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This presentation discusses the status of academic and industrial force metrology below 1 N and the corresponding strategy at KRISS. It covers topics such as micro- and nano-mechanical testing, force calibration, transfer standards, new standards, and applications. The aim is to highlight the importance of accurate force metrology in nanotechnology-based production.
The status of academic and industrial force metrology below 1 N and the corresponding strategy at KRISS TC3 Round Table Discussion Meeting Speaker: Min-Seok Kim Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
Micro- or nano mechanical testing – Newton Micro tensile testing in KRISS Micro tensile tester (ESPI) 0.5 0.018 2 (Unit : mm) Specimen (Copper) By courtesy of Dr. Yong-Hak Huh
Micro- or nano mechanical testing: micro-Newton Nanoindentation experiments in KRISS Nanoindenter (MTS) 0.8 m Specimen (ZnO thin film, 0.8 m) By courtesy of Dr. Jun-Hee Hahn
MWCNT Tip Micro- or nano mechanical testing: nano Newton Measurement of tensile properties of carbon nanotube in KRISS Nano-manipulator & force sensor Specimen (MWCNT) By courtesy of Dr. Seung-Hun Nam
Micro- or nano mechanical testing: pico-Newton Mechanical testing of stem cells in PSIA Corp. (AFM company) Force-Distance curve of the stem cell Atomic force microscope (PSIA) Adhesion effect between tip and sample Step force: ~ 300 pN Young’s modulus of the stell cell from the F-D curve : 10 ~ 18 kPa Specimen (embryonic stem cell) By courtesy of Dr. Sang-Jun Cho
Problems due to the lack of force traceability (1) Young’s modulus measurements in AFM Different cantilever Same specimen Data by courtesy of Dr. Sang-Jun Cho, PSIA Corp. For the reasonable data Needs Force Calibration or Stiffness Calibration!
Glass TFT Spacer ITO Glass Problems due to the lack of force traceability (2) Mechanical testing of “Spacers” for TFT-LCD display panels 60 MTS (L.R. = 4.5 mN/s) 50 B company (L.R. = 4.4 mN/s) 40 Load (mN) 30 Loading Schematic diagram of a TFT-LCD panel 20 Unloading Flat Punch Tip 40㎛ x 40㎛ 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Displacement (nm) Load-displacement diagrams of the same spacer from two different indentation instruments Testing setup By courtesy of Dr. Jun-Hee Hahn
Status in KRISS – AFM cantilever calibration Nano Force Calibrator • Calibration of micro cantilevers and force sensors • Uncertainty evaluation reported (Metrologia, Vol. 43, pp. 389-95) • Force measuring capability of the balance below 10 N is under test • Calibration service will be available next year Spring constant calibration of a rhombus-shaped cantilever that is specially designed for mechanical testing in AFM
Status in KRISS – Transfer standards Nano Force Sensor • Piezoresisitive cantilever to be used as transfer standards • Sensor properties are under test • Developing force balancing cantilevers is scheduled next year PCB pad Gold wires Force sensor Fabricated piezoresistive cantilever Sensor assembly
dB ext dz Status in KRISS – New standards Quantized force realization in pico-and femto-Newton range • Based on magnetic flux quantization of a superconducting annulus • Step size ~0.2 pN (at 10 T/m); range ~ 0.2 - 40 pN • Target uncertainty: less than 1 % • Project launched in 2006 Visit us in poster session for details Magnetic moment steps (n = 0,1, 2…) 400 um× 4 um × 0.34 um Superconducting loop or SQUID Super-currents Ultra-soft cantilever Stepwise force Optic interferometer z-gradient magnet Fabricated ultra-soft cantilever F = n 184 fN
Small force standards development strategies Applications Micro thrusters for satellites Magnetic resonance force microscope Optical tweezer Nano indentation Micro mechanical testing Nano mechanical testing based on AFM 1 aN Force 100 N 1 fN 1 pN 1 nN 1 N 1 mN 1 N Quantized magnetic force Electrostatic force Deadweight force Standard 10 pN 10 N Realization Nano-balance Electromagnetic compensation balance Superconducting ring 10 N Superconducting ring Nano Force Calibrator Ultrasoft cantilever 50 mN 5 N Magnet for z-gradient
Closing Remarks • Industrial needs for traceable small force metrology will be emerging • However, when ?? • What would be the uncertainty level of small force metrology which industries require ? • Accurate force metrology would be a solid foundation of reliable and high-qualified production of nanotechnology-based goods