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Reproductive Health Commodity Security

This initiative aims to optimize donor funding for RH commodity security and management by providing tools, resources, and collaborations. It involves partnerships with USAID, World Bank, IPPF, and other organizations to enhance RH commodity levels and distribution channels globally. The project includes workshops, costing tools, and sustainable strategies to promote female condom programming in various regions. Monthly teleconferences and data analysis help monitor progress and address emergency RH needs efficiently. The goal is to ensure the availability of essential RH commodities in 70 countries to support reproductive health programs effectively.

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Reproductive Health Commodity Security

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  1. Reproductive Health Commodity Security

  2. Commodity Management Branch “Helping To Make The Most Of Donor Funding”

  3. Geographic Divisions CST Offices HIV/AIDS Branch Humanitarian Response Unit Procurement Host Fund-wide Commodity Awareness Sessions Goal: CollaborationCMB Internal Partners

  4. Donor Community USAID World Bank RH Interchange IPPF, Engender Health, JSI, Others Monthly C.A.R. Teleconferences Goal: CollaborationCMB External Partners

  5. Provide tools to report inventory status, requirements, shortfalls. CCM (launched and in-production) Central Warehouse RH Commodity Levels with Global Summaries Channel (under development) RH Commodity Levels within each Country’s Distribution Channel Commodity Management Software

  6. Number of countries reporting: 70 12 Month Requirement Sub-Sahara Africa (28) 46.0 Arab States & Europe (11) 3.0 Asia & Pacific (23) 39.0 Latin America & Caribbean (8) 12.0 ----- Grand Total US $100.0 million CCM Data as of 1 May 2005

  7. Working with Geographic Divisions, CSTs, and Country Office personnel, individual country requests are analyzed and verified. Proposed donations are discussed and coordinated with other donors and government and local stakeholders to avoid overlapping responses to emergency requests. Thematic Trust Fund

  8. Development of Costing Tool for an Essential Package of RH Interventions Adopted by the Millennium Project as their primary tool for costing RH in the context of the MDGs Application so far in Yemen, the Dominican Republic, Ghana and Laos Costing workshop for 5 countries from the DASE region in Amman May 16-20 Costing: Achievements in 2004 and 1Q2005

  9. Development of costing tool and global cost projections for RHCS Publication of resource guide “Introduction to the Economic Analysis of RH”” Publication of Fistula Resource Requirement Guide and Costing Tool RH cost studies in selected countries Additional workshops to build capacity in RH costing Costing: Workplan for 2005

  10. A global initiative to promote and intensify female condom (FC) programming in 25 countries in all regions* The objective is to provide women (both in general and vulnerable groups) an additional dual protection method against STI/HIV and unintended pregnancies Focus on locally driven sustainable and coordinated programming with UNFPA in a facilitators role Strong partnerships and commitment at all levels the key to success FC programming, including demand creation, requires time and resources Situation analysis missions conducted in Cambodia, Nigeria and Ethiopia Next missions in Fiji, Vanuatu, PNG and Honduras UNFPA procured 1.2 million FCs in 2004 and almost 1 million so far in 2005 (in total 8 million since 1997) However, the number of FCs procured in 2004 amounts to only 0.2% of the 720 million MCs procured * Africa: Nigeria, Cameroon, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, South Africa Latin America: Brazil, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, English Speaking Caribbean Asia/Pacific: PNG, Fiji, Vanuatu, Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Cambodia Arab States/Europe: Tunisia, Ukraine Female Condom Initiative

  11. Joint meeting between RHCS focal points, AD, CMB & selected field office representatives to: Identify RH commodity needs for the region Identify priority actions for capacity development in all countries of the region Develop matrix of activities in the region for 2005-2006 Workshop with all countries of the region to operationalize RHCS request to: Develop detailed workplans Plan & program regional activities Plan for technical support sequence & source of support Developing sustainable strategies forsub-Saharan Africa

  12. Results to date Total commodity support needed: $ 88 million Commodity emergency needs for 2005 = $ 32 million Longer-term commodity needs = $ 56 million Total system support needs = $ 8 million Planned regional activities 2005-2006 Timeline for regional activities Monitoring & Evaluation Final report & lessons learnt Developing sustainable strategies forsub-Saharan Africa

  13. Initiatives are underway to facilitate a process of APD-CMB-CSTs- COs joint action plan development toward a sustainable RHCS. RHCS KA being established and will be launched in end of June to facilitate the users/ COs to address issues related to RHCS. CMB will ensure appropriate usage of RHCS KA thru regular monitoring and updating with emerging issues. Joint CMB and HAB initiative has been undertaken to intensify and upscale FC programming.. As an immediate measure after Tsunami for funding of essential RH commodities, UNFPA has made available from the RHCS Trust Fund the required funding. (Essential RH Kits worth $ 1 million to Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Maldives).  With WHO in collaboration with RHB and PSS, CMB is working to finalize the list of essential drugs and other RH commodities. CMB

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