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International Co-operation in Food Quality and Safety: Opportunities for Global Collaboration

This article provides an overview of the opportunities for international co-operation in food quality and safety research within the EU's FP6 program. It highlights the current calls for proposals and funding available for INCO target third countries, including Russia and NIS. The article also presents selected projects involving Russia's participation and outlines further opportunities for collaboration in the fourth call.

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International Co-operation in Food Quality and Safety: Opportunities for Global Collaboration

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  1. Food Quality and SafetyOpportunities for International co-operation Elisabetta BalziDirectorate for Biotechnology, Agriculture and Food ResearchDG Research - European CommissionElisabettaBalzi@cec.eu.int EU-Russia Symposium on Biotechnology Moscow, March 2005

  2. Overview • Food Quality and Safety research within FP6 • International co-operation in FQS • Overview of First Calls • Further opportunities: • 4th Food Call for proposals

  3. Food Quality and Safety research within FP6

  4. Food Quality and Safety research within FP6 Integrating European Research Anticipating S/T Needs Priority Thematic Areas Food Quality and Safety Scientific support to policies New and emerging S/T needs Life Sciences, genomics & biotechnology for health Food quality and safety Information society technol. Sustainable development ... SME activities Citizens & governance Nanotechnologies ... Aeronautics and space international cooperation JRC Structuring the ERA Strengthening the foundations of ERA Research & Innovation Training & Mobility Research Infrastructures Science & Society

  5. FP6: Food Quality and Safety From Fork to Farm Food intake Production systems: Agriculture Fisheries Aquaculture Safe, high-quality foods Health and well-being of consumers Processing Environ- mental factors From Farm to Fork

  6. International co-operation in FP6 and in Food Quality and Safety

  7. The EU FP6 Programme is OPEN TO THE WORLD The European Research Area must be opened up to the rest of the world. This will enable both EU countries and other countries to benefit from international co-operation in Science and Technology, thereby paving the way for closer political and economical relations » Philippe Busquin, European Commissioner for Research 2000-2004

  8. International co-operation throughout FP6 Integrating European Research 285M€ for INCO Anticipating S/T Needs Priority Thematic Areas Scientific support to policies New and emerging S/T needs Life Sciences, genomics & biotechnology for health Food quality and safety Information society technol. Sustainable development ... SME activities Citizens & governance 315 M€ for INCO Nanotechnologies ... Aeronautics and space Specific measures for international cooperation JRC Structuring the ERA Strengthening the foundations of ERA Research & Innovation Training & Mobility Research Infrastructures Science & Society

  9. PRINCIPLES International co-operation (EU-Third Countries) is supported and encouraged in all areas within FP6 ‘Food Quality and Safety’ International co-operation in FQS is focussed on INCO target countries - including Russia and NIS - and countries with S&T co-operation agreements (including Russia and Ukraine) FUNDING Substantial funding is available for the participation of INCO target third countries – including Russia and NIS - in FQS: 15.9 M€, within the total 685 M€ • International co-operation in FP6 Food Quality and Safety

  10. International Co-operationin Food Quality and Safety • Overview of First Calls

  11. Overview of First Calls • 2 major Calls closed • 385 proposals evaluated: 17 Russian participants • 80 projects funded / in negotiation 4 projects funded with Russian partners (success rate 23%) (1 IP, 2 STREP, 1 SSA) • 402 million € EU contribution ~ 3 m€ to Third Countries, ~600.000 to Russia • Most areas covered

  12. Food Quality and SafetySELECTED PROJECTSwith RUSSIA participation • 1st Call for proposals: • - 1 STREP : 2E-BCAs in Crops • Enhancement and exploitation of soil biocontrol agents for bio-constraint management in crops • 2ndCall for proposals: • - 1 STREP : Phagevet-P • Veterinary phage therapies as alternatives to antibiotics • in poultry production • - 1 IP : CO-EXTRA • GM and non-GM supply chains: their co-existence and traceability • - 1 SSA: EAN-SEABUCK • Establishment of European-Asian Network for the development of strategies to enhance the sustainable use of Sea Buckthorn

  13. Estimated Spending for INCO countries • TOTAL SPENDING PORECAST for FP6 – TP5 (indicative): 15.9 M€ • INDICATIVE SPENDINGS per Call : • 1st Food Call : 970.000 • 2nd Food Call (part A): 1.590.000 • 2nd Food Call (part B): 535.000 • Total 1st+2nd Call 3.095.000 €= 19.5% of total spending forecast

  14. Further opportunities for international co-operation inFood Quality and Safety:4th Food Call http://www.cordis.lu/food/

  15. Third Call Publication : 24 July 2004 Deadline 1st stage: 7 Oct 2004 Deadline 2nd stage: 8 Feb 2005 and 7 Sept 2005 (SSA) Fourth Call Publication: June 2005 1st Deadline Oct 2005 (IP,NoE:1st stage; STREP, CA) 2nd Deadline Feb 2006 (IP,NoE: 2nd stage; SSA) Indicative Roadmap FP6-2003-Food – 3C See Workprogramme on http://www.cordis.lu/food/

  16. Eight areas in 3rd and 4th FQS Calls: Total food chain Epidemiology of food-related diseases and allergies Impact of food on health Traceability processes along the production chain Methods of analysis, detection and control Safer and environmentally friendly production methods and technologies and healthier food stuffs Impact of animal feed on human health Environmental health risks All areas are open for international co-operation For some topics: compulsory international co-operation !

  17. IP, NoE, STREP, CA: Where topics strongly encourage participation of INCO target countries, proposals must include at least one participant from INCO in addition to the minimum participation required. SSA: The participation of at least one third/ INCO countryis compulsory for SSAs addressing international cooperation. During evaluation particular attention will be given to projects ensuring a substantial participation of these countries (activities and budget). Food Quality and Safety4th Call DRAFT PARTICIPATION OF THIRD COUNTRIES NEW

  18. 1.1 Improving the quality of pork and pork products for the consumer (IP) 1.2Improving the quality and safety of beef and beef products for the consumer in production and processing (IP) Food Quality and Safety4th Call DRAFT 1.Total Food Chain Safety aspects Inputs Quality aspects Primary production Food industry Retail sector Consumers High-quality and -safety foods with health benefits DRAFT!

  19. Food Quality and Safety4th Call DRAFT 2. Epidemiologyof Food-Related Diseases and Allergies Genetic background Food metabolism Environ- ment Immune system Food intake Identification of key risk factors Development of databases 2.1 Nutrient status and requirements of specific population groups (NOE) 2.2 Influence of dietary history on coeliac disease (STREP) DRAFT!

  20. Food Quality and Safety4th Call DRAFT 3. Impact of Food on Health Harnessing the opportunities of proteomics and biotechnology Improved understanding of food metabolism Scientific basis for improving health through diet Development of new health-promoting foods 3.1 Milk and dairy products with optimised bioactivity (IP) 3.2 Food components reducing the risk of dental diseases (STREP) 3.3 Optimising food processing for nutritional and environmental quality (STREP) DRAFT!

  21. 4.1 Origin and development of unintended micro-organisms in the food and feed chains (IP) 4.2 Emerging technologies for food/feed traceability including monitoring the manufacturing and handling practices in the total chain (IP) Food Quality and Safety4th Call DRAFT 4. Traceability Processes Stronger scientific and technological basis Complete traceability from raw material to purchased food Increased consumer confidence in the food supply DRAFT!

  22. 5.1 Quality and safety control strategies for food (NoE) 5.2 Developing improved TSE inactivation methods (STREP) 5.3 BSE infectivity of milk, milk products and meat derived from goats (STREP) Food Quality and Safety4th Call DRAFT 5. Methods of Analysis, Detection and Control Improvement Development Validation Harmonisation Patho- gens Reliable and cost-effective sampling/ measurement strategies Contam- inants Accurate data for risk analysis Controlling the food and feed supply DRAFT!

  23. 6.1 Reducing the use of plant protection products (NoE) 6.2 Management of waste from farms and fisheries (CA) 6.3 Linking national research communities working on E. coli O157 research (CA) Food Quality and Safety4th Call DRAFT 6. Safer and Environmentally Friendly Production Methods and Healthier Foodstuffs Improved trans- formation processes Safe and healthier food and feed Lower input farming systems Innovative technologies DRAFT!

  24. 6.4 High throughput analysis of plant composition and metabolism (STREP) 6.5 Reduced fertiliser inputs through improved management of soil microbes (STREP) 6.6 Disease risk from alternative and enriched cage system Food Quality and Safety4th Call DRAFT 6. Safer and Environmentally Friendly Production Methods and Healthier Foodstuffs Improved trans- formation processes Safe and healthier food and feed Lower input farming systems Innovative technologies DRAFT!

  25. Food Quality and Safety4th Call DRAFT .7 Impact of Animal Feed on Human Health Alternative new animal feed sources Improved understanding of the role of animal feed in food safety Reduction in the use of undesirable raw materials 7.1 Feed safety control (STREP) DRAFT!

  26. (T8.1) Investigating the cause of allergy (IP) (T8.2) Investigation of potential health impacts of long-term exposure to disinfection by-products in drinking water (STREP) (T8.3) Pathogens in drinking water sources (STREP) Food Quality and Safety4th Call DRAFT 8. Environmental Health Risks Identification of detrimental environmental factors Determination of how to prevent or minimise these effects and risks Understanding the mechanisms involved DRAFT!

  27. Specific Support Actions Coverage of all area objectives. High success rate in international cooperation, in particular in 2nd call. OBJECTIVES OFSSAs • To promote SMEs participation • To link with candidate countries • To stimulate international co-operation • To stimulte exploitation • To support policy developments (prospective and foresight) • To realise ERA objectives • To contribute to the EU Strategy for Life Sciences and Biotechnology (including international co-operation)

  28. Initiatives in the field of biotechnology, agriculture and food research, aimed at stimulating RTD cooperation with countries having signed bilateral S&T cooperation agreements with the EU. Initiatives aimed at networking and training national contact points from INCO target countries for biotechnology, agriculture and food research International platform on global challenges in biotechnology, agriculture and food research, including the addressing of emerging risks. Review of international research activities on the potential impact of global warming and climate instability on sustainable agriculture and the total food chain: research already carried out, scenarios and research needs. Global sustainability initiative on research and technology applications in the field of agriculture and biodiversity Food Quality and Safety4th Call DRAFT SSA - Intern co-operationEXAMPLES

  29. More Information General Information on international co-operation in FP6: http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/inco.htm Food Quality and Safety (Priority 5) : - International co-operation:http://www.cordis.lu/food/inco.htm - Calls:http://fp6.cordis.lu/food/calls.cfm • Food NCP for Russia:http://www.fp6-food.ru/index_eng.html • Partners search:http://www.cordis.lu/food/partners.htm Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for Health: http://www.cordis.lu/lifescihealth/int_coop.htm Specific measures for international co-operation: http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/inco_support.htm International training and mobility: http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/inco_hr.htm

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