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Welcome to La Paloma School

Welcome to La Paloma School. New Student & Parent Orientation 1 st through 6 th grades. Our Mission. To prepare, motivate, and challenge each child to grow into a proficient and independent learner while in a nurturing academic environment. Our Commitment to You.

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Welcome to La Paloma School

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  1. Welcome to La Paloma School New Student & Parent Orientation 1st through 6th grades

  2. Our Mission To prepare, motivate, and challenge each child to grow into a proficient and independent learner while in a nurturing academic environment.

  3. Our Commitment to You Every member of our staff will: • prepare each child for success in life by expecting proficiency in academics • model and teach responsible citizenship • encourage and challenge students to be their best and make a difference • focus on college readiness

  4. Family Commitment We, as families, are committed to our children’s education. We will ensure that our children are present, on time, and prepared for school daily. We will be active participants in our children’s education both inside and outside of school. We believe the path to college begins now.”

  5. Our School • K-6th grade campus • Two designated play areas • Grade level configured buildings • Computer Lab • After school program via the Community Center

  6. What Learning Means to Us …

  7. Academic Rigor • College Readiness for ALL Every student deserves the opportunity to be educated in a way that prepares them for college • Learning Pathways • Technology • Character Development

  8. Academic Rigor All subject areas are taught through state adopted programs and are aligned with the Common Core standards. • Math • English Language Arts (reading/writing) • Science • Social Studies • Fine Arts (Music, Art) • Physical Education (SPARK) • English Language Development (ELD)

  9. College Readiness • We believe in Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) • All of our students can/will go to college • We will be focusing on organizational skills, student success skills, and college readiness. • It focuses on the development of a consistent way to think and process information. • We are teaching to prepare your students for the future.

  10. Learning Pathways • Team teaching to allow for flexible groupings • Subject area teaming (5/6) • English Language Development Time • Dual Language Spanish Immersion for K-4

  11. Technology is a part of the future… • All classrooms have 8 student computers and one teacher technology work station. • All students have access to a variety of computer programs. • Lessons on use of the computer as a learning tool or resource are given. • All students also have access to the computer lab for whole group technology instruction.

  12. Character Development-Leader in Me 7 Habits

  13. Leader In Me • This is an innovative, school-wide model that will increase teacher effectiveness, student engagement and academic success, while preparing our students to be leaders in the 21st century.

  14. OrganizationalExpectations • Be prepared to learn…S.L.A.N.T • Fill out your planner daily. (2-6) • Keep your binder organized. (3-6) • Keep your pencil pouch neat. (2-6) • Student should share with parents something they learned daily.

  15. Student Recognition • Drawings – Leader tickets • Recognition assemblies • Principal’s lunch bunch • Trimester awards for citizenship and academics – 1st – 6th

  16. Student Activities

  17. Student Activities: • Enrichment Classes • ASES Program • Student Council • Science Club • Garden Club • Safe School Ambassadors • Leader in Me

  18. Student Activities Cont… • Art Class • Band • Broadcasting

  19. Monthly Spirit Dress Up Days

  20. School Business

  21. School Hours8:00 – Warning Bell 8:05 – Instruction Begins M,T,TH,F Release • K = 2:15 • 1-6 = 2:20 Wed. Release • K = 1:10 • 1-6 = 1:15

  22. Recess/Lunch • K 9:35 – 9:55 • 1:15 – 1:30 • 1/2 10:05 – 10:25 • 3 10:25 – 10:45 • 4 10:30 – 10:45 • 5/6 10:45 – 11:00 • K 11:30 – 12:15 • 1/2 11:50 – 12:35 • 3 12:10 – 12:55 • 4 12:15 – 12:55 • 5/6 12:35- 1:55

  23. Transportation Buses • Pick up and drop in the front of the school • No parent traffic is allowed in the front of the school. Calle De La Paloma is a private drive and not for public use Walking Entrances- • Heald Lane cul-da-sac (park/walk entrance*) • Mercedes Court (walking/drop only, no parking) Car Drop Off – • Heald Lane cul-da-sac Park & Walk In – • Heald Lane – Park in Community Center parking lot or lot or in the spots at the entrance of the school parking lot • Staff parking lot is for staff members only. Team Work = Working together to keep our children safe!

  24. Visiting Our School • All volunteers and visitors must sign in at the office and receive a name badge. • Classroom visit/observations should be scheduled with administration and will last no more than 20 minutes. Morning procedures for drop off • Gates open at 7:30 a.m. There is no supervision prior to that. All students report to the playground. • Parents are welcome to remain in the quad with their child. No parents are allowed on the playground or in the lunch pavilion.

  25. 1st week exceptions… • K- Line up in the quad – 3 days • Leave the pick up plan with your child’s teacher at the table • Parents may remain in the quad with their children

  26. Visiting our school continued… Pick Up • Students must be picked up at designated release areas, not at the classroom. • If you arrive on campus prior to the opening of the gates, please check in at the office. Volunteers Are Welcome & Needed • Information regarding classroom volunteering will go home the first week of school. • A PTA volunteer form will also be sent home. • All volunteers working with students must have a current TB clearance.

  27. Attendance • Please attempt to plan all appointments and trips outside of school time. • If a student is absent, please call the attendance line (731-4222) or on the day of your student’s return send a note to explain his or/her absence. Communication is key to a successful relationship!

  28. Electronic Devices • Cell phones are the only electronic device allowed on campus. • All phones must remain off and in the backpack. • Toys and all other electronic devices are to remain at home.

  29. Meet your La Paloma Team

  30. Our Friendly Office Personnel • Mrs. Dawson – School Secretary • Mrs. Avila – Attendance Clerk • Mrs. Alexander – School Nurse

  31. Our Support Staff • School counselor • Speech therapist • School psychologist • School librarian • Palomar counselors • 5 Safety monitors • Intervention technicians

  32. Closing Thoughts

  33. Important Dates • August 13 – return 2nd day packet • August 28 – Back To School Night • Conferences-

  34. Parent Homework • 2nd day packet… remember to complete the emergency card with contacts • Don’t overlook the student insurance. • Devise a transportation plan with your student. • Consider your parent involvement options.

  35. Parent Partnerships • School Site Council • Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) • English Learners Advisory Council (ELAC) • Classroom/School Volunteers

  36. School Motto/Cheer • L.A.P • La Paloma Wolves • Learning • Achieving • Preparing for the Future

  37. Thank you for coming!! Please meet in the quad for a school tour!

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