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Study on Interoperability and Gas Quality in SSE

This study examines the interoperability of gas networks in the SSE region and analyzes gas quality parameters. It also assesses the compliance with regulations and provides recommendations for improvement.

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Study on Interoperability and Gas Quality in SSE

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  1. Study on interoperability in and gas quality in SSE Aleksandar Popadić GWG ECRB

  2. Background and Methodology • Background • Regulation (EC) 2015/703 sets interoperability rules on IPs for EU gas networks • EU gas transmission systems are interlinked with neighboring EnC transmission systems • Coherent application on IPs between EU and EnC transmission systems is a key requirement for undisturbed cross border flows in Europe • Different national standards about gas quality in SSE • Methodology • Data for analyses based on information from NRA • Results cover Austria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania from EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine from EnC • Implementation NC INT on IPs between EU TSO is done • Analysis on IPs between EU MS TSO and EnC CP TSO and on IPs between EnC CP TSOs • Assessment of Gas Quality parameters • Deliverable • Study on interoperability and gas quality parameters in SSE on EnC web site

  3. Geographic scope

  4. Interconnections – EnC - EnC and EnC - EU EnC - EnC EnC - EU IPs MSs – CPs status quo and TAP IPs CPs – CPs status quo PECI pipelines under construction - TAP

  5. NC INT - Interconnection agreement (IA) • Existence of IA • IA do not exist on some IPs between EnC TSOs and EnC and non EU TSOs (SRB- B&H and Ukraine on 4 IPs with EU and EnC CP and on IPs with Russia and Belorus) • IA exist on all IPs between EnC CP TSO and EU MS TSO (HU-SRB; POL-UKR; SLK-UKR; HU-UKR, RO-UKR) • IA content • All IAs contain almost all details on measurment standards for gas quantity and quality • Small difference in steps in the matching process exits on IPs in Serbia and one IP in Moldova and one IP in Ukraine • Rules for the matching process is lesser rule on IPs in Moldova and Ukraine but not in Serbia • English is not communication language on some IPs • Dispute settlement mechanism is defined in the most IA, but on IP between Poland and Ukraine dispute settlement mechanism is negotiations

  6. NC INT - Units, gas quality and odourisation • Reference conditions and units on EnC IPs • Unit for pressure is bar, ºC for temperature and m3 for volume on all IPs in EnC • Referent pressure on IPs in all countries is equal to value defined in NC • Reference temperatureon IPs in B&H and Serbia for volume is 15ºC and on IPs in Moldova and some IPs in Ukraine 20ºC • B&H, Moldova and Serbia use LCV instead GCV • Units for energy is MJ in B&H and Serbia,MJ and kcal in Moldova and kcal in Ukraine • Gas quality and odourisation practice on EnC IPs • Gas quality differences never caused a restriction in cross/border trade in EnC • Differences in odourisation practise never caused a restriction in cross/border trade • TSOs not published Wobbe-index and gross calorific value for gas at all on IPs in B&H, Ukraine and one IP in Moldova • TSOs published Wobbe-index and gross calorific value weekly at one IP in Moldova • Serbian TSO publish daily Wobbe-index and Lower calorific value for different temperature reference condition for volume and combustion(15○C/15○C)

  7. NC INT - Data exchange in EnC • Data exchange and security measures practice on EnC IPs • On Poland Ukraine IP matching is done with excel sheets exchanged as email attachments • Moldova:on one IP Modbus TCP-IP data exchange is used and the encrypted manufacturer on the other IP • Exchange information by e-mail at IP between Hungary and Serbia and between Serbia and B&H TSOs • Restricted list of e-mail addresses is used in the information exchange on IP between Poland and Ukraine • Integrity and authenticity by signature of the sender on one IP and all security measures defined in NC is used on one IP in Moldova • On IPs between Hungary and Serbia and Serbia and B&H there are not security measures for data protection foreseen in NC

  8. Compliance in EC CP with NC INT • Lack of IA on some IPs • Incompliance on the technical level: on the most IPs different reference temperature for volume, different combustion temperature and different units for energy and LCV instead of GCV is used • TSO not fully comply with the publications Wobbe-index and gross calorific value for gas

  9. Natural gas quality parameters

  10. GCV, Wobbe index and sulfur, oxygen and water dew point

  11. Gas quality standards in SSE • Natural gas chemical compositions • In the most countries chemical compositions are not defined • Huge differences in min methane percentage between countries which produce gas and only import gas • Compliance with CEN standard prEN 16726 and EASEE gas • Some countries have defined only min or average value for Wobbe index • In some countries Wobbe index range is wider compering with EASEE gas • Sulfur, oxygen, carbon dioxide and hydro carbon and water dew temperature are out of range in some countries and it is not defined in some other countries

  12. Recommendations • Recommendation for Regulation (EC) 2015/703implementation • For more efficient cross border flow Regulation (EC) 2015/703 should be implemented in the same time on IPs between EC CP and EU MS and EC CP • Deviation from NC INT is mostly on technical level • Time for implementation should be about two years • Regulation (EC) 2015/703 should be default rules for new IPs on all EnC IPs • Gas quality in SSE • All natural gas parameters in all countries should be in line with CEN standard prEN 16726 minimum on IPs • Gas quality parameters of new sources of gas in region (LNG, TAP and other projects) should be in line with CEN standard prEN 16726

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