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Learn about soybean cultivation, soil requirements, harvest methods, drying techniques, common diseases like Phytophthora Root Rot, Sclerotinia Stem Rot, and prevention strategies to ensure a successful soybean harvest.

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  1. Soybeans!!!

  2. Soil Fertility • pH of 6.2 to 7.0 • pH controls: lime (acid), anhydrous • ammonia (base) • Potassium - 1.4 lbs. per acre • Phosphorous - .8 lbs. per acre -Nitrogen: from atmosphere and soil nitrates

  3. Excess nitrogen -slows and even stops nitrogen fixation by soybean plant.

  4. Harvest by combine, using platform header

  5. Drying Purpose: prevent mold, longer storage life.

  6. Drying Requirements Ideal is 13%-16% moisture -12%-20% is acceptable -Temperature < 110º F

  7. Soybean Diseases -Phytophthora Root Rot -Sclerotinia Root Rot -Brown Stem Rot -Phomopsis seed rot -Soybean Cyst Nematode

  8. Phytophthora Root Rot -Caused by fungus from moisture -First seen in Ohio in 1951 -Common in poorly drained, compacted soils.

  9. Phytophthora Root Rot

  10. Controlling Phtyo. Root Rot -Use of fungicides -Use resistant varieties -Use well-drained soils -Keep compaction to minimum

  11. Sclerotinia Stem Rot -caused by sclerotinia fungus -white mold on dry beans -discovered in Nebraska

  12. Sclerotinia Stem Rot

  13. Sclerotinia Stem Rot Prevention -15 inch row spacing, more air circulation -Limited crop rotation, prevent spread -Using resistant varieties

  14. Brown Stem Rot -fungus from crop residue -can reduce yields as much as 38%

  15. Brown Stem Rot

  16. Brown Stem Rot Prevention -Intense crop rotation -Use of no-till -Use resistant varieties -Narrow row widths

  17. Phomopsis Seed Rot -Occurs in delayed harvest due to wet, rainy weather -Caused by three different fungi, and can survive winter

  18. Phomopsis Seed Rot

  19. Phomopsis Seed Rot Prevention -crop rotation with wheat and corn -Seed treatment for seed lots with low levels of infection (70 to 90% germination) -plow down crop residues for fields with heavy disease pressure

  20. Soybean Cyst Nematode -microscopic roundworm, 1/64 inch in length -penetrates roots and feeds on vascular system. -can’t reproduce without host

  21. Soybean Cyst Nematode

  22. Soybean Cyst Nematode Prevention -crop rotation -plant resistant varieties -control weed hosts -maintain balanced fertility -plant early -clean equipment

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