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IPaT Fall Townhall. October 8, 2014. IPaT Proposal and Funding Highlights. New NIDRR Center ( TechSAge ) focused on support for aging with disability ($5M) .
IPaT Fall Townhall October 8, 2014
IPaTProposal and Funding Highlights New NIDRR Center (TechSAge) focused on support for aging with disability ($5M). Passed NSF ERC pre-proposal round. Engineering for Healthcare Transformation. Vanderbilt as lead with Berkeley and Tennessee State. But declined in proposal round NRT-DESE: Biomedical Analytics: Data-Driven Modeling and Prediction for Improved Health Outcomes (under review) Center for Research and Education on Aging and Technology Enhancement (CREATE) renewal (under review). Continued major growth in HealthCare funding. Growth in Humanitarian Systems and seeds are sprouting for growth in Media.(Year 1: $10M; Year 2: $20M; Year 3: $25M)
IPaTProposal and Funding Highlights $10.8M award from the NIH U54 Program for BD2K Centers of Excellence “Center of Excellence for Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge (MD2K).” Univ Memphis is lead. Jim Rehg. $1.4M NIH RO1 - Identifying social media measures of post-traumatic stress and anxiety in communities facing prolonged crisis. New faculty in IC (MunmundeChoudhury, Jacob Eisenstein). with UT Austin $2.1M Computational Phenotyping using Tensor Factorization project; NSF Smart Connected Health with Vanderbilt, Northwestern and UT Austin. Jimeng Sun is PI. $185K Similarity based Just-in-time Learning Pilot for Public Health Informatics project (CDC), Jimeng Sun. $1.7M NIH / NCI RO1 in the Smart Connected Health Program for Creating Interactive Models of Healthcare Journeys to Improve Patient-Centered Care and Patient Engagement(Beth Mynatt, Thad Starner) $190K AHRQ Relieving Anxiety in Children Undergoing Radiation Therapy though Virtual Preparation. Leanne West $157K UCB collaboration with the I3L to improve existing IBM-developed algorithms that can provide the analytics tables for clinical "suggestion of treatment" support for epilepsy diagnosis management.
Smart City • Community • Voice • Innovation • District • Mobile Tech
Midtown Buzz is the Buzz New app for light-weight mobile AR experiences Based on GT Mobile; Uses Argon Launching point for Cycle Atlanta and OneBus Away Nominated for Atlanta Groundbreakers award Impetus for Mobility Star Award Next year... Instructions for download at midtownbuzz.org
Fall editions (7th & 9th ) of the Convergence Innovation Competition focused on GT Journey • 4 campus centric categories • 2013: Over 250 Participants, 45 Teams, 8 Winners • Multidisciplinary Teams of Undergraduate and Graduate Students • Winners of CIC fostered in succeeding semesters to productize and release to the GT community via GT Mobile • Gripe • SeatMe • GeoPost • Clicker • Barcode Fitness • For video of live demos of entries, visit www.cic.gatech.edu
>1000 Device checkouts • ~500 • >500 Support Requests • >20 releasedwidgets and projects • CS 6452 • CS 8803 • CS 7470 • CS 6440 • CS 6650 • CS 4605 • CS 6998 • CS 4320
Thursday Think Tank The Thursday Think Tankis a weekly gathering of the IPaT community to brainstorm about research, stay informed about the work that everyone is doing, and help define IPaT strategy. Listen to a short presentation, then discuss and brainstorm.
Nobel Peace Summit Possible Opportunities for GT researchers and students Currently working with Leigh McCook, Ellen Zegura, BekiGrinter, Mike Best, and JitenChhabra In coordination with Joe Bankoff and Henrik Christensen Look for a future TTT this fall
Aware Home Activities Whole Home Gaming Internet of Things consumer device testbed Home/Mobile integration w/EMR via I3L TechSAge:accessiblebathroom
More Cool Stuff Rahul Basole receives CGE (Center for Global Enterprise) research award in Computational Enterprise Analytics GT-RNOC partners to create GT Art Crawl; Mobile AR Tour Sandy Springs Education Force (SSEF) in collaboration with GTRI won the 2014 Georgia STEM Education Award GT folks travel to Capitol Hill for roundtables on Pediatric Healthcare and Georgia HeathIT Verizon Foundation funds research in AR Physics for STEM education TedX Peachtree Talks:Riedl (2013), Starner (2014), MM Jackson (2014)
More Cool Stuff Rahul Basole receives CGE (Center for Global Enterprise) research award in Computational Enterprise Analytics GT-RNOC partners to create GT Art Crawl; Mobile AR Tour Sandy Springs Education Force (SSEF) in collaboration with GTRI won the 2014 Georgia STEM Education Award GT folks travel to Capitol Hill for roundtables on Pediatric Healthcare and Georgia HeathIT Verizon Foundation funds research in AR Physics for STEM education TedX Peachtree Talks:Riedl (2013), Starner (2014), MM Jackson (2014)
More Cool Stuff Rahul Basole receives CGE (Center for Global Enterprise) research award in Computational Enterprise Analytics GT-RNOC partners to create GT Art Crawl; Mobile AR Tour Sandy Springs Education Force (SSEF) in collaboration with GTRI won the 2014 Georgia STEM Education Award GT folks travel to Capitol Hill for roundtables on Pediatric Healthcare and Georgia HeathIT Verizon Foundation funds research in AR Physics for STEM education TedX Peachtree Talks:Riedl (2013), Starner (2014), MM Jackson (2014)
More Cool Stuff Rahul Basole receives CGE (Center for Global Enterprise) research award in Computational Enterprise Analytics GT-RNOC partners to create GT Art Crawl; Mobile AR Tour Sandy Springs Education Force (SSEF) in collaboration with GTRI won the 2014 Georgia STEM Education Award GT folks travel to Capitol Hill for roundtables on Pediatric Healthcare and Georgia HeathIT Verizon Foundation funds research in AR Physics for STEM education TedX Peachtree Talks:Riedl (2013), Starner (2014), MM Jackson (2014)
More Cool Stuff Rahul Basole receives CGE (Center for Global Enterprise) research award in Computational Enterprise Analytics GT-RNOC partners to create GT Art Crawl; Mobile AR Tour Sandy Springs Education Force (SSEF) in collaboration with GTRI won the 2014 Georgia STEM Education Award GT folks travel to Capitol Hill for roundtables on Pediatric Healthcare and Georgia HeathIT Verizon Foundation funds research in AR Physics for STEM education TedX Peachtree Talks:Riedl (2013), Starner (2014), MM Jackson (2014)
More Cool Stuff Rahul Basole receives CGE (Center for Global Enterprise) research award in Computational Enterprise Analytics GT-RNOC partners to create GT Art Crawl; Mobile AR Tour Sandy Springs Education Force (SSEF) in collaboration with GTRI won the 2014 Georgia STEM Education Award GT folks travel to Capitol Hill for roundtables on Pediatric Healthcare and Georgia HeathIT Verizon Foundation funds research in AR Physics for STEM education TedX Peachtree Talks:Riedl (2013), Starner (2014), MM Jackson (2014)
Hutchins Leads Design of HPCC OVERALL LEADS • Steve French (CoA) • Sudha Yalamanchili (ECE) • Steve Dewerth (CoE) • Lisa Sills (GTRI) • Don McConnell (GTRI) PLACE- SPACE, LOCATION, COMMUNITY, WASTE HEAT Collaboration, co-working Startup hosting, water Fountain effect (Starbucks), Midtown Atlanta Beth Mynatt (IPaT) Catherine Ross Carl DiSalvo SMART BUILDING, SENSOR NETWORKS, BIM Building sensors control Waste heat recovery from Data center into offices, Computer controlled lighting And thermostats, sending occupants Mary Ann Weitnaur (ECE) Fried Augenbroe (CoA) Alain Louchez NETWORK – DATA CENTER, COMMUNITY, INTERNET Software defined networks, Community technology hosting For economic development, ATDC companies, Global footprint For distributed data centers Ellen Zegura ( CoC) Matt Sanders (CTO) Magnus Egerstedt (ECE) CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS SECURITY Wenke Lee Paul Royal GTISC SMART GRID, CONTROL SYSTEMS Ties smart grid research into computer systems – Clock speed adjusts based on power costs Rick Hartlein (NEETRAC) DimitryMavris (AE) Scott Duncan (ASDL) DATA HOSTING /MANAGEMENT /ANALYTICS/POLICY Big Data storage, Machine Learning, business analytics, Health care data, materials Genome, combustion research Data Dana Randall Sandy Slaughter (CoB) To be named later COMPUTER SYSTEMS Includes Data Center, Computer Architecture, Virtualization, cloud hosting For sensitive data, regional Data center support Yogi Joshi (ME) Tom Conti (CoC) SudhaYalamanchili (ECE)
New Centers Launched Center for Transforming Pediatric Healthcare Delivery Wearable Computing Center
Digital Policy: Communication Tools to Shrink the Science to Policy Gap NassimJafariNaimi, School of Literature, Media, and Communication Kim Isett, School of Public Policy The Move Lab: a STEAM Community of Learners Betsy DiSalvo, School of Interactive Computing Al Matthews, Eyedrum OnarTopal-Sumer, Eyedrum Exploring Movement-Based Games to Encourage Social Behaviors in Children with Autism AgataRozga, School of Interactive Computing Brian Magerko, School of Literature, Media, and Communication Ashley Cheek, The Lionheart School Victoria McBride, The Lionheart School Patients’ Information Needs Related to Diagnostic Processes around Health Concerns Lauren Wilcox, School of Interactive Computing Munmun De Choudhury, School of Interactive Computing AartiSekhar, Emory Healthcare Wearable Technology Exhibition Digital and Literary Extension Clint Zeagler, School of Industrial Design Seed Grant Opportunities GVU: new round in May 2015 CHOA: new round in Feb 2015 Wearable Computing due Oct 24 CDC: Current open call LOI due today … Proposals due Nov 7 Awards for Jan 2015
Seed Grant Opportunities GVU: new round in May 2015 CHOA: new round in Feb 2015 Wearable Computing due Oct 24 CDC: Current open call LOI due today … Proposals due Nov 7 Awards for Jan 2015 Automatic and Early Detection of IV Infiltration using Non-Invasive Sensing Omar Inan, Russell McCrory, Leanne West, Renee Watson, Lynn Pogue Optimization of the algorithms for screening for critical congenital heart disease Pinar Keskinocak, Turgay Ayer, Matthew Oster, Scott Grosse Effectiveness of Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation in Virtual Reality Games for Improving Upper-Arm Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy Yu-Ping Chen, Barbara Weissman, Ayanna Howard Utilization of Diagnostic Radiology Reports by Pediatric Patients’ Family Members Lauren Wilcox, Steven Simoneaux, AartiSekhar
Seed Grant Opportunities GVU: new round in May 2015 CHOA: new round in Feb 2015 Wearable Computing Center due Oct 24 CDC: Current open call LOI due today … Proposals due Nov 7 Awards for Jan 2015
Seed Grant Opportunities GVU: new round in May 2015 CHOA: new round in Feb 2015 Wearable Computing Center due Oct 24 CDC: Current open call LOI due today … Proposals due Nov 7 Awards for Jan 2015
Only Constant is Change Mynatt takes role as vice-chair of the CCC LeDantecnow IPaT Assistant Director Farrugianow IPaT Managing Director, Health Research Partnerships Schonernow managing IPaT events and HQ suite Hutchins takes new responsibilities; reporting to the EVPR RNOC moving to IPaT Raul Perez joins as IPaT Graphic Designer New hiring in health IT / protected health data services
IRI Mission Catalyze GT leadership addressing societal grand challenges. Increase connectivity to major industries. Provide cutting-edge resources for ground-breaking research. Increase interactions and reduce friction for multi-disciplinary research.
Year 4 Goals Increase faculty leadership and focused faculty-led initiatives. Increase national leadership. Improve internal operations, transparency and sustainability.