 PhD students, 20k materials • Reduction of ambiguities, pixelated PCBs, applications to DUNE FD (main challenge to expand at that scale) and ND ArgonCube and HPgTPC • FE readout card for HPgTPC; optimized pixel tile pattern for FD; design and prototype for large scale tile based anode plane • EOI-60 Imaging LAr detector based on backside illuminated single photon sensors • Bologna, Genova, LNS, Napoli, FBK • 120 keur • Basic detector R&D, Imaging of prompt UV light (tracks), coded aperture masks coupled to high granularity sensors (BackSide Illuminated SiPM). Applications also for dark matter searches, medicine • Realize BSI SiPM with micro-cells of 20 um in collaboration with FBK, on a first instance sensitive to 400 nm and then to 128 um, produce a small demonstrator of these detectors
LAr R&D (large cryogenic detectors) EOI-64 New developments in dual-phase readout IPNL, Irfu/CEA, LAL, LAPP 150 keur (personnel, travel money for tests) Pursue innovative R&D on the dual-phase charge readout plane on the basis of the experience of ProtoDUNE-DP exploiting the existing infrastructure (cold-box, ProtoDUNE-DP II): novel dual-phase LEM designs to increase active area, sparks prevention and stability; development and tests of novel CRP integration surfaces of the LEMs and extraction grids designs; developments and tests of integrated cold electronics, new feedthrough chimneys design, developments in associated digitization hardware and online data treatment EOI-67 Charge response calibration of large scale cryogenic neutrino detectors LIP, Bern 180 keur, 150 keur personnel, 10keur materials, 20 keur networking Development and tests of methods to measure electron lifetime with an ionization laser in ProtoDUNE-II, Development and tests of long distance laser beam positioning methods in ProtoDUNE-II, leading to improvements in drift velocity measurements; Identification of radioactive sources suitable for electron lifetime measurement; tests in a small-scale TPC and ProtoDUNE-ND EOI-88 New light readout techniques in very large cryogenic neutrino detectors CIEMAT, Manchester, Milano 200 keur, 3 PhD students Characterization of new photon-detection methods, calibration devices and readout electronics in a CERN test-stand; Implementation and characterization of a more efficient light collection system in ProtoDUNE phase II (reflective foils, Xe doping); Publication of R&D results and ProtoDUNE II light-collection performance, and public website with information about the project and results
IWCD ( WC Close Detector @ HyperK) Hyper-Kamiokandeis a next-generation accelerator-based neutrino oscillation experiment in JAPAN aiming to discover CP violation in the lepton sector. Achieving this goal relies on making the most precise measurements of the unoscillated neutrino flux to-date. This will be provided by the intermediate water Cherenkov detector (IWCD). • 4 EoIs addressing the following issues • multi-PMT Mass Production (EoI-134) • multi-PMT Electronics • On board Electronics (EoI-150) • Data Synchronization and Distr. (EoI-151) • multi-PMT Tests in Europe (EoI-136) IWCD is a kiloton-scale water Cherenkov detector that will be built about 1km from the Hyper-Kamiokande neutrino beam. IWCD will be equipped with multi-PMT (3’inchs PMTs grouped together) that will offers many improvements with respect to bare PMTs multi-PMT prototype
General comments • High quality proposals addressing important R&D activities towards the final design and construction of the IWCD detector and also for the far detector. • When built the IWCD detector will provide accurate information of the un-oscillated neutrino flux, and precise nmand ne cross-section measurements in water. In particular the last ones are very important not only for the Hyper-Kamiokande systematic error reduction but also for a general understanding of neutrino interaction models. • The physics outcome will be very useful for the whole neutrino community. • Some developments like on board electronics and clock distribution can be useful (and/or interesting) for other large scale projects in the astro-particle field • Good possibility to involve industrial partners (in particular in the development of the electronics and data distribution) • Several groups are involved in more than one EoI => Synergies should be investigated to avoid duplication • Interconnections and possibilities for cooperation within this sub-group are more than possible and should be encouraged .
EoI-134: R&D in view o mass production of multi-PMTs for the IWCD experiment • Key step for the construction of the IWCD • The developed method will also be useful to define the baseline for multi-PMT mass production for the far detector • Budget Request : 200 Keuro • EoI-136: Testing and characterization of mPMTs using the Memphyno setup (IN2P3 - Paris) and IWCD beam test detector (CERN) • Key step to fully exploit the multi-PMT capabilities • The CERN set-up can also hosts photo-sensor prototypes other than multi-PMT • Budget Request : 198 Keuro
EoI-150 : high voltage, digitizers and signal processing (multi-PMT on board electronics) • providing reliable, noise-free, low power and moderate cost high voltage (HV) power supply • Key1: trigger signals well below a single photoelectron level • Key2: optimization of electronics necessary to acquire signals at increased event rates. • Interesting also for other experiments • Involvement of industrial partners • Budget Request : 200 Keuro • EoI-151 :Clock synchronization, data transmission and on-line compression techniques • Key1: reliable distribution of reference clock signal • Key2: prototyping of the multi-PMT concentrator card (MCC) (in FPGA) and on-line data compression algorithm • Interesting also for other experiments • Budget Request : 200 Keuro
Additionalcomments • Several groups are involved in more than one EoI : Possibility of large synergies • E-134 groups : UK, Italy,France, Germany, Poland • E-136 groups : UK, France, Germany, Italy • E-150: Italy, Poland, Germany • E-151:Poland, UK, France • One possible option: Group1 (E-134,E-136], Group2 [E-150,E-151] • More relevant aspects: • E-136 => Common interest and added value for the community • E-150 -> Innovative electronic => Possible technological transfer to industry
Near detectors R&D Next LBL neutrino experiments such as DUNE and Hyperkrely on fine grained near detectors in order to measure the unoscillated fluxes for the control of systematics. These detectors contribute as well to the study and modelling of neutrino interactions and other SLB like physics topics Main applications of the submitted EOIs aimed to DUNE but also possibly pertinent to HyperK EOIs addressing developments for near detector needed for LBL experiments to measure unoscillated fluxes and control systematics with a variety of detector techniques(high pressure TPCs, high granularity calorimeters): DAQ and gas mixture for high pressure gas TPCs High pressure gas TPC with hybrid gas and light readout Sensitive elements for and scintillators for neutrino detectors Synergies and some proposals also pertinent to a few former WPs of AIDA2020 such as Gas Detectors, Calorimetry, DAQ
Near detectors R&D EOI-84 Sensitive elements for highly granular calorimeters with optical readout MPG-MPP, JGU Mainz, GOE Gottingen 200 keur Plastic scintillators + SiPM. More generic on calorimetry and future colliders, evolving from CALICE, possible applications also mentioned for DUNE-ND. Development and construction of test systems for performance evaluation of scintillator elements; Report on development and performance study of scintillator elements and photon sensors with enhanced capabilities; Report on readout options and absorber integration for calorimeters for near detectors in neutrino experiments EOI-101 Development of readout and data acquisition systems for the high-pressure gas time projection chamber for DUNE Imperial College, Queen Mary, Royal Holloway, UCL 200 keur (detector physicist at RHUL) Development of readout and DAQ tightly suited to DUNE HPgTPC with the FELIX readout, synergies with current WP8 and WP13, possibility of operating with different gas mixtures Integration and demonstration of FELIX readout with HPgTPC front-end cards ; Demonstration of control of HPgTPC front-end cards via FELIX; Integration and demonstration of FELIX with two or more sets of front-end cards using a common clock
Near detectors R&D EOI-113 High pressure gas time projection with hybrid light and charge readout Imperial College, Royal Holloway, Oxford, Santiago (ES) 200 keur 116k detector physicist, 84k fast readout camera Optical readout (CCD/CMOS cameras) in gas TPC coupled to charge readout, synergies with current WP13 Develop a Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGD) amplification stage at high pressure gas with a good scintillation yield; Develop optical readout system fast enough to reconstruct in drift direction; Commission a high pressure TPC with a MPGD amplification stage, optical and charge signal readout EOI-122 Novel Gas Mixtures in High-Pressure Time Projection Chambers for Accelerator-Based Neutrino Physics Experiments Oxford, Ific Valencia 200 keur Personnel 160k, material 25k, travel 15k Development of gas mixture strategic to DUNE ND (measurement of t0 and interactions on hydrogen, synergies with current WP13) Establishment of a test stand for the measurement of the detection properties of arbitrary gas mixtures under different operating conditions; Development of a gas mixture that enables the determination of t0 (start-of-event time) via primary-scintillation tagging; Development of a safe hydrogen-rich gas mixture that allows the direct measurement of neutrino-hydrogen interactions:
Near detectors R&D EOI-146 3D-printing plastic scintillator for neutrino detectors and calorimeters CERN, HES-SO (CH), Isma (Ukraine) 100 keur Technological improvement in the production of plastic scintillator for fine grained detectors (small cubes 1x1x1 cm3) by direct integration in a Super-Cube, rather generic, synergies with calorimetry, WP14, industry partners AMCRYS 3D print a Super-Cube of plastic scintillators. It will contain optically isolated cubes with holes to host the three orthogonal wavelength shifting fibers. 3D print a Super-Cube with intermediate metal layers. It will be exposed to a muon/pion test beam and, possibly, to a neutron test beam.
Possible sub-topics budget: • Total budget for the neutrino related EOIs of 1.5Meur subdivided in about even parts among the 3 subtopics . • Motivated by the quality of the EOIs development and vitality of the field, the fact that it a promising frontier for new discoveries and hints of BSM physics and the by strength of the next large international projects (with large European participation) which would benefit of all these developments. Some rationalization of the EOIs by merging similar topics and taking into account multiple submissions by several groups. • LAr R&D (connected to former WP8) • 5 EOIs, 850 k total EU contribution asked • ~500k target allocation • Water Cerenkov R&D • 4 EOIs, 800 k total EU contribution asked • ~500k target allocation • Near detectors R&D • 5 EOIs, 900k total EU contribution asked • ~500k target allocation