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VSA Florida. UNIVERSAL DESIGN and UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR LEARNING- UDL. Universal Design. The design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design. Universal Design.
Universal Design • The design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.
Universal Design • Ron Mace – Founder, Center for Universal Design, North Carolina Sate University, Raleigh, North Carolina • Design of products and environments that would appeal to all • Universal Design does not imply "one size fits all" but rather acknowledges the need for alternatives to suit many different people's needs. • Established seven principles to guide a wide range of design disciplines including environments, products and communications
Principles of Universal Design 1. Equitable Use Useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities
Principles of Universal Design 2. Flexibility of Use Accommodate a wide range of individual preferences and abilities
Principles of Universal Design 3. Simple and Intuitive Use Eliminate unnecessary complexity
Principles of Universal Design 4. Perceptible Information Tactile/visual/audible cues and instructions
Principles of Universal Design 5. Tolerance for Error Designs minimize hazards and adverse consequences of accidents
Principles of Universal Design 6. Low Physical Effort Used with minimum of fatigue
Principles of Universal Design 7. Size and Space for Approach and Use Appropriate regardless of body posture and mobility
Universal Design for Learning • Universal – include everyone • Design – create a plan or curriculum that considers the needs of all abilities. • Learning – provide for inclusiveness so that everyone has an equal opportunity to learn and be successful.
What is Universal Design for Learning? • C.A.S.T. – Center for Applied Special Technology • Guides the creation of flexible goals, methods, materials and assessments that accommodate learner differences • Mirrors Universal Design movement in architecture and product development
VIDEO • Video:
Universally Designed Curriculum • Multiple means of representation • gives learners various ways of acquiring information and knowledge • Multiple means of expression • provides learners alternatives for demonstrating what they know • Multiple means of engagement • taps into learners' interests, challenges them appropriately, and motivates them to learn
Representation- What How do you present information so it can be perceived and understood by all? • Present information and content in different ways – increases the chances for success.
Action & Expression-How How do you provide opportunities for all children to show what they have learned? Differentiate the ways that students can express what they know
Engagement- Why How do you provide options for your students to be engaged and motivated to learn? Stimulate interest and motivation for learning
Kiai Spirited Shout
Universal Design for Learning • The essence of UDL is flexibility and the inclusion of alternatives to adapt to the myriad variations in learner needs, styles, and preferences. • The "universal" in UDL implies not one method or medium for all students but multiple methods and media to achieve one goal success for all students. • UDL and assistive technology
Assistive Technology “Any item or piece of equipment with its services which is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.”
“All of us do not have equal talent but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talent.” • – John F. Kennedy
Tips – Flexibility is Key! • Know needs of students • Know strengths of students – each is unique • Offer students support and flexibility without compromising expectations • Use assistive technology
RESOURCES • www.cast.org Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) • www.udlcenter.org National Center on UDL • Rose,D.H. & Meyer.A. Teaching every student in the digital age: UDL
VSA Florida University of South Florida 4202 E. Fowler Ave., EDU 105 Tampa, FL 33620 813-974-0712 www.vsafl.org mfarber@usf.edu www.vsafl.org