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Kathleen Wicks and Wendy Jerreld | Nov. 2012 U.S. Department of Education 2012 Fall Conference

Session 10. Common Origination & Disbursement (COD) System Update. Kathleen Wicks and Wendy Jerreld | Nov. 2012 U.S. Department of Education 2012 Fall Conference. Agenda. Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) Recap COD Release 11.2 Grant Update COD Release 12.0 Grant Update

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Kathleen Wicks and Wendy Jerreld | Nov. 2012 U.S. Department of Education 2012 Fall Conference

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  1. Session 10 Common Origination & Disbursement (COD) System Update Kathleen Wicks and Wendy Jerreld | Nov. 2012 U.S. Department of Education 2012 Fall Conference

  2. Agenda • Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) Recap • COD Release 11.2 Grant Update • COD Release 12.0 Grant Update • Top Grant COD Edits • Ability To Benefit (ATB) Update • COD Release 11.2 Direct Loan Update • COD Release 12.0 Direct Loan Update • Top Direct Loan COD Edits • Future COD Enhancements • Helpful COD Information

  3. Pell LEU RecapCAA 2012 Pell Changes Recap • On December 23, 2011, President Obama signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012*.  • Reduces the duration of a student’s Federal Pell Grant eligibility from 18 semesters to 12 semesters • Pell LEU equivalent of 900% to 600% • Applies to ALL Pell-eligible students effective with the 2012-2013 award year • Numerous Pell LEU communications • *Federal Pell Grant Duration of Eligibility - Public Law 112-74 amended HEA section 401(c)(5)

  4. Pell LEU RecapSpring 2012 Pell LEU Recap • On April 16, 2012, COD began performing outreach to impacted 2012-2013 FAFSA Pell-eligible applicants. • Targeted e-mail messages sent to 2012-2013 FAFSA Pell-eligible applicants near, or exceeding, an LEU percentage of 600% • Pell LEU applicant e-mail outreach continued through June 30, 2012

  5. Pell LEU RecapCOD 2012-2013 Pell LEU Report • The Pell LEU Report identifies 2012-2013 Pell-eligible CPS applicants with LEUs greater than or equal to 450%. • Each school’s report includes students who listed a Federal School Code on their 2012-2013 FAFSA • Generated weekly in school’s Pell newsbox on COD Reporting Website • CSV format so it can be easily imported and sorted • Generated for 2012-2013 award year until 6/30/13

  6. Pell LEU RecapCOD 2012-2013 Pell LEU Report • For an applicant to appear on a school’s “Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used 2012-2013” report, the following are required: • Submitted a 2012-2013 FAFSA • Pell-eligible for the 2012-2013 award year as determined by CPS • LEU greater than or equal to 450% as determined by the COD System

  7. Pell LEU RecapCOD 2012-2013 Pell LEU Report

  8. Pell LEU RecapCOD Release 11.1 Pell Modifications • With Release 11.1, on July 7, 2012, the COD System modified the following LEU functionality: • COD returns the Pell LEU in the common record response for ALL Pell recipients • Common Record Response tag <LifetimeEligibilityUsed> returned on Pell responses • Pell awards for Award Year 2010-2011 forward • Modified current COD Warning Edits to reflect new limits

  9. Pell LEU RecapCOD Release 11.1 Pell Modifications • Two Pell LEU warning edits were modified:

  10. Pell LEU RecapCOD Release 11.1 Pell Modifications • There is NO HARD REJECT EDIT in COD that prevents a school from disbursing Pell awards to a student with an LEU of > 600%. • Significant numbers of the warning edits have been triggered so far for the 2012-2013 award year: * Data as of 10/15/2012

  11. Pell LEU RecapCOD Release 11.1 Pell Modifications • COD also provides the LEU on the following Pell Grant SAIG reports for 2010-2011 and forward: • Pell Grant Multiple Reporting Record (MRR) • Pell Grant Reconciliation Report • Pell Grant Year to Date File

  12. Pell LEU RecapCOD Release 11.1 Pell Modifications • With Release 11.1, the COD website was modified to provide additional Pell LEU information: • COD displays LEU on the COD web for all Pell recipients • A new COD Pell LEU History page available on the COD website allows schools to view historical Pell Grant student data to determine how the LEU was calculated

  13. Pell LEU RecapCOD Release 11.1 Pell Modifications • COD Web modified to provide additional Pell LEU information to the schools. Those pages include: • Person Pell Information page • Pell LEU History Search • Pell LEU History • Export capability in CSV format • Note: COD has the most reliable Pell historical data for a student’s Pell LEU. Schools should consider COD as the system of record for Pell LEU data.

  14. Pell LEU RecapCOD Release 11.1 Pell Modifications

  15. Pell LEU RecapCOD Release 11.1 Pell Modifications

  16. Pell LEU RecapCOD Release 11.1 Pell Modifications

  17. Pell LEU RecapCOD Release 11.1 Pell Modifications • From the Pell LEU History Page users can export data to XLS format

  18. Pell LEU RecapNSLDS • With each disbursement, COD calculates Pell LEU for all Pell recipients and sends it to NSLDS. • NSLDS records updated with the COD LEU data • Records are not updated real-time, but on a daily basis • Displays LEU on the Professional Access-Grant Page, Student Access Grant Section, and on Transfer Monitoring/FA History files • NSLDS will provide LEU information to the CPS via the pre-screening and post-screening process • COD should be considered the system of record for Pell LEU data

  19. Pell LEU RecapNSLDS & CPS Interface • During pre-screening for matches between NSLDS and CPS, a Pell Grant Lifetime Limit flag is provided on ISIRS to schools:

  20. Pell LEU RecapNSLDS & CPS • The post-screening Reason Codes for match between NSLDS and CPS on ISIRS are:

  21. Pell LEU RecapNSLDS & CPS • In July 2012, the CPS began reporting Pell LEU information for 2012-2013 award year on ISIRs and SARs using comment codes during pre-screening to alert schools and applicants who are close to or have exceeded 600% LEU • Updates will only be provided for the records if triggered during post-screening • Refer to the 2012-2013 SAR/ISIR Guide reissued June 2012

  22. Pell LEU RecapNSLDS & CPS • Starting with the 2013-2014 award year, the following CPS ISIR modifications will be implemented: • Pell LEU limit flag will be added to the ISIR • Pell LEU percentage itself will be included in the NSLDS pre-screening data • Pell LEU percentage will be added to the ISIR • For the applicant, SAR comments will be generated for all Pell-eligible transactions based on the Pell LEU percentage from NSLDS • The amount of eligibility used is converted to the academic year equivalent and included in the comment • For Pell-eligible transactions that include a Pell LEU of 0%, a comment provides general information about the Pell lifetime limit

  23. Pell LEU RecapNSLDS & CPS • Starting with the 2013-2014 award year, the following CPS FAA Access modifications will be implemented for the SAR & ISIR Compare Tool: • The NSLDS Pell Lifetime Limit Flag is now displayed with the other NSLDS flags • The NSLDS Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used percentage is now displayed after the NSLDS flag

  24. Pell LEU RecapNSLDS & CPS • The following Pell LEU Comment Codes will be added for the 2013-2014award year:

  25. Pell LEU RecapNSLDS & CPS • The following Pell LEU Comment Codes will be added for the 2013-2014award year:

  26. COD Release 11.2 Grant Update • The COD System implemented new Pell Grant Experimental Sites with Release 11.2 on November 9, 2012. • Experiment 1: Eligibility of students with bachelor's degrees who enroll in vocational or career programs • 10 schools for 2012-2013, 2 schools for 2013-2014 award year • Experiment 2: Eligibility of students enrolled in certain short-term training programs • 12 schools for 2012-2013, 2 schools for 2013-2014 award year

  27. COD Release 11.2 Grant Update Pell Experimental Sites • With Release 11.2, the COD System implemented new COD Experimental Sitesfunctionality for the ability to submit and accept Pell Grant records for students with a bachelor's degree that are enrolled in vocational or career programs. • Only schools that have been approved for this experiment will have this capability • Ability to process Pell Grants with the CPS Applicant Pell Eligible flag = No (N) when the award is submitted by a school that has an appropriate PEPS experimental site flag set • Processing can be performed via batch or Web for the 2012-2013 award year and forward

  28. COD Release 12.0 Grant Update • With Release 12.0, the COD System will implement the following functionality in March 2013: • New Award Year Set-Up for 2013-2014 • Pell LEU Report will continue to be produced for future awards years but in SAIG format, not in the school’s Pell newsbox on the COD Reporting website • CSV Format • SAIG Message Class: PGLEYYOP • Where “YY” is award year • Example: PGLE14OP for award year 2013-2014

  29. Top Pell COD Edits Editsfor 2012-2013 Award Year * Data as of 10/15/2012

  30. Ability to Benefit Update • With Release 12.0, the COD System will implement new modifications to Ability to Benefit (ATB) to improve reporting. • New valid values for <AbilityToBenefitCode> tag include: • 06 = High School Diploma • 07 = GED • <AbilityToBenefitCode> tag will be a required field • Reject Edit 994 will be triggered if the <AbilityToBenefitCode> tag is not submitted on origination for any program • New warning Edit 199 when <AbilityToBenefitCode> tag value submitted does not match the High School Diploma or equivalent value from the CPS Transaction Number • Applies to 2013-2014 award year and forward

  31. Ability to Benefit Update • The Ability to Benefit modifications for award years 2011-2012 and forward will include: • Reject Edit 198 if the <AbilityToBenefitCode> tag is submitted on origination with values equal to 05 “Other” and 03 “State” for all COD programs (Pell, Direct Loans, and TEACH) for origination and maintenance • These are never valid codes • Attention: Any submission of value 05 will be rejected.

  32. Ability to Benefit Update • Currently, there are numerous outstanding originations that still have a value of 05 in the <AbilityToBenefitCode> tag. * Data as of 10/15/2012

  33. COD Release 11.2 DL Update • The COD System implemented the following functionality with Release 11.2 on November 9, 2012. • Final modifications for ending eligibility for upfront Direct Loan interest rebates • Required: Awards with invalid upfront interest rebates must be corrected • New Direct Loan Experimental Sites for COD • Retire Warning Edit 111 • Paper Promissory Notes will no longer be available

  34. COD Release 11.2 DL Update DL Experimental Sites • The COD System implemented new Direct Loan Experimental Sites. • Experiment 3: Single disbursement of a one-term loan for study abroad students • 5schools for 2012-2013, 2 schools for 2013-2014 award year • Experiment 4: Early disbursement for study abroad students and for students enrolled in foreign institutions • 9schools for 2012-2013, 2 schools for 2013-2014 award year • Edit 50 will allow approved schools to submit Direct Loan disbursements that are dated up to 30 days before start of classes/award begin date • Experiment 5: Unequal disbursements • 4 schools for 2012-2013, 4 schools for 2013-2014 award year

  35. COD Release 11.2 DL Update Retire Paper Promissory Notes • The COD System will be modified to publish the new OMB versions of the Master Promissory Note (Pnote) for Sub/Unsub and PLUS Loans. • StudentLoans.gov Pnote will be updated to the new version • Paper and electronic Pnote correspondence will no longer be generated • Printable Pnotes will be available on StudentLoans.gov • Prior to Sign-In: Print MPN link will be added to the Tools and Resources dropdown • Signed-In: Print MPN link on the left navigation under the Master Promissory Note header

  36. COD Release 12.0 DL Update • With Release 12.0, the COD System will implement the following functionality in March 2013: • New Award Year Set-Up for 2013-2014 • Direct Loan and TEACH SAS Disbursement Detail made available On Demand • Exit Counseling available on StudentLoans.gov • Entrance Counseling modified to Financial Awareness Counseling format

  37. COD Release 12.0 UpdateSAS Disbursement On Demand • Starting with the 2013-2014 Award Year, COD will provide schools the option to request TEACH and Direct Loan SAS Disbursement Detail on an On Demand basis. • Grant Data Requests, DL Rebuild and SAS Disbursement Detail will be combined on one COD webpage • New message classes will be created for the data requested DL and TEACH SAS files

  38. COD Release 12.0 UpdateSAS Disbursement On Demand • Users will have the following options for SAS Disbursement Detail On Demand: • Direct Loan or TEACH Program • Award Year • Start Date/End Date, Month-to-Date or Year-to-Date • Format • Display Names of Borrowers • DL SAS Detail

  39. COD Release 12.0 UpdateSAS Disbursement On Demand

  40. COD Release 12.0 UpdateSAS Disbursement On Demand

  41. COD Release 12.0 UpdateSAS Disbursement On Demand • Direct Loan SAS Message Classes

  42. COD Release 12.0 UpdateSAS Disbursement On Demand • Direct Loan SAS Message Classes

  43. COD Release 12.0 UpdateSAS Disbursement On Demand • Direct Loan SAS Message Classes

  44. COD Release 12.0 UpdateSAS Disbursement On Demand • TEACH SAS Message Classes

  45. COD Release 12.0 UpdateExit Counseling on StudentLoans.gov • Exit Counseling will be made available on StudentLoans.gov with Release 12.0. • Entrance and Exit Counseling will be in a similar format to the Financial Awareness Counseling Tool (FACT) • New <CounselingType> value: ExitCounseling • <CounselingType> value was published with the November COD Technical Reference edition • Exit Counseling data will be added to the existing COD Counseling Report • NSLDS will continue to send details for Exit Counseling • Session 9 – Loan Counseling Tools will provide overviews for Entrance, FACT, and Exit Counseling

  46. COD Release 12.0 UpdateExit Counseling on StudentLoans.gov • Counseling landing page will provide students with information on selecting the type of Counseling • Entrance Counseling will also be transitioned into the FACT format

  47. COD Release 12.0 UpdateExit Counseling on StudentLoans.gov COD web’s Counseling Search will include Exit Counseling

  48. COD Release 12.0 UpdateExit Counseling on StudentLoans.gov School Options will include Exit Counseling participation and response frequency

  49. Top Direct Loan COD EditsEditsfor 2012-2013 Award Year * Data as of 10/15/2012

  50. Top Direct Loan COD EditsEditsfor 2012-2013 Award Year * Data as of 10/15/2012

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